
táng shuǐ
  • Sugar water;syrup
糖水 [táng shuǐ]
  • [syrup] 一种又浓又粘的糖和水的浓缩溶液(有的还加放香精)

糖水[táng shuǐ]
  1. 运用行为学测定和糖水消耗实验,观察疗效对比,并测定E2、P、PRL和5&HT、DA含量。

    Using Open-field behaviour determine and the syrup consuming experiment , observes the curative effect contrast , and determine E_2 , P , PRL and 5-HT , DA content .

  2. 无菌封罐技术在糖水荔枝罐头生产中的应用

    Application of Germfree Sealing Technology in the Production of Lichee in Syrup Can

  3. 为了防止蜜蜂迷路,养蜂人给它们喝糖水。

    To keep their bees from wandering , beekeepers feed them sugar solutions .

  4. 糖水煮浓而成糖浆。

    A solution of sugar boils down to a syrup .

  5. 科学家通过奖励糖水溶液来训练蜜蜂,每次蜜蜂在闻到感染新冠病毒的貂身上的气味时都会得到奖励。

    The scientists trained the bees by giving them a treat — a sugar-water solution — every time they were exposed to the scent infected with COVID-19 .

  6. 最终,这些蜜蜂可以在几秒钟内识别出感染新冠病毒的样本,而且它们的舌头会像发条一样伸出来喝糖水。

    Eventually , the bees could identify an infected sample within a few seconds — and would then stick out their tongues like clockwork to collect the sugar water .

  7. 以openfield实验和糖水消耗实验等方法测定动物的行为变化;

    The Open-field test and sucrose intake method were used to measure the changes of behavior of rats .

  8. 蜂蜜中葡萄糖、果糖和蔗糖NMR定量分析研究水果罐头中糖水的含糖量

    Quantitative Analysis of Glucose , Fructose and Sucrose in Honey by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

  9. 随着时间变化,PSD组大鼠蔗糖水消耗比例逐渐下降。

    As time changes , the sucrose water consumption proportion of PSD group rats gradually declined .

  10. 给药第21天,计算大鼠24h糖水消耗量,以反映大鼠快感缺乏情况。

    The sweet water consumption was calculated at the 21st day of administration to observe the anhedonia condition of rats .

  11. 小麦麸皮细胞壁多糖经适度的酸或多糖水解酶处理可以获得阿魏酰低聚糖(FOs)。

    Feruloyl oligosaccharides ( FOs ) are released from the arabinoxylans in wheat bran by mild acid hydrolysis or by treatment with a mixture of polysaccharide hydrolyzing enzymes .

  12. 24h糖水消耗量:模型组明显低于对照组,分别为(40.1±9.0),(66.2±15.7)mL,(P<0.01)。

    Sweet water consumption in 24 hours : The model group was obviously lower than the control group [ ( 40.1 ± 9.0 ),( 66.2 ± 15.7 ) mL , P < 0.01 ] ;

  13. 结果TFA可增加PSD大鼠的水平与垂直运动得分,增加糖水消耗量,降低血浆ACTH和CORT的水平。

    Results TFA could increase the crossing and rearing score in open-field test , increase sucrose consumption , reduce the concentrations of plasma ACTH and CORT .

  14. 方法:采用线栓法制备局灶性脑缺血大鼠模型,并结合孤养、束缚应激制成PSD大鼠模型,观察大鼠糖水消耗试验,自发性行为改变,下丘脑单胺类神经递质的变化。

    Methods : A PSD rat model was set up on the base of focal cerebral ischemia by means of middle cerebral artery occlusion , followed by isolated feed and restraint stress .

  15. 他对百事可乐总裁约翰•斯卡利说:“你是想一辈子卖糖水呢还是干改变世界的大事业呢?”就这样说服了斯卡利离开百事可乐,来苹果做CEO。

    He convinced John Sculley to quit PepsiCo and become Apple 's CEO by saying " Do you want to sell sugared water all your life or do you want to change the world ? " 8 .

  16. 糖水试验、Rous试验阳性率分别为94%、81%。

    Sucrose lysis test was positive in 94 % , while Rous test in 81 % .

  17. Ham试验、糖水试验和Rous结果一致更有利于PNH的诊断。

    The consistency of the result of Ham test , Sucrose test , and Rous test are more reliable in the diagnosis of PNH .

