
  1. 福建粉干传统生产工艺关键技术研究

    Research on the Key Technologies of the Traditional Technics about the Fujian Rice Noodles

  2. 但是,你必须保持自己粉干,准备留瘢痕一次又一次。

    But you must keep yourself powder dry , prepare to be left scar again and again .

  3. 粉干是福建一带的一种传统风味食品,深受广大消费者的喜爱。

    Rice noodle is a traditional flavor food in the region of Fujian province , which is loved by the majority of consumers .

  4. 粉干生产线是对早籼稻进行深加工、转化增值、提高其经济价值和食用品质的有效途径之一。

    The production line of rice noodle is one of the effective ways to further deep processing of early indica rice , increasing value , improving economic value and edible quality .

  5. 分离用的筛网,分选筛锂渣粉在干混灌浆砂浆中的应用研究

    Application and Research on Dry-mixed Grouting Mortar Containing Lithium Slag Powder

  6. 分析了粉土干密度和细粒含量对饱和粉土抗液化强度的影响;

    The liquefaction resistance affected by fines content and dry density of silt was analyzed .

  7. 小麦粉、干豆类、豆腐、菠菜、苔菜等含铁较多。

    Fe also is more in wheat flour , dried bean , bean curd and spinach .

  8. 瓷粉料干压成型模具的选材与应用

    Material Selection and Application for Making Punching Dies of Porcelain Powde 's Moulding by Dry Pressing

  9. 钢结硬质合金在瓷粉料干压成型模具中的应用

    Research of Using Steel-Bonded Cemented Carbides Making Punching Dies of Porcelain Powde 's Moulding by Dry Pressing

  10. 16个配粉组合干面筋含量中值改进率为正值,20个配粉组合为负值。

    Sixteen combinations ' improvement rates of wet gluten content were positive and twenty combinations ' were negative .

  11. 可再分散聚合物乳胶粉作为干混砂浆的一种重要添加剂,它的研究、开发和应用日益被重视。

    Especially when the development of dry mix mortar is still on the initial stage in our country and most redispersible polymer powders depend on import , self-developing redispersibl .

  12. 当前,采用气力输送理论的粉煤灰干出灰方式在各火力发电厂备受青睐且得到了广泛的应用。

    At present time , in many power plants , the method of transporting the pulverous coal ash using pneumatic conveying system is very popular and already has a widely application .

  13. 粉体干压成型后,对比不同温度烧结陶瓷的性能,得到最佳烧结温度,并讨论了烧结温度与预烧温度之间的关系和对瓷体密度的影响。

    Ceramics by dry pressing were sintered at different temperatures , and the best point was obtained through the research of those properties . The relation between firing temperature and calcination temperature was discussed .

  14. 11月中旬的一个中午,他们围着餐桌聚在一起,吃最后一道点心,那是嬷嬷用玉米粉和干越桔加高粱饴糖调制成的。

    On a noonday in mid-november , they all sat grouped about the dinner table , eating the last of the dessert concocted by mammy from corn meal and dried huckleberries , sweetened with sorghum .

  15. “左宗棠鸡”的做法是将鸡块先捶打,后油炸,再浇上一层浓郁的酸甜酱汁。这种酱汁由酱油、米酒、白醋、糖、玉米粉和干辣椒制成。

    The chicken chunks , battered and deep fried , are often covered with a thick sweet and sour sauce seasoned with soy sauce , rice wine , rice wine vinegar , sugar , cornstarch and dried red chili peppers .

  16. 将经过1100℃煅烧的Ca0.8Sr0.2ZrO3粉体干压成型并在1450℃烧结后,所得瓷体的相对密度和平均晶粒尺寸分别达到93.0%和0.7μm;

    The CSZ powder calcined at 1100 ℃ was sintered at 1450 ℃ . The SEM micrograph of the sintered ceramics showed that the average grain size was around 0.7 μ m , and the relative density of the ceramics was 93.0 % .

