
fěn pí
  • Vermicelli;sheet jelly made from bean or sweet potato starch
粉皮 [fěn pí]
  • [sheet jelly made from bean or sweet potato starch] 绿豆和薯类淀粉加工成的片状食物,供凉拌食用

粉皮[fěn pí]
  1. 食品添加剂在鸡皮糙山药营养粉皮中的应用

    The application of food additives in yam jelly sheets

  2. 临床表现有突发性呛咳,咳清水样痰液并混有粉皮样薄碎片,或咳脓痰,发热。

    The clinical manifestations included sudden onset cough , watery sputum , and fever .

  3. 霉变粉皮的微生物区系分析及防霉措施

    Analysis of Microbiology Flora in Rotten Sheet Jelly Made from Bean and Anti mildewing Measures

  4. 粉皮冬瓜种子活力的研究

    Seed vigor of white gourd

  5. 是制作粉皮,粉条家庭烹饪,冷饮,熟食等行业的最好的辅料。

    It is the best dressing for family cooking , cold drinks , cooked food and other professions .

  6. 将‘粉皮’石榴的花芽分化分为7个时期,其中,胚珠分化期尤为关键。

    Flower bud differentiation of ' Pink ' pomegranate includes seven stages , of which the ovule differentiation stage is the most critical .

  7. 夏大豆有江苏省的南京青豆、宝应粉皮青、如东晚绿黄豆2、吴江青豆4和广东清远大黄豆。

    The summer soybeans varieties are Jiangsu Nanjing green , Baoying powdered green , Rudong green & yellow 2 , Wujiang green 4 and Guangdong QY big .

  8. 结论野苋菜花粉皮试应作为南昌及其周围地区过敏性皮炎的常规检验。

    Con clu sion Amaranthaceae pollen is an important allergen of dermatitis in Nanchang and its skin test must be regarded as the routine test to diagnose allergic dermatitis .