  18. 造模28天结束后,与正常组比较,模型组大鼠糖水偏好百分率显著降低(P0.01);与模型组比较,针刺组和氟西汀组大鼠糖水偏好百分率显著升高(P0.05,0.05)。

    Compared with the normal group , sucrose preferences percentage of the rats in model group was significantly decreased ( P0.01 ) .

  19. GSE可使抑郁大鼠糖水消耗量增加,Open-field实验得分增加,使抑郁大鼠的行为学指标得到改善。

    GSE could increase sugar consumption and Open-field test scores in depressed rats , so that the behavioral depression in rats ' indicators improved .

  20. 结果:PSD大鼠模型出现明显的神经功能缺损,体重增长较其他大鼠明显减慢,糖水消耗量显著减少,敞箱活动低下,双侧额顶皮层及脑干的单胺递质含量显著降低。

    Results : The PSD rat model manifests significant changes : neurological functional impairment , slow growing , the decrease of sucrose solution consumption , the dropping of open-field behaviors , the dropping of cerebral monoamine neurotransmitters .

  21. 与模型组大鼠相比,BCPT组大鼠体重增长略有提高,糖水消耗量明显增加,水平活动和垂直活动均明显增加。

    BCPT could increase body weight , sweet water wastage and the crossing scores and rearing scores of the depression model rats .

  22. 针刺大鼠百会、内关穴,观察对体重、糖水偏好实验、旷场实验和高架十字迷宫实验的影响。(1)体重:造模开始前,各组大鼠体重无显著性差异(P0.05)。

    Body weight , sucrose preference test , open field test and elevated plus maze test were measured . ( 1 ) Body weight : Before the start of the model , the body weight of the rats has no significant difference ( P0.05 ) .

  23. A组术前8h禁食固体食物乳类(此后称禁食),4h在护士指导下按10ml/kg口服糖水(此后称禁饮);

    The cases of Group A were fasting in solid diet and milk 8 hours before operation , and fed 10ml / kg glucose solution 4 hours before operation following the nurse ' instruction ;

  24. 针对糖水荔枝罐头加工,贮藏中容易出现的褐变现象,通过L9(34)正交实验确定糖水荔枝最优无硫护色剂组合为:0。

    For preventing browning of canned Litchi in Syrup in the processing and storing , the best combination of color fixatives without sulfur selected by L9 ( 34 ) orthogonal experiment was0 .

  25. 结果发现:治疗7d后,氟西汀组与针药结合组均能改善模型小鼠水平运动、糖水偏好等相关的抑郁样行为。

    The results showed that , after 7 days ' treatment , the fluoxetine group and acupuncture combined group mice could both improve the horizontal movements , sugar preferences and such behaviour related to depressing .

  26. 糖水偏好实验:造模开始之前,各组大鼠糖水偏好百分率无显著性差异(P0.05)。

    Compared with model group , body weight of rats in acupuncture group and fluoxetine group was significantly increased ( P0.05,0.05 ) . ( 2 ) Sucrose preference test : Before the start of the model , Sucrose preferences percentage of the rats has no significant difference ( P0.05 ) .

  27. 用药组与模型组比较,水平运动及垂直活动上升,糖水消耗增加,cAMP含量显著下降,PKAmRNA表达显著下降(P<0.01)且呈量效关系。

    Compared with model group , scores of ambulation and rearing , sucrose consumption increased remarkably , contents of cAMP and expressions of PKA mRNA lowered remarkably in groups feed drugs ( P < 0.01 ), and the lowering levels were proportional to dosage of the Decoction .

  28. 实验中发现,EGCG能够显著增加抑郁大鼠的糖水消耗百分比,显著降低大鼠在强迫游泳中的不动时间以及推迟了第一次不动出现的时间。

    We found that EGCG can eminently improve the percent of sugar consumption in the model of depression . Compared with the control group , EGCG treated rats significantly decreased the immobility time and delayed the first immobility appearance .

  29. 研究将正交试验应用于安络小皮伞菌丝体多糖水浸提工艺的探索,求得最佳水浸提工艺条件为料水比1∶15、提取温度70℃、提取时间2h、提取次数2次。

    Water extraction process of Marasmius androsaceus mycelium polysaccharides was studied by means of the method of orthogonal experiment . The results showed that the optimum extraction conditions were 70 ℃, 2h , the ratio 1:15 ( w / v ) and 2 times .

  30. 500g胜利瓶装糖水菠萝罐头在倒立静置加热杀菌时,其冷点位置、热传导值都会发生显著改变。

    The cold point position and the heating rate of the glass jar pineapple in syrup will be changed , if the jar is fixed by downward laying in the retort .