  17. 用定量数值对比了粉煤灰干重度及土力学特性变化规律与天然泥沙的差异,阐述了选用凝聚力较低的粉煤灰粒径组作模型沙的机理;

    Through contrasting the differences in values between flyash and nature sands in their dry unit weight and soil mechanic characteristic variation , the mechanism of selecting flyash partical size groups , in which cohesion is rather low , as model sands is represented ;

  18. 冷冻干燥得到蛋白粉,其干基蛋白含量达84%以上,灰分含量小于4%,其中酸提蛋白中Ca、Mg等矿质元素的含量较高。

    Protein isolates powder was obtained by freeze-drying , and the content of crude protein in dry basis was more than 85 % and ash content was below 4 % . Comparatively , mineral elements such as Ca and Mg of acid-made protein isolates were higher .

  19. 本文作者采用价格低廉的酚醛树脂(PF)、环氧树脂(EP)和石墨粉,通过干混球磨混合,以低温热压烧结方式制备磨碎炭纤维增强树脂/石墨复合材料。

    In this subject we adapted inexpensive phenolic resin , epoxy resin and graphite , which were mixed by dry power milling , hot pressing in low temperature to prepare milled carbon fiber reinforced resin / graphite composite .

  20. 粉煤灰系列干拌砂浆粉的研究

    Study on Fly Ash Series Dry-Mix Mortar Powder

  21. 方法:制备清胆颗粒喷雾干燥浸膏粉,采用干压法、流化法、高速搅拌法制备清胆颗粒;

    METHODS : Qingdan granule were prepared from spray drying powder by dry granulation , fluidized bed granulation , and high speed wet granulation , respectively .

  22. 影响粉煤灰烧结砖干坯强度因素的研究

    Research on factors affecting the intensity of dry body of fly ash fired brick

  23. 黄河三角洲粉质土初始干密度和黏粒含量对稳态强度的影响研究

    Influence of initial dry density and clay content on steady state strength of silty soil in Yellow River Delta

  24. 同时,该型筛机可广泛应用于多行业粉体物料的干、湿法筛分、分级、脱水。

    And this kind of screening machine can be widely applied in many industries , for example , screening of powder , grading and dehydration .

  25. 新料与破碎料或颜料,粉体料(干色粉料)与粒体料(母料)等形状,表现比重不同的材料也能均匀地进行混合。

    It can mix evenly the materials , even if the material is new or broken , powder ( dry ) or particle in shape , light or heavy in weight .

  26. 其蛋白质含量为13-14%,湿面筋34-40%,沉淀值35-36毫升。面粉达到中强粉指标,可用干烤制面包。

    Their protein content were about 13-14 % , gluten contents 34-40 % and sedimentation values 35-36 ml , and their flour quality was up to the index of moderate strong type .

  27. 白炭黑吸附于粒子表面,可降低粒子间的液桥力,粒子间距增大,减少粒子的相互粘结,提高铁红颜料粉体在自然干态下的分散性能。

    Precipitated amorphous silica adsorbed on the surface of particles degrades the liquid bridge force between particles and adds the space between particles and reduces agglomeration of particles to improve the dispersion properties of dry powders .

  28. 由频谱分析的结果,提取了测试信号频谱的特征参数,进而对杭州粘质粉土试样的干密度、含水量与该特征参数的相关关系作了较为系统深入的分析研究。

    Based on the results of spectrum analysis , a signal spectrum characteristic parameter is picked out . Further more , the relationships among dry density , water content , the characteristic parameter are studied systematically and deeply for Hangzhou clayey silt .

  29. 在糖、果冻粉和明胶粉溶解后加入干桂花。

    Add dried Osmanthus when sugar , agar agar powder and gelatin powder dissolved .

  30. 利用低品质粉煤灰研制出粉煤灰系列干拌砂浆粉。

    The fly ash series dry mixing mortar powder has been developed by using low quality of fly ash .