
  • 网络System Security;Security;Linux
  1. 基于密码技术的MobileAgent系统安全解决方案

    Solution of Mobile Agent System Security Problem Based on Cryptographic Technique

  2. 关于Web系统安全性技术问题的探讨

    Probe of Web system security technique

  3. 计算机病毒是危极计算机系统安全与完整的一种威胁。

    A computer virus is one kind of threat to the security and integrity of computer systems .

  4. 叙述了利用粗糙集(RoughSet)理论实现的Linux系统安全日志分析方法。

    This paper presents an application of rough set theory for security log analysis of Linux systems .

  5. NET的系统安全,对非法攻击系统提出几种安全防范措施。

    NET is discussed . Several measure of security preventing is put forward against illegal attack to the system .

  6. 低成本RFID系统安全协议设计及其形式化分析

    Low Cost RFID System 's Security Protocol Design And Formal Analysis

  7. 文章基于Java技术设计实现了异构分布式数据库应用系统安全传输模型。

    This paper also gives the security transmission model based on Java technology for heterogeneous distributed database systems .

  8. SSL协议在数据库系统安全中的应用研究

    The Research on the Application of SSL Protocol in Database System Security

  9. 2G与3G移动网系统安全性及用户鉴权

    2G & 3G Mobile Network 's Security and User Authentication

  10. 企业系统安全分析FTA模型应用

    FTA model applying in safety analysis for enterprise system

  11. LLDPE装置粉料输送系统安全性论证

    Safety demonstrations for powder material conveying systems on LLDPE units

  12. FZ证券公司信息网络系统安全保障体系优化研究

    Study on the Information Network Security System Optimization of FZ Securities Companies

  13. 随着Internet广泛深入的运用,网络系统安全事件频频发生,其造成的经济损失越来越惨重、政治影响越来越严重。

    Along with the extensive thorough usage of Internet , the secure events of the network takes place frequently which it lead to the economy losing more and more heavy and the political influence more and more serious .

  14. SSE-CMM在信息系统安全体系建设中的应用

    SEE-CMM Application of Information System Security Architecture

  15. SENDMAIL邮件系统安全部署

    The Security Deployment of SENDMAIL

  16. 采用了多级许可控制方案、验证码技术、IP地址绑定技术以及MD5加密方式,使系统安全可靠。

    This paper also introduced the security measures that used in this system such as multiple level admission control scheme , verify code , IP address bounding and MD5 encrypt method .

  17. 传统的访问控制模型&MAC模型和DAC模型,已远不能满足当代系统安全的需要。

    Traditional access control models , including MAC model and DAC model , have no longer been able to meet the security need of contemporary systems .

  18. 所设计的光纤通信接口板已在500kV变电站的电力系统安全稳定控制装置中应用,实际运行稳定、可靠,效果良好。

    The communication interface board has been applied in the stability control device of 500 kV substation and runs reliably and effectively .

  19. 危害计算机信息系统安全罪若干问题探讨

    Exploration of Crime of Jeopardizing the Information System Security of Computer

  20. 积极的安全文化是系统安全的基础

    A Positive Safety Culture Sets the Base for the System Safety

  21. 口令是信息系统安全重要的防范措施。

    Password is an import an t measure of information system .

  22. 信息系统安全风险的概率描述及基本特征

    Probability of Risk in Information System Security and It 's Characteristic

  23. IC卡预付费电表系统安全性分析

    The Safety Analysis of Pre payment Meter System with IC Card

  24. 国家开发银行信贷管理系统安全问题的研究与设计

    Study and Design of CDB Credit Management Application System Security Technology

  25. 建筑中水系统安全卫生保障措施分析与评估

    Safety evaluation and sanitary protection of building water reclaiming system

  26. 信息系统安全的若干关键问题研究

    Research on Several Key Problems in Security of Information System

  27. 应用系统安全理论探讨分析事故控制途径

    Probe into accident control method by using systematic safety theory

  28. 通风系统安全可靠性评价研究与实现

    Study on Safety Reliability Evaluation of Mine Ventilation System and Its Realization

  29. 电力信息系统安全体系设计方法综述

    A survey to design method of security architecture for power information systems

  30. Internet/Intranet信息系统安全技术研究

    The Research on the Security of Information System at Internet / Intranet