
  • 网络plasma oscillation
  1. 通过实验数据分析,这种类共振磁光点克尔效应增强是由于Ag陡峭的等离子振荡边作用的结果。

    From the analysis of the experiment data , it is concluded that the magneto optical Kerr effect enhancement is due to the presence of the steep plasma edge .

  2. 表面等离子振荡有两种耦合结构,一种是按棱镜-金属膜-空气排列的Kretschmann耦合结构,另一种是按棱镜-空气-金属排列的Otto耦合结构,实验中所采用的是Otto结构。

    Surface Plasmon Resonance has two kind of modulation couple mode , one is prism-metal-vacuum Kretschmann configuration , the other is prism-vacuum-metal Otto configuration , experiment adopted Otto configuration .

  3. 对等离子体振荡与逆韧致辐射吸收作了物理讨论,导出了等离子振荡频率和吸收系数公式。

    We discussed physically on plasma oscillation and inverse bremsstrahlung absorption . We obtained formulas of the plasma oscillation frequency and the absorbed coefficient .

  4. 通过求解等离子体波的连续性方程以及Euler方程,研究了场效应管中等离子体波的振荡,以及其在各种装置结构中的不稳定性。

    By calculating the continuous function and Euler function , we investigate the plasma oscillation in field effect transistors and the instabilities of these waves in different device structures .

  5. 研究结果表明,多光子效应以及朗道能级间的跃迁使等离子激发谱产生振荡。

    It is found that the excitation spectra are discrete due the multi-photon processes and inter-Landau level transitions .