
xiào yè
  • dimple;smiling face
笑靥 [xiào yè]
  • (1) [dimple]∶微笑时颊部露出来的酒窝儿

  • 相视开笑靥。--宋. 王安石《游土山示蔡天启秘校》

  • (2) [smiling face]∶笑脸

  • (3) [flower]∶古代女性装饰品(贴在脸上的小花)

笑靥[xiào yè]
  1. 那时笑靥甜蜜,

    Comes a time when one 's sweet smile

  2. 鼓励我笑靥于你我大有裨益。

    The dimples of encouragement are good for me and you .

  3. 即便是笑靥有时也难隐涕泗

    And sometimes a few tears must fall Among the laughter hidden

  4. 不过没关系,尽管笑吧,让男人们欣赏一下你的如花笑靥。

    Just smile and let men admire your pretty smiley face .

  5. 她微微一笑,脸上露出两个美丽的笑靥。

    She smiled slightly , revealing two beautiful dimples on her cheeks .

  6. 我从来没有从一个天真的笑靥中得到如此大的幸福。

    I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin .

  7. 每一个细节,每一种滋味,每一滴泪水掉进笑靥。

    Every particular , every flavor , every tear all drop into laughter .

  8. 她投给我一个笑靥。

    She turned to me with a smile .

  9. 玛丽笑时露出两个笑靥。

    Mary has two dimples when she smiles .

  10. 还有十分之四的女性在别人夸她们笑靥如花时最开心。

    A further four in 10 are happiest when someone comments on their gorgeous smile .

  11. 我的眼中除了迷茫别无它物,我要见你的笑靥。

    My eyes see nothing but misery ; I need to see your sweet smile .

  12. 为微笑对周围人的积极影响而展露笑靥吧。

    Make the effort to smile for the positive impact it has on others around you .

  13. 父亲总是向人们炫耀我那“天使般的笑靥和天使般的笑声”。

    My father would boast to people about ' my heavenly smile and heavenly laughter ' .

  14. 一个笑靥能驱走阴霾,带来阳光。希望能找到这个人。

    Hope you find that person .

  15. 好喜欢看着你如嫣的笑靥,可,为啥你却不肯多给我一点?

    I love seeing your winsome smile , but , why do you unwilling to give me more ?

  16. 我之所愿只是飞入你天空般的眼眸,在你阳光的笑靥里高飞。

    All I desire is to fly into your sky eyes and rise high into your sunshine smile .

  17. 笑靥如花,真情如花,希望如花,生命亦如花。

    Smile face is flowery , true love is flowery , hope is flowery , life is also flowery .

  18. 她体态丰盈,面孔白晰,双眸乌黑,腮边的笑靥,生出许多妩媚。

    She has graceful stature , fair face and atramentous eyes , and the smile in her cheek generates so much charming .

  19. 小保罗的信件由我负责拆阅,那是一页一页的彩色图画,其中有花朵,也有欢乐的笑靥。

    I was in charge of retrieving baby Paul 's letteres , page after page of colored scenes including flowers with happy faces .

  20. 那一刻,看到你的盈盈笑靥,我就明白我愿与你执手携老,共度今生。

    From the moment I saw you smile , I knew that I wanted to share the rest of my life with you .

  21. 从见到你笑靥盈盈地为一位年轻的母亲和她的小宝宝开门的那一刻起,我就知道。

    From the moment I saw you smile , as you opened the door for that young mother and her newborn baby . I knew .

  22. 纵使在生命的路途中荆棘密布,你只要一路上笑靥如花,对你拥有的所有心存感激。

    Although the thorns of life may be here to stay , just sprout a smile along the Way , and be thankful for what you have .

  23. 而现在,他对着我母亲悲叹,“那张美丽对称的脸,那张明亮闪耀的脸,没了;她也失去了她的笑靥和笑声。

    Now he lamented to my mother , ' That beautiful symmetrical face , that bright shining face has gone ; she has lost her smile and laughter .

  24. 挂在壁炉上的结婚照,当年年轻的他们笑靥如花,对现在形同陌路的他们简直就是一种极大的嘲讽。

    Their wedding day photograph of the young , happy , smiling couple on the mantle of their fireplace was almost mocking those two minds that no longer touched .

  25. 站在你面前的是一个风姿绰约,光彩照人的女子&她亭亭若青青翠竹,笑靥如静静睡莲;

    What to stand on your in front is a charming , the brilliance shines on the person 's woman-she graceful if green beautifully green bamboo , smile dimple such as quiet water lily ;

  26. 谁曾从谁的青春里走过,留下了笑靥,谁曾在谁的花季里停留,温暖了想念,谁又从谁的雨季里消失,泛滥了眼泪。

    Who has from the youth who walk through , leave a smile , Who has the flower in who stays , the warmth of missing , Who from whom the rainy season disappear , flood of tears .

  27. 从见到你的那一刻起,那一刻你正为一位年轻的母亲和她的小宝宝开门,那一刻当看到你的盈盈笑靥,我就明白我只愿与你执手携老,共度今生。

    From the moment I saw you smile , as you opened the door for that young mother and her newborn baby . I knew . I knew that I wanted to share the rest of my life with you .