
  • 网络quaternary strata
  1. 黑龙江省第四纪地层测年

    Dating of the Quaternary strata of Heilongjiang Province a flowering year

  2. 贵州第四纪地层及有关问题的探讨

    A Discussion on the Quaternary Strata and the Problems Concerned in Guizhou

  3. 南黄海QC2孔第四纪地层划分

    Quaternary stratigraphic division of the hole qc_2 in the southern Huanghai Sea

  4. 上海目前已对全市地下水资源的开发利用实施有序管理,建立了覆盖全市整个陆域与第四纪地层的地面沉降监测网络体系,并融入了自动化测控与GPS监测等高新技术手段。

    Shanghai has implemented effective management on groundwater exploitation over the whole city , and has already built land subsidence monitoring network all over the land area and Quaternary layers in Shanghai with some new technologies such as automatic monitoring and GPS has been introduced into the monitoring network .

  5. 青岛市第四纪地层与新构造活动的研究

    The Study on the Quaternary Stratum and Neotectonic Movement in QingDao

  6. 杭嘉湖平原第四纪地层高精度对比方法研究

    High-resolution stratigraphic correlation method of the Quaternary in the Hangzhou-Jiaxing-Huzhou plain

  7. 关于1:5万组图中第四纪地层单位划分的讨论

    Classification of Quaternary stratigraphic units in the 1:50000 map series-a discussion

  8. 山东潍县武家村第四纪地层及哺乳类化石

    The Quaternary stratigraphy and mammalian fossils of weixian , Shandong

  9. 渤海湾沿岸晚第四纪地层C~(14)年代学研究

    Chronology of Late Quaternary deposits along the coast of the Bohai Bay

  10. 桂林第四纪地层层序及成因类型

    Stratigraphic classification and genetic types of Quaternary sediments in Guilin

  11. 江汉平原第四纪地层划分与古气候分期

    The stratigraphic division and palaeoclimate-divided stage of Quaternary period in Jianghan Plain

  12. 龙海-漳浦沿海第四纪地层及沉积结构特征

    Characteristics of Quaternary strata and sedimentary structure in coastal Longhai-Zhangpu , Fujian

  13. 福州盆地晚第四纪地层划分及古环境分析

    Division of Late Quaternary strata and analysis of palaeoenvironment in Fuzhou Basin

  14. 以气候变化为标志的中国第四纪地层对比表

    Table of Chinese Quaternary stratigraphic correlation remarked with climate change

  15. 闽江河口第四纪地层划分和地质年代研究

    Quaternary Strata of the Minjiang Estuary and Their Geologic Ages

  16. 单县毛庄地区第四纪地层划分新认识

    New Understanding on Quaternary Stratigraphic Division in Maozhuang Area of Shanxian County

  17. 裂变径迹法及其在测定第四纪地层年代中的应用

    Fission track dating method and its application in Quaternary chronology

  18. 台湾地区第四纪地层的时代划分与对比

    Chronological division and correlation of Quaternary strata in Taiwan area

  19. 渭南地区第四纪地层多重划分与对比

    The multiple division and comparison of Quaternary period strata in Weinan region

  20. 湖南第四纪地层划分及其下限

    Stratigraphical division and lower limit of the Quaternary in Hunan

  21. 广西沿海第四纪地层的初步研究

    Preliminary study on the Quaternary strata in the coastal region of Guangxi

  22. 苏州用直第四纪地层划分

    Stratigraphic Division of Quaternary Period in LuZhi , SuZhou

  23. 广西第四纪地层划分与对比

    Subdivision and correlation of the Quaternary System in Guangxi

  24. 内蒙大窑文化遗址第四纪地层及古气候环境

    The Quaternary Layer and Palaeoclimate Environment in Dayao Culture Relics of Inner Mongolia

  25. 塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地第四纪地层划分与环境变迁

    Stratigraphic subdivision and climatic change of the Quaternary of the center Taklimakan Desert

  26. 河南平顶山地区第四纪地层序列划分

    Sequence of Quaternary Deposits in Pingdingshan , Henan Province

  27. 江西修水地区第四纪地层序列

    Quaternary stratigraphic sequence in the Xiushui area , Jiangxi

  28. 第四纪地层成因类型多样,但它们在分布上与地貌有着密切的相关性。

    The distribution of the genetic types is closely relate to the geomorphology .

  29. 滇西北丽江盆地的第四纪地层与古环境

    Quaternary and palaeoenvironment of Lijiang basin in northwestern Yunnan

  30. 建立并进一步完善了甘肃第四纪地层层序。

    The Quaternary stratigraphic sequence in Gansu Province were established and were further perfected .