
fèn féi
  • manure;dung;muck
粪肥 [fèn féi]
  • (1) [dregsing]∶用作肥料的粪、堆肥

  • (2) [manure]∶为田地施肥的有机物

  • (3) [muck]∶与腐烂的植物质混合用作肥料的粪便

  1. 他们让我先在园子里干些杂活,挖土、叉粪肥之类的。

    They started me off in the gardens as a handyman . Digging , forking manure , that kind of thing

  2. 她应该往地里施点粪肥。

    She should put some manure on her land .

  3. 粪肥比化肥好。

    Manure is better than chemical fertilizers .

  4. 添加明矾后,粪肥施入农田形成的径流中P和重金属浓度明显低于不添加明矾的处理。

    Addition of alum to manure decreased significantly the concentration of P and heavy metals in runoff from field applied with manure .

  5. 小麦秸秆还田可以大大降低土壤N2O的排放,施用有机粪肥是影响N2O排放的另一重要因素。

    Most important of all , the N_2O emission of soil can be decreased by wheat-straw-return but it can be hasten by the application of manure .

  6. 奶牛粪肥的有机酸以不挥发性有机酸为主,总酸量最高可达2938cmol/kg,DW;

    The organic acids in the dairy manure is mainly composed by no volatilization acids , the highest content of acids is 28 38cmol / kg , DM .

  7. 结果表明:该制剂处理后的粪肥施用到土壤中,可增加土壤中有机质、NH4~+一N的含量,球茎茴香产量有较大提高。

    The result showed that after the use of manure treated by NU & Plus , higher contents of organic matter and NH_4 ~ + - N in the soil were found , the production of fennel increased obviously . 1 was 5 ~ ( th ) July .

  8. 施肥可以遏制黑土HA-C下降的速度,施肥与不施肥相比,HA-C增加幅度在8.23%~18.33%,有机-无机配施HA-C高于单施化肥,其中,秸秆加化肥高于粪肥加化肥,低量秸秆高于高量秸秆。

    Fertilization can slow down its velocity , compared with no fertilizer , organic plus inorganic are better , HA-C improved between 8.23 % ~ 18.33 % .

  9. 他们也得到了珍贵的粪肥来滋养田地。

    They could also get precious manure to fertilise the fields .

  10. 粪肥中的重金属在粪肥腐解过程其形态和有效性都发生改变。

    Heavy metals in manure is changing in the process of decomposition .

  11. 给土地施肥是把粪肥洒在土地上。

    To manure land is to spread manure on it .

  12. 粪肥腐解过程不同溶性腐殖物质结合态铜锌的动态变化

    Dynamics of Humus Complexed Copper and Zinc during Manure Composting

  13. 稻田控释掺混专用肥对水稻生长的影响施肥用农家粪肥或混合肥料使地肥沃

    Effects of controlled-release compound fertilizer on growth of paddy rice in field

  14. 秆粪肥在赤红壤中的矿化研究

    Study on humification and mineralization of different kinds of stalk-dung fertilizers in latored soil

  15. 他仍用粪肥施田。

    He still fertilizes his fields with manure .

  16. 粪肥堆在牲口栏的后面。

    The manure pile is behind the barn .

  17. 施用农肥对岩溶溶蚀作用的影响及其生态环境意义施肥用农家粪肥或混合肥料使地肥沃

    The effect of farm manure on the dissolution of carbonate rocks and its eco-environmental impact

  18. 加强对粪肥和饲料管理有利于促进畜禽养殖场的氮、磷养分平衡。

    Management of feed and manure was helpful to balance the nutrients of livestock farms .

  19. 施肥用农家粪肥或混合肥料使地肥沃

    To fertilize with manure or compost .

  20. 气味芬芳的洗衣店;有粪肥味的谷仓空场。

    Clean-scented laundry ; a manure-scented barnyard .

  21. 农民们向田里下粪肥时,你在几英里外就能闻到。

    When the farmers spread muck on their fields you can smell it for miles .

  22. 扎克门斯先生深知粪肥堆是饲养幼猪的好地方。

    Zuckerman knew that a manure pile is a good place to keep a young pig .

  23. 任何粪肥或硝酸盐混合物,用后使土壤更加肥沃。

    Any substance such as manure or a mixture of nitrates used to make soil more fertile .

  24. 外星轮排肥器式撒肥机施肥用肥料如谷场旁的粪肥来肥沃(土壤)

    External star-wheel fertilizer distributor To fertilize ( soil ) by applying material such as barnyard dung .

  25. 对很多农民来说,粪肥的优势不可能被贬低到一堆白色粉末的。

    For many farmers , the goodness of manure could not be reduced to a white powder .

  26. 大卫森说,应该给农夫诱因让他们更明智地使用肥料和粪肥。

    Start now Davidson says farmers should be given incentives to use fertilizers and manure more judiciously .

  27. 施粪土壤中的革兰氏阳性细菌的比例较未施粪肥空白土低。

    Percentage of Gram-positive bacteria was lower distinctly in soil treated with manure than in that untreatment .

  28. 畜禽粪肥对土壤有效铜锌铁锰含量的影响

    Effect of Organic Manure on the Content of Available Cu , Zn , Fe and Mn in soil

  29. 还有两种低成本的方法可以改善土壤,包括施用粪肥或者氮肥、磷肥。

    Two other low-input ways to improve the soil involve using manure or nitrogen and phosphorus as fertilizer .

  30. 奶牛粪肥中的不挥发有机酸主要是苯二羧酸的衍生物和长链脂肪酸。

    The main constitutes of no volatilization acids are benzenedicarboxylic acid and its ramifications and big molecule fatty acids .