
xì shù jǔ zhèn
  • coefficient matrix
  1. 总结了压电桁架结构有限元分析的基本方程和求解算法,并具体讨论了因为考虑机电耦合性质产生的具有非对称系数矩阵线性方程组的传统凝聚求解法和本文提出的直接LU分解法。

    In specific , a summary of the formulation and solutions of structural analysis problem of piezoelectric trusses is presented . The condensation and direct LU decomposition methods are investigated in details , which are for the solution of the system equations with non-symmetric coefficient matrix .

  2. 而原始图像经过了二次小波分解,低频子带系数矩阵大小变成了原来图像的1/16。

    Through second wavelet decomposition , the size of low frequency sub-band coefficient matrix is sixteenth of the one of the original image .

  3. 以一阶B样条将模型参数化,保证了线性化问题中系数矩阵的非负性。

    A parameterization of the model based on first order B-splines provides nonnegative matrix of the linear systems .

  4. 系数矩阵为特殊M-矩阵的线性方程组的PEk解法

    PE_k solution for linear equation system with special M-matrix as its coefficient matrix

  5. 分子亲缘系数矩阵的EXCEL计算程序

    The Computing Program of Excel in Livestock 's Numerator Relationship Matrix

  6. 在虚拟仪器的平台下,调用MATLAB求解标定系数矩阵,完成了相关程序的设计。

    Under virtual instrumental platform , invoke matlab solve calibration coefficient matrices , did dependent program design .

  7. A是nn阶的对称正定稀疏系数矩阵。

    A is an nn symmetric positively definite sparse coefficient matrix .

  8. 首先,通过逐步对控制器的系数矩阵加上结构限制,计算出当确定性不存在时的标称系统的分散H∞控制器。

    First , a decentralized controller for the nominal descriptor system was computed by imposing block-diagonal constraints on the coefficient matrices of the controller gradually .

  9. 本文的目的是分析系数矩阵A-λil的奇异性对带原点位移的反乘幂法收敛性的影响。

    Discusses the effects of singularity of matrix A - λ _i I on inverse power method convergence .

  10. 数值求解Navier-Stokes方程的一个新的系数矩阵分裂法

    A new implicit factored scheme for the Navier-Stokes equations

  11. 改进的SVD方法在并联机器人影响系数矩阵计算中的应用

    A Improved SVD Method Applied in Parallel Robot Influenced Coefficient Matrix Processing

  12. 周期系数矩阵Riccati方程的周期解

    Periodic Solutions of matrix Riccati Equations with periodic Coefficients

  13. 在此基础上,本文对雷达回波信号的频谱进行了定量分析,证明了回波信号距离向频谱是目标场雷达波后向散射系数矩阵的距离向Chirpz变换。

    She proved SAR echo was the Chirp Z-transform of radar backscatter coefficients of target field on range dimension .

  14. 因此,本文利用Visualc++语言实现了光学过程层析成像系统扇束阵列传感器结构权重系数矩阵的即时计算。

    Therefore , this paper introduces the design on program for calculating the weight coefficient matrix of fan-beam structure sensors in optical process tomography system using Visual C + + .

  15. 权重系数矩阵是光学过程层析成像(opticalprocesstomography,简称光学PT)技术中非常重要的参数之一,它的传统计算是基于人工测算,其缺点是烦琐、且极其耗时。

    The weight coefficient matrix is one of the most important parameters for optical process tomography technology , which was traditionally calculated with hands and costed too much time .

  16. 应用RAS方法调整直接消耗系数矩阵,通过预测最终需求,编制出2010年京津冀产业发展投入产出预测模型。

    By means of RAS approach , by estimating ultimate demand , predicted model of 2010 Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Input-Output .

  17. 给出了当齐次线性方程组的系数矩阵是奇异H矩阵时的矩阵多分裂多参数松弛算法,并讨论其收敛性。

    A general framework of matrix multi-splitting multi-parameter relaxation methods for solving system of linear equations for singular H-matrices set up in this paper . Its convergence is discussed .

  18. 基于H∞性能分析的结果,得到了满足条件的H∞滤波器存在的充分条件,同时确定了滤波器的系数矩阵。

    Based on H ∞ performance analysis results , we have achieved the sufficient conditions for the existence of the H ∞ filter and determined the filter coefficient matrix .

  19. 并提出系数矩阵E和形状参数矩阵k[i],λi[i],λd[i],d[i]的概念,使e~(Dt)能由元素块的统一形式、系数矩阵、形状参数矩阵表示出来。

    So the matrix eDt can be expressed in terms of the united expression , the coefficient matrix E and the shape parameter matrixes .

  20. 基于线性约束的系数矩阵可调的管理决策NLP模型

    On a management and decision making NLP model with linear constraints and adjustable coefficient matrix

  21. 增长曲线模型中系数矩阵的线性容许Minimax估计

    The Linear Admissible Minimax Estimate of Regression Coefficient in Growth Curve Model Admissible Estimate of Mean Matrix

  22. 此外,文中还给出了不求解代数矩阵Riccati方程确定系统的最优状态反馈系数矩阵X的方法。

    As a result , by using the solved free variables , the optimal controller gain matrix can be determined without solving the algebraic Riccati matrix equation .

  23. 把Lagrange方程和Hamilton方程组写成矩阵形式,其系数矩阵的元素是非线性的微分算子。

    The Hamilton equations and Lagrange equation are written on Matrix forms , in which the elements of coefficient matrix are non linear differential operators .

  24. 利用锥形绕组结构上的特性,提出一种有限元法(FEM)和插值公式相结合的方法以快速计算锥形绕组的感应系数矩阵K;

    A new hybrid algorithm combining finite element method ( FEM ) and interpolation formulas is used to quickly evaluate the induction coefficient matrix K by utilizing some characteristics of the taper structure .

  25. 彩色显象管AMH系统调整系数矩阵的模拟计算

    Computer Simulation and Calculate CRT AMH System Adjust Matrix

  26. 通过构造符合SAR成像工程背景的扩散系数矩阵,提出了基于SAR图像幅度信息的前向后向扩散方程,同时设计了相应的快速算法。

    The diffusion coefficient matrix is designed according to SAR image features , and the forward and backward diffusion technique is put forward for SAR image . Then a fast algorithm is given .

  27. 如果A还是一个箭形矩阵的话,我们对A,B的特征值有很直接的估计。并且,若直接消耗系数矩阵A为对称箭形矩阵,我们给出了判断其是否正定的简单方法。

    Moreover , if A is a symmetric arrow-like matrix we have a more direct estimation for the eigenvalues of A and B. Thus a simple way to judge whether A is positive definite or not under this circumstance is presented .

  28. 同时在Leontief模型中引入马尔可夫过程,递推预测直接消耗系数矩阵A。

    In Leontief model , Markov processes are applied that forecast direct consumable coefficient matrix A.

  29. 该方法首先对于直接消耗系数矩阵A按变化类型的不同分块,然后对于每块分别应用RAS法。

    In the procedure , the direct expense coefficient matrices A are first separated according to different types of changes into blocks , and RAS is applied to each block .

  30. 方法应用随机扩增多态性DNA技术对李斯特氏菌基因组DNA进行扩增,根据DNA指纹图谱分析单核细胞增生性李斯特氏菌种、株的遗传多样性,同时构建相似性系数矩阵和树状图。

    Methods Genomic DNA of species and strains from Listeria spp . was amplified by the technique of random amplified polymorphic DNA ( RAPD ), and its genetic polymorphism , proximity matrix and cluster dendrogram were made out according to the RAPD fingerprinting .