
  • Adhesion;glue;paste
粘合 [nián hé]
  • [bind;bond;adhere] 用粘性物质使物体粘在一起

  1. SOA是一种将多个部署单元粘合在一起的方法。

    SOA is a way to glue together multiple deployment units .

  2. 囊肿切除联合EC胶粘合治疗骶神经根囊肿

    Cysts Resection and EC Glue Treatment of Sacral Never Root Cysts

  3. 把边缘粘合起来。

    Paste down the edges .

  4. 国际金价短期均线粘合,多空双方胶着。

    International gold prices average short-term bond , straddle the two sides deadlocked .

  5. 用自制的钠—萘处理液,改性聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)微孔膜,改善薄膜表面的润湿性和粘合性。

    Using self-prepared sodium naphthaline solution , PTFE micropore membrane was modified to improve its wetness and adhesiveness .

  6. 胶粘性能:胶粘剂对纸品的粘合速度和强度的能力

    Gullibility : Measure of speed of paper adhesive bonding and its strength .

  7. 已经存在的组织粘合胶需要几分钟才能发挥作用,并可能滴到身体的其它部位。

    Tissue glues which already exist can take several minutes to work and may drip onto other body parts .

  8. 引入平整度系数k,对薄膜/粘合剂/纺织品基材的最佳粘合条件进行了理论分析。

    The best condition of the glueing is theoretically analyzed by the constant k.

  9. 将这些技术粘合起来是Seam的职责之一。

    Gluing those technologies together is part of Seam 's responsibilities .

  10. 基于TCP粘合技术的协议分析模块研究

    Research on Protocol Analysis Module Based on TCP Splicing

  11. 用DSC研究涤纶粘合活化油剂

    Study on adhesive activating finish for polyester fiber with DSC

  12. EVA泡沫材料粘合界面的酸碱作用

    Acid-Base interaction of adhesion interface of EVA foam material

  13. 医用EC耳脑胶粘合修复半月板裂伤

    Effect of medical EC ear-brain glue on meniscus tear

  14. 第四章考察定中V双+N双结构的粘合式扩展。

    In Chapter 4 , we deal with cohesive expansion of V double syllables + N double syllables structure .

  15. 溶剂对SBS粘合金属氢化物电极的影响

    Influence of Solvents on the Metal Hydride Electrode Binded by SBS Elastomer

  16. 本文介绍了将我们开发的硅片粘合技术与传统V形槽隔离工艺相结合而研制成功的一种新的介质隔离方法。

    A silicon wafer bonding technology and its application to new dielectric isolation combined with conventional V-shaped grooves are described .

  17. CA粘合巩膜伤口方便、快捷、经济,并能避免缝线医源性二次损伤。

    CA can agglutinate the sclerotic wound conveniently , quickly , economically , and avoid the hypo-damnify because of sutural operation .

  18. EVA与PE共混物接枝MAH的粘合性能研究

    Study on Adhesive Properties that Polyblends of EVA and PE are Grafted with Maleic Anhydride

  19. 化学镀Ni-P合金层与橡胶粘合工艺的研究

    Bonding Technology for Electroless Ni-P Alloy Plating and Rubber

  20. 界面层结构是PP非晶部分和橡胶链段的相互扩散和缠结粘合的结果;

    Interface transition zone structure is the result that pp non-crystal part and rubber chain spread and twine each other .

  21. 聚丙烯(PP)表面呈惰性,不利于与增强纤维的粘合。

    The surface of polypropylene ( PP ) is inert and so is difficult to make conglutination with reinforcing fibers .

  22. 它可用于PVC片材与人造板的粘合,具有成本低、性能优良的特点。

    Cost . They are remarkable for performances and low cost , It offers good comprehensive performances and low cost .

  23. 该文介绍了一种采用以PE闭孔发泡自防水材料为芯、涤纶布为面的保温材料和双面整体粘合技术研制的具有良好的防水性、保温性、使用寿命长的保温被。

    A new heat preservation quilt which is made of water-proof puffed PE material using double-side glueing-together technology is introduced in the paper .

  24. OMEGA新一代快速响应表面热电偶(粘合型热电偶)。

    OMEGA introduces the next generation of our surface mount fast response thermocouples .

  25. 当连接到一个用户级程序,binder会对每个未解析的外部调用插入粘合代码(glink.s)。

    When a user-level program is linked , the binder inserts the glue code ( glink . s ) for each unresolved external call .

  26. RFL体系中加入TDI对芳纶帘线粘合效果的影响

    Effect of Blocked TDI on the RFL Adhesive System for Aramid Cord

  27. 用PGC鉴定粘合磨料中粘料

    PGC Used for Analyzing Binder in the Abrasives

  28. 7月时,我们曾经列出过Facebook的10个顶级应用程序,但在那个时候,在Facebook中还没有办法开发出具有粘合力群体软件环境。

    We listed our Top10 Facebook Apps : Work in July , but at that time there was no way to create a cohesive groupware environment in Facebook .

  29. 相比Dojo这个出色的工具包,我们认为Ext能提供一个粘合度更高的应用程序框架。

    While Dojo is a great toolkit , we feel that Ext offers a more cohesive framework for developing applications .

  30. 锌层中氧含量对胶带钢丝绳与橡胶粘合力有很大的影响,在生产过程中,无法避免锌与氧接触生成ZnO。

    The oxygen content in Zn-coat has great effect on adhesion of rubberized cord with rubber . It can 't be avoided that Zn contact oxygen to produce ZnO in production .