
  • 网络simple structure
  1. 预应力锚索桩和预应力锚索地梁是近年来应用较多的支挡加固结构,由于理论研究成果不多,没有相应设计规范,设计人员较多地采用简单的梁式结构计算其内力。

    Anti-slide pile and beam-on-foundation with prestressed anchor-cable are more and more applied to engineering recent years .

  2. 形似简单的同语式结构具有丰富的语用内涵和重要的修辞意义。

    Despite the seeming simplicity of their structures , English and Chinese tautologies are abundant in pragmatic and rhetorical meanings .

  3. 此方法可决定简单非平衡式制动器结构参数的优化值。

    By this treatment , it is possible to determine the optimum values for the structural parameters of the Leading-Trailing-Shoe drum brake .