
ɡuǎn zhuànɡ huā
  • Tubular flower;flowers of tubuliflorous plants
  1. 具有美丽的复叶和有花距的管状花的紫堇科植物。

    A plant of the genus Corydalis with beautiful compound foliage and spurred tubular flowers .

  2. 任何昙花属的植物,有扁平的有节的不规则的干和美丽的管状花。

    Any cactus of the genus Epiphyllum having flattened jointed irregularly branching stems and showy tubular flowers .

  3. 灰毛菊属的任何一种植物,产于欧洲南部,具有单生包片或银色的头状花序,管状花呈浅紫色。

    Any plant of the genus Xeranthemum native to southern Europe having chaffy or silvery flower heads with purplish tubular flowers .

  4. 小苍兰属的几种植物中的任何一种,具有单侧、丛生、管状花,花色呈黄色、白色或粉红色。

    Any of several plants of the genus Freesia valued for their one-sided clusters of usually fragrant yellow or white or pink tubular flowers .

  5. 大丽花花芽分化形态变化过程,可分为营养锥阶段、生殖锥阶段、总苞分化阶段、舌状花分化阶段、管状花分化阶段5个时期。

    The morphodifferentiation of dahlia flower bud is divided into five stages : vegetative cone , reproductive cone , involucre differentiation , half flourish differentiation and tubular flower differentiation .

  6. 任何昙花属的植物,有扁平的有节的不规则的干和美丽的管状花。具有美丽的复叶和有花距的管状花的紫堇科植物。

    Any cactus of the genus Epiphyllum having flattened jointed irregularly branching stems and showy tubular flowers . a plant of the genus Corydalis with beautiful compound foliage and spurred tubular flowers .

  7. 蓝莓,越桔任一种越桔属植物,有白色或红色的壶状或管状花和蓝色或稍带黑色的可食果浆蓝莓蓝莓中最有益于健康的化合物是花色素甙。

    Any of numerous plants of the genus Vaccinium , having white to reddish , urn - shaped or tubular flowers and edible blue to blue - black berries . Blueberries The most powerful health-promoting compounds in blueberries are anthocyanins .