
  • 网络Milo;miro;Millau
  1. 很多人拿来了漂亮的西装,米洛•伯恩斯坦(MiloBernstein)表示。米洛是另一家品牌二手寄售店Ina的店主,在五个地方开有分店,首家店于16年前在SoHo开业。

    A lot of people are bringing in beautiful suits , says Milo Bernstein , owner of Ina , another designer resale consignment store with five locations , the first of which opened in SoHo 16 years ago .

  2. 米洛在求职应征者中具备最好的条件。

    Milo was the strongest candidate for the job .

  3. 米洛排名下滑一部分得归咎于她亮相《XFactor》选秀节目时的装扮,当时她穿了一件花边紧身连衣裤。

    Minogue 's slide was partly blamed on her appearance on television talent show the X Factor wearing a figure-hugging lace catsuit .

  4. “米洛的阿芙洛狄特”是由大理石和l成的,惟妙惟肖地刻画了女神阿芙;各狄特。

    The Aphrodite of Melos is made of marble and represents vividly the goddess A phrodite .

  5. 去年,贾斯汀•比伯(JustinBieber)、凯蒂•佩里(KatyPerry)和凯莉•米洛(KylieMinogue)等大牌明星都曾在印尼顺利举办演出。

    In the past year , top names such as Justin Bieber , Katy Perry and Kylie Minogue have performed in Indonesia without incident .

  6. 来自格拉斯哥市的美容医生KierenBong表示,他的顾客经常会要求要摩斯的颧骨、米洛的前额和朱莉的嘴巴。

    Dr Kieren Bong , a cosmetic doctor based in Glasgow , said his clients were frequently requesting Miss Mosss cheekbones , Miss Minogues forehead and Miss Jolies lips .

  7. 有你脸的米洛岛维纳。

    that Venus de Milo with your face on it .

  8. 我们在达卡米洛广场跟丢的。

    We lost him here at Plaza del camino .

  9. 没有人知道谁创作了雕像“米洛的维纳斯”。

    No one knows who created the statue of the Aphrodite of Melos .

  10. 所有这些反进化的特征使米洛很容易受到天敌的攻击。

    All these anti-evolutionary traits make the Miro quite susceptible to attacks from predators .

  11. 米洛的阿芙洛狄特是由大理石制成的,惟妙惟肖地刻画了女神阿芙洛狄特。

    The Aphrodite of Milos is made of marble and represents vividly the goddess Aphrodite .

  12. 米洛:你就不能跳过这些单从艺术角度欣赏艺术家们的这些杰作吗?

    Milo : Can 't you see past the nudity to appreciate the artists ' creations ?

  13. 米洛:我带你们来是欣赏这个颂扬人类形体之美的艺术展览。

    Milo : I brought you here to see this celebration of the beauty of the human form .

  14. 米洛:好吧,但是我只是想让你的孩子们接受些艺术熏陶。

    Milo : All right , but I was just trying to open your kids ' eyes to art .

  15. 但杰克逊的好友黛安娜•罗斯却没能入选,与她一同落榜的还有澳大利亚流行天后凯莉•米洛,甚至麦当娜也没能占据一席之位。

    But Jackson 's friend Diana Ross failed to score a , missing out along with Aussie pop superstar Kylie Minogue and even Madonna .

  16. 38岁的米洛佩戴绚丽的粉色头饰魅力四射,人们一直认为她会选择这张照片作为她新书的主打封面。

    An accompanying picture of the38-year-old in a bright pink headdress was widely believed to be the one she 'd chosen to grace the cover of her new book .

  17. 为了发现米洛对把他的影像放在胶片上如此不配合的原因,我们做了许多尝试,但迄今为止进展甚微。

    Many attempts have been made to discover the reason why the Miro is incompatible with having its image placed on film , but very little progress has been made so far .

  18. 其他几位“冒犯”了动物的女星包括玛里琳•曼森、伊娃•朗格莉亚(点评:她穿着那俗气的皮草,看上去就像是紫藤巷的妓女)、林塞•洛翰、凯特•摩丝和凯莉•米洛。

    The other offenders are Marilyn Manson , Eva Longoria (" in her trashy furs , she looks like the streetwalker of Wisteria Lane "), Lindsay Lohan , Kate Moss and Kylie Minogue .

