
liáng xiǎng
  • provisions and funds for troops
粮饷 [liáng xiǎng]
  • [provisions and funds for troops] 指军队中发给官兵的口粮和钱

粮饷[liáng xiǎng]
  1. 林前九7有谁当兵,曾自备粮饷?

    1 cor.9:7 what soldier ever serves by his own wages ?

  2. 这涉及到粮饷的供给、武器装备的制造和配给、马政等内容。

    This involves the supply of the forage , weapons , manufacturing and distribution of equipment , and horse governance .

  3. 秦始皇为了方便调拨士卒和转运粮饷,又大修驰道。

    To facilitate the movement of troops and the transportation of army provisions , the First Emperor ordered to build highways .

  4. 他说,不要以强暴待人,也不要讹诈人,自己有粮饷就当知足。

    And he said unto them , Do violence to no man , neither accuse any falsely ; and be content with your wages .

  5. 庞大的重建计划始终未能完成,原因之一,是他把钱多花在自己身上,不管市民挨饿,也不管军队没有粮饷。

    The huge reconstruction project was never completed , partly because Nero spent so much money on himself while citizens starved and the military went unpaid.In68 AD , Rome revolted .

  6. 城堡是长城防御体系中的一个重要环节,具有驻军、储备粮饷、便于攻守的作用。

    The fort is an important part in the Great Wall defense system , playing a crucial role in garrison 、 provisions and funds reserves for troops 、 defense and offense .