
  1. 某种程度而言,波兰骑士直可跻身于欧洲最精锐骑兵行列。

    The Polish nobility were some of the best knights in Europe .

  2. 这些精锐骑兵是护卫将领征战沙场的卫队。

    These truly formidable troops are the general 's personal bodyguard who accompany him on the battlefield .

  3. 将领卫队军纪森严忠心耿耿,是时刻保护将领安危的精锐骑兵。

    Loyal and disciplined , this elite heavy cavalry unit accompanies the general wherever he goes on the battlefield .

  4. 贵族马厩功能远超单纯蓄养战马,更多用于训练精锐骑兵部队。

    There is much more to being able to field elite cavalry than simply housing a lot of horses .

  5. 对许多国家而言,贵族马厩是他们为训练精锐骑兵而必须付出的昂贵代价。

    For many factions , this building represents the largest investment they must make to access their finest cavalry units .

  6. 这支深受西欧战术影响的精锐骑兵,忠诚护卫著将领征战沙场。

    Influenced by western tactics , this formidable unit makes up the general 's personal bodyguard and resolutely fights alongside their leader .

  7. 这些骑士装备精良板甲和骑枪,是训练有素的精锐骑兵,为波兰军队之杀手镧。

    These well trained and elite troops are well equipped with plate armour and lances , making them a fearsome addition to any Polish army .

  8. 复合全身板甲或哥特战甲,以及沉重骑枪和坚固马铠,令这些精锐骑兵成为彻头彻尾的杀戮机器。

    The combination of full plate armour , and later magnificent gothic armour , a fully armoured horse and a lance , make these elite warriors mobile killing machines .

  9. 商队客栈能够提高显著城堡贸易,同时允许城堡组建精锐骆驼骑兵部队。

    Caravansary greatly increases trade , and allows the recruitment of elite camel cavalry .

  10. 医院骑士训练有素,纪律严明,跻身基督世界中最为精锐的骑兵部队。

    Well trained and disciplined these dismounted knights are amongst the deadliest heavy infantry in all Christendom .

  11. 沙皇卫队是王室成员的护卫部队,装备精良,极为凶残,属于东欧精锐重装骑兵。

    Household troops of the Tsar , these are formidable , well armoured elite Eastern European heavy cavalry .

  12. 精英类型:城市专业部队尽管宪兵骑士们出身贵族,而且属于重装骑兵,但训练有素军纪森严,为精锐职业骑兵。

    Although drawn from the nobility , and equipped as heavy knights , these men are well trained and disciplined professional soldiers .

  13. 与终身服务的骑士团同僚相比,他们使用的骑枪较轻,但仍不失为精锐重骑兵,作战极为骁勇剽悍。

    While equipped with a lighter lance than their lifetime serving brethren , these excellent heavy cavalry troops are no less fearsome in battle .

  14. 不列颠亲卫骑兵是精锐的重骑兵部队,他们锋利的军刀令敌人闻风丧胆。

    Horse Guards are an elite heavy cavalry unit , with a fierce reputation and deadly sabres .