  19. 但路面安全专家们则称,女司机们不应该选择如凯莉?米洛、帕里斯?希尔顿和维多利亚?贝克汉姆戴的那种宽边太阳镜,以及粉色或深色镜片的太阳镜。

    But road safety experts say they should jettison the chunky wide-armed variety of sunglasses worn by Kylie minogue , Paris Hilton and Victoria beckham-as well as those with pink or very dark lenses .

  20. 缺乏米洛栖息地的信息,大部分是由于我们一直无法获得一副米洛看起来对周围环境感到比较舒服的单人照片。

    This lack of information on the Miro 's dwelling place is largely due to the fact that we have been unable to obtain a single photograph of the Miro looking comfortable in its surroundings .

  21. 但路面安全专家们则称,女司机们不应该选择如凯莉•米洛、帕里斯•希尔顿和维多利亚•贝克汉姆戴的那种宽边太阳镜,以及粉色或深色镜片的太阳镜。

    But road safety experts say they should jettison the chunky wide-armed variety of sunglasses worn by Kylie Minogue , Paris Hilton and Victoria Beckham - as well as those with pink or very dark lenses .

  22. 马丁内斯的想法就是帮助新来者破解密码,向他们提供清晰的信息,去阐释博物馆的众多宝藏,诸如米洛岛的维纳斯、有翅膀的萨摩丝雷斯胜利女神和拉美西斯二世的巨大塑像。

    The idea is to help newcomers to crack the code , with clear information to interpret a vast trove that includes the Venus de Milo , Winged Victory of Samothrace and the colossal statue of Ramesses II .

  23. 在过去两年中,以英格兰球星韦恩·鲁尼命名的宠物数量增加了25%,以流行歌星凯莉·米洛命名的宠物数量增加了46%。

    In the last two years , there has been a25 percent rise in the number of pets named after England soccer star Wayne Rooney and a46 percent increase in the number inspired by pop singer Kylie Minogue .

  24. 塔高320米,是法国第二高建筑,仅次于米洛高架桥,在美国帝国大厦竣工前埃菲尔铁塔一直是世界最高建筑。

    At 984 feet ( 320 meters ) , the tower is the second tallest structure in France , behind the Millau Viaduct , and was the tallest in the world until the completion of the Empire State Building .

  25. 在1820年,一位农民在希腊的米洛岛上发现了这尊雕像,此后它就以这个岛而得名,被称为米洛的维纳斯。

    This statue had earned it 's name the Venus de Milo or Venus de Melos , because in 1820 , a peasant had found it on the Greek island of Melos and it was named after the island where it was found .

  26. 在1820年,一位农民在希腊的米洛岛上发现了这尊雕像,此后它就以这个岛而得名,被称为“米洛的维纳斯”。

    This statue had eamed it 's name the Venus de Milo or Venus de Melos , because in 1820 , a peasant had found it on the Greek island of Melos and it was named after the island where it was found .

  27. 因为在那块后来丢失的雕像底座上刻着这个名字,但是学者们对此表示怀疑,因为这可能不是真正的米洛的维纳斯的底座,这就使亚历山德罗斯是否是雕像的作者产生置疑。

    This name was inscribed on the block of stone on the pedestal that was later lost , but this is doubted from scholars because it may not have been the corrected block with the Venus de Milo , so this had erased the attribution to Alexandros .

  28. 在巴黎开往西班牙的路程中,尤其是靠近米洛小镇的那条路线,是众所周知的困难重重。特别是夏季,会有成百的游客和过客拥堵在路上。因此,在塔恩河谷上方架设一座桥的想法很快就讨论并敲定了下来。

    The drive from Paris to Spain , especially if following a route near the small town of Millau , was known to be problematic , especially in summer , when hundreds of tourists and day-trippers would crowd the roads , and the idea of a bridge over the Tarn Valley was quickly mooted and accepted .