
zāo pò
  • dross;dregs;trash;waste matter
糟粕 [zāo pò]
  • [dross] 造酒剩下的渣滓。比喻废弃无用的事物

  • 取其精华,去其糟粕

糟粕[zāo pò]
  1. 其次,分析WTO争端解决机制的优缺点,取其精华去其糟粕,在拟建的国际投资争端解决机制中建议创建两大程序。

    Then it analyzes the merits and faults of WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism , discarding the dross , selecting the essence and advocating setting up two main procedures in International Investment Dispute Mechanism .

  2. 然而,精华既在,糟粕必存。

    However , quintessence is here , the dross must exist .

  3. 小说在很大程度上被认为是愚蠢的、不道德的或纯粹就是糟粕。

    Novels , for the most part , were looked upon as silly , immoral or just plain bad .

  4. 加入WTO后,由于就业和劳动力转移,西方文化糟粕涌入,中外人员交往摩擦等问题特别突出,我国社会治安管理面临空前的压力。

    After joined the WTO , because of employment and manpower transform , westward culture propagation etc , it will faced with numerous pressure .

  5. 如果你在“把糠从小麦里筛出来”(separatingthewheatfromthechaff),那么你就在甄别精华和糟粕。

    If you 're " separating the wheat from the chaff , " you 're distinguishing between quality and worthlessness .

  6. 我认为最好的处理方式并不是消灭掉这些JVM,而是取其精华,弃其糟粕。

    In general , I think it 's great that they are not just dropping either of these JVMs but trying to take the best of both .

  7. DHH:随着人们更多的接触像Rails这样的现代开发框架,他们在使用主流开发环境时遭受糟粕之害的可能性会越来越小。

    DHH : The more people get exposed to modern development frameworks like Rails , the less likely they are going to take crap from the mainstream environments .

  8. 看完只记得些糟粕的东西。

    Strain-bags , who retain merely the dregs of what read .

  9. 文化观念与创新&对儒家思想糟粕的反思与批判

    Idea of Culture and Innovation-Pondering and Criticizing the Draff of Confucianism

  10. 它的主要生理功能是排泄糟粕和尿液。

    Its main function is to discharge food residuces and urine .

  11. 抽象派艺术所炮制的糟粕可以和具象派艺术平分秋色。

    Abstract art can produce as much trash as representational art .

  12. 所以你不过失掉生命的糟粕

    So then thou hast but lost the dregs of life ,

  13. 怎样取其精华去其糟粕呢?

    How can we have the good stuff without the bad ?

  14. 教育不会,世界满是受过教育的糟粕。

    Education will not ; the world is full of educated derelicts .

  15. 糟粕资产必然会最先出售。

    The dross inevitably will be first on the block .

  16. 这部影片应剔除糟粕,重新进行剪辑。

    The film is to be cleaned up and reedited .

  17. 毫无疑问,摇滚乐是糟粕。

    B : Without doubt , rock is trash .

  18. 文化精华与糟粕特征新论

    On the Characteristics of Cultural Essence and Dross

  19. 这出戏里充满了糟粕。

    The play was a load of rubbish .

  20. 有机食品,你吃过了吗?其精华与糟粕并存。

    ORGANIC FOOD Its essence and dross coexist .

  21. 地沟油有时也被叫做糟粕油,因为这种油不能食用,不卫生。

    Waste oil are sometimes called hogwash oil because it is inedible and unsanitary .

  22. 中国传统中既有精华也有糟粕,西方也不例外。

    Chinese traditional has both cream and dregs , and so as the west .

  23. 大豆纤维是从用作饲料的豆饼糟粕中提炼出来的,属于废物再利用。

    The soybean fiber comes from soybean draff .

  24. 传承武术文化精华与批判封建糟粕

    Spreading , inheriting the cream of Chinese Wushu and criticizing its decayed feudal dross

  25. 取其精髓,去其糟粕。

    Take the essence and discard the dregs .

  26. 中国宫廷舞蹈积累丰厚,容量庞大,无可避兔地形成良莠混杂、糟粕与精华共存的情况。

    Due to its substantial accumulation , Chinese royal dance inevitably includes essence and dross .

  27. 地下网络既提供了网络的便利,又摆脱了网络的糟粕。

    Darknets offer the convenience of the Web without a lot of the bad stuff .

  28. 综合前人的研究结果,取其精华,弃其糟粕,建立中小企业的信用评级指标体系。

    Based on the former research , it builds credit evaluation index system of SMEs .

  29. 他认为现代艺术大都是糟粕。

    He thinks most modern artis trash .

  30. 我们要做到的是取其精华,弃其糟粕。

    What we should make sure is to absorb the essence and discard the dregs .