
  • 网络Relative person of management
  1. 在管理相对人只申请复议的情况下,具体水行政行为的生效时间可达177日;

    The specific effective date of administrative action on water can be 177 days under the conditions that the relative person of management only apply for reconsideration .

  2. 具体水行政行为的生效时间,与所依据的法律有关,同时与管理相对人是否申请复议和提起诉讼有关。

    The specific effective date of administrative action on water is related to the adopted laws and related to whether the relative person of management would apply for reconsideration and raise a lawsuit .

  3. 论海关与管理相对人平等契约式关系的建立

    By Customs and Management Relative Person Equality " Contract Type " Relational Establishment

  4. 近年来,由于各种原因,行政管理相对人对行政机关的行政执法活动投诉较多,引起这种现象的既有执法理念的原因,也有执法者法律素质不高导致法律适用不当的原因,等等。

    In recent years , there are more complaints about the law-enforcing activities of administrative organs out of various reasons .

  5. 但是,从我国行政确认制度现状来看,司法救济的缺失使行政管理相对人缺乏最后一道保护屏障。

    However , the actuality of administrative affirmation reflects a problem that the lacks of judicatory remedy means the private party has no protection .

  6. 行政确认具有稳定法律关系,减少各种纠纷,保障社会安定秩序,维护行政管理相对人合法权益的重要作用。

    Administrative affirmation plays massive roles in the field of establishing legal relation , reducing various dissensions , guaranteeing the social stabilization , maintaining legal right of private party .

  7. 通过新一轮的港口体制改革,交通部和地方双重领导体制下的港口港务局基本上都改制为港口企业集团,成了《港口法》规定的管理相对人,由管理者变为了被管理者。

    Through this new reform in port management mechanism , Port Authorities , which were under dual governance before , have nearly been changed into port corporation group and become the supervisee .

  8. 中关村抽象行政行为的听证制度是指所辖中关村科技园区的行政组织在制定适用于中关村科技园区的规范性文件时听取行政管理相对人意见的一种制度。

    Administrative act is the institution that the administrative organizations which administer the Zhongguancun scientific and technological zone hear the advice of the opposite person to the administration when they stipulate normative documents .

  9. 引言部分,即本文的第一部分,从一件行政管理相对人提请审查规范性文件的案例出发,简要提出了一般规范性文件备案审查中存在的问题。

    Introductory part , the first part of this article , from an administrative management relatively drew the case to review the normative documents and made a brief general normative documents exist in the record review .

  10. 在税收执法过程中,税务行政处罚是使用频率较高、制裁程序较重,又最有可能侵犯税务管理相对人合法权益的一种行政执法活动。

    The executive punishment of taxation is one of the activities which are frequently used , seriously punished , and more likely to violate legitimate rights and interests of tax administrative during the process of tax enforcement .

  11. 在整个立法过程中产生的诸如突出部门利益、损害行政管理相对人利益的现象为全社会和广大公民所诟病。

    The cases such as leaning towards departmental interests , harming the interests of objects of administration which occur in the entire legislative process are criticized by the whole of society and the vast majority of citizens .

  12. 从大学行政管理相对人的视角看,大学章程具有公法的性质,因为大学是行使公权力的、特殊的行政主体,大学章程可作为大学师生员工提起行政诉讼和司法审查的依据。

    Statutes of university are public laws from perspectives of governance of university , because university is the subject that enforces public power conferred by law . Statutes of university are evidences of administrative litigation and judicial review .

  13. 税务机关及其工作人员违法行使职权侵犯管理相对人的合法权益造成损害,税务机关依法作为赔偿义务机关承担赔偿责任。

    Abstract The illegal activities dones by the tax authorities and their staffs encroach on the legitimate interest of the administrators , and the tax authorities as the indemnity obligation ones should pay for the compensation according to law .

  14. 消防行政裁量权的合理使用,不仅关系到消防行政管理相对人的合法权益、消防监督管理的效率,更关系到公平正义和法治目标的实现。

    The rational use of discretion not only relates to the efficiency of supervision and management of fire for the legitimate interests of the efficiency of supervision and management of fire , also relates to fairness and justice and the rule of law goals .

  15. 我国法律、法规80%以上都要由行政机关来执行,行政机关的执法活动不仅直接代表了政府的形象,而且直接关系到行政管理相对人的切身利益,关系到国家的长治久安,意义极其重大。

    In China , more than 80 % of laws and rules are enforced by administrative organs whose activities not only represent the image of the government , but also directly concerns the interests of relative people of administration and the public security of the country .

  16. 环境行政管理间接相对人的原告资格

    Prosecuting Qualification of Environmental Administrative Indirective - relative Man

  17. 公民在理论上被认为是国家的主人,在实践中是公共行政管理的相对人。

    The citizen is considered theoretically the master of the state , but practically is the opposition of the administration .

  18. 分析了环境行政管理间接相对人因不服环境行政机关作出的具体行政行为而提起的行政诉讼案件特点,阐述了原告资格的法律来源。

    The characteristis of environmental administrative lawful case prosecuted by indirective-relative man who did not submit to the specific administrative action of environmental administration were analysed , and the lawful resource of prosecuting qualification were expounded .

  19. 现代社会是行政社会,行政权的全面有效行使对于社会管理以及维护相对人合法权益均具有十分重要的作用。

    Modem society is administrative society , the comprehensive and effective exercise of executive power plays an very important role in the social management and safeguard to the legitimate rights .

  20. 行政自由裁量权是一柄双刃剑:一方面它的运用可以提高行政效率,加强行政管理,给行政相对人带来福利;

    Administrative Discretion is a double-edged sword : on one hand its application can enhance administrative efficiency , strengthen administrative management and benefit private parties a lot ;

  21. 主要论述律师行业管理中的行政相对人、律师协会会员的实体性权利和程序性权利,以及律师协会会员权利的有效救济途径。

    This Chapter discussed the substantial and procedural rights as a person to the administration and its member , as well as the remedies for such rights .

  22. 也叫行政契约,指行政主体为了实现行政管理目标,与相对人之间经过协商一致所达成的协议。

    The source of the administrative contract privilege is from the administrative contract administration and the public welfare ; its essence lies in the realization of administration goal .

  23. 行政处罚作为对违反行政管理法规的行政相对人的一种惩戒、教育手段,目的是纠正违法,防止行政管理相对人再犯同一违法行为。

    Administrative penalties , means of punishment and instruction for the administrative counterpart violating administrative law , aims at reclaiming illegality and preventing the administrative counterpart from violating laws again .

  24. 行政合同,也称行政契约或公法契约,是指行政主体为了行使行政职能,实现特定的行政管理目标,与相对人之间经过协商,相互意思表示一致所达成的协议。

    Administrative contract , which is also called administrative deed or public law deed , is a contract made by the administrative body and the relevant person after consultation and agreement ;

  25. 它是环境管理机关进行环境保护监督管理的重要手段,也是行政管理相对人获得相关权利的法定方式。

    It is environmental management organs ' important means of the environmental protections and supervision and is also legal ways of administrative relative people obtaining relevant right .

  26. 环境执法中,环境保护行政管理机关以公共权力执掌者的身份领导、管理、支配和约束环境行政管理相对人,其行为体现的是国家意志,居于优势的地位。

    In environmental law enforcement , the agencies of environment protection and management act as the holders of public power , realizing the will of the state , thus take the advantageous place .