
  1. 通过XML软件技术构建了跨组织、跨部门的第三方物流管理信息系统。

    A multi-organization , multi-department information system for third party logistics was constructed by using XML software technology .

  2. 本论文在介绍了一些物流相关理论技术的基础上,按照软件工程的思想来构建E流通第三方物流管理信息系统。

    Third party logistics Management Information System circulating on the thesis basis in the technology having introduced a little logistics relevance theory , according to structuring E-coming the software engineering thought .

  3. 基于融通仓的第三方物流管理信息系统的设计具有较高的商业推广价值。

    The design of the MIS of the third-party logistics has higher commercial value to popularize on the basis of the financing warehouse .

  4. 基于GPS的第三方综合物流管理信息系统分析与规划设计

    The Analysis and Design of Third Party Comprehensive Logistics MIS Based on GPS

  5. 本文分析运输管理信息系统的目标及开发的基本原则,并对第三方物流运输管理信息系统进行的关键业务流程如业务受理、计划调度、在途管理及客户管理等流程进行分析与设计;

    And then analyze the goal of the Transport Management Information System and basic principle of development at first , and then analyzing the key business of transport management of Third Party Logistics , such as accept the business , the plan dispatcher , online management and customer management , etc.

  6. 第三方物流企业仓储管理信息系统的分析与设计

    The Analysis and Design of the Warehouse Management Information System of Third Party Logistics Enterprises