
  • 网络Third Symphony;Symphony No 3;symphony no. 3;Eroica
  1. 对于古典音乐爱好者来说,贝多芬(Beethoven)的降E大调第三交响曲也就是《英雄交响曲》(Eroicasymphony)以及莫扎特(Mozart)的G小调第40号交响曲是两个不错的选择。

    For classical music buffs , two pieces that work for him are Beethoven 's Symphony No. 3 in E-flat major , known as the ' Eroica ' symphony , and Mozart 's Symphony No. 40 in G minor .

  2. 播音员说马上要播放他的第三交响曲。

    The announcer said they were going to play his third symphony .

  3. 于是他建议演奏《第三交响曲》,但那首是“英雄”(Eroica),而左派说那是“关于”拿破仑(Napoleon)的。〔

    So then he suggested the Third , but that was the " Eroica , " which the leftists said was " about " Napoleon .

  4. 《第三交响曲》带有新浪漫主义与后表现主义结合的风格特征。

    The third symphony has the style character of Neo-romanticism and Post-expressionism .

  5. 狂喜的圣诗:圣-桑的第三交响曲

    Saint-Saens Symphony No.3 " Organ "

  6. 逻辑的解构、技法的互融、风格的跨越&析亨策《第三交响曲》中的技术互融现象

    Deconstruction of Logic , the Fusion of Techniques and the Spanning of Styles & the Analysis of Henze 's Techniques Fusion in his Symphony No.3

  7. 最后,通过上述分析,对《第三交响曲》中音色、音响作为作品结构力的作用进行概括性总结。

    In the end , based on the above analysis , the article makes a general summary on the timbre-acoustics structure in the structure of Symphony No.3 .

  8. 结语中笔者则站在历史的语境下对《第三交响曲》的风格内涵及其在历史发展过程中的价值阐述了自己的观点。

    The conclusion part stands in the history context and clarifies its own standpoint of the connotation and values of the Holy Minimalism of the Third Symphony .

  9. 他把第三交响曲《英雄》献给拿破仑,认为拿破仑代表着自由、平等和博爱。

    He dedicated his Symphony No.3 , Heroic , to Napoleon , thinking h stood for " Liberty , Equality and Fraternity ", for he deeply sympathized with the ideals of the French Revolution .

  10. 《第三交响曲》完成于1804年,是贝多芬表达英雄思想的作品,原来是以拿破仑为题材并准备奉献给他的。

    " Third Symphony " was completed in1804 , is the hero of Beethoven 's expression of ideas works , the original is the theme of Napoleon and is ready to dedicate to him .

  11. 1875年10月25日,柴可夫斯基的第三号交响曲在波士顿进行全球首演,由汉斯·冯·比洛指挥。

    In 1875 , Tchaikovsky 's world 22 ) premiere of his third 23 ) symphony was given in Boston on October 25th and was conducted by Hans von Bulow .

  12. 门德尔松第三(苏格兰)交响曲评析

    Comments on the Third ( Scotland ) Symphony of Mendelssohn

  13. 第二部分则对具有代表性的第三交响曲、第六交响曲和第九交响曲进行了全面的作品分析;

    The second part carry on the comprehensive music analysis to the 3rd , the 6th and the 9th symphony separately ;