
duān zhuāng
  • dignified;elegant;demure;sedate
端庄 [duān zhuāng]
  • [elegant;sedate;dignified] 端正庄重

  • 举止端庄文雅

端庄[duān zhuāng]
  1. 朝他走过来的分明是一个妇人,严肃而端庄。

    It was a woman , grave and dignified , who advanced to meet him .

  2. (通常指女子)身材高大、仪态优雅端庄的

    ( usu of a woman ) tall , graceful and dignified

  3. 她的举止总是很端庄。

    She always comports herself with great dignity .

  4. 他的母亲是一位端庄文雅的女性。

    His mother was an elegant , cultivated woman .

  5. 竭力保持着端庄形象的女孩们发出了尴尬的尖叫。

    There were shrieks of embarrassment as the girls struggled to protect their modesty .

  6. 她是一个如此端庄的女人。

    She was such a decent old bird .

  7. 新国王在履行职责时看起来举止得体、端庄稳重。

    The new King seemed to be carrying out his duties with grace and due decorum

  8. 她很端庄,丝毫不忸怩。

    She is modest without being coy

  9. 亚洲女性表现得更为端庄腼腆,却往往外柔内刚。

    Asian women are more modest and shy , yet they tend to have an inner force

  10. 要尊重当地的礼节。朴素端庄的衣着往往比暴露的短裤和紧身上衣更合适。

    Respect the local etiquete . Modest clothing is often preferable to revealing shorts and tight-fitting tops .

  11. 苏珊美丽端庄,因此有很多追求者。

    Susan is beautiful and handsome , so she has many admirers .

  12. 她在慈善宴会上表现得端庄有礼。

    She behaved with decorum at the charity party .

  13. 萨拉体态端庄柔美。

    Sara has a soft womanly figure .

  14. 她们本能地恢复了端庄的姿态。

    They instinctively gathered themselves into more tidy postures .

  15. 在我们祖父母的年代,人们希望看到孩子们不多说话,行为举止端庄得体。

    In our grandparents ’ time , children were expected to be seen and not heard .

  16. FLDS女性成员穿着端庄的服装,即长及脚踝的牧场女服,即使在游泳时也不例外。

    Female FLDS members wear modest attire ankle-length prairie dresses even while swimming .

  17. 格兰瑟姆伯爵夫人科拉为人心地善良,她的女儿茜玻(Sybil)年轻貌美,端庄典雅。

    Cora , the warm-hearted countess of Grantham , and Sybil , her pretty and modest daughter , are among the names that have rocketed .

  18. 这段被传至YouTube视频分享网站的视频时长27分钟,主要内容是布吕尼早年接受采访的片断,当年的布吕尼轻佻放荡,与如今身为第一夫人端庄贤淑的风格有着天壤之别。

    The 27-minute film , which has been posted on the video-sharing website YouTube , contains excerpts from interviews of the young Miss Bruni that juxtapose her risqu é past with her demure present as the wife of the French president .

  19. 现在这个问题有了一副面孔和一个声音——端庄优雅的纽约名媛伊迪温莎(EdieWindsor)与其一生挚爱西达斯派尔(ThedaSpyer)在加拿大结婚。

    The issue now had a face and a voice - an elegant New York socialite , Edie Windsor , had married the love of her life , Theda Spyer , in Canada .

  20. 还有黑白八卦图案的棉质“卡米拉”(Camilla)手套(110英镑);手腕上镶着端庄蝴蝶结的灰褐色“比阿特丽斯”(Beatrice)美利奴羊毛手套(70英镑)。

    There 's also a cotton " Camilla " glove in a black and white yin-yang pattern ( £ 110 ) and a taupe merino wool " Beatrice " with a demure bow atop the wrist ( £ 70 ) .

  21. 身穿端庄的红褐色长外套、黑色裙装和裤袜,头顶JaneCorbett礼帽,这位29岁的美人走在丈夫威廉以及威廉的弟弟哈里旁边。她看上去十分激动能够见到支持她的粉丝们,还接受了好几束花。

    Dressed in a full-length modest maroon coat , black dress , tights and a hat by Jane Corbett , the 29-year-old beauty - alongside her husband , William , and his brother , Harry - looked thrilled to meet her fans and accept bouquets of flowers .

  22. 她仍然保持那种沉着、端庄的风度。

    She still has the same calmness and deliberation of manner .

  23. 她是非常漂亮的,但不属于那种超乎寻常的端庄。

    She is very beautiful , but not so extraordinarily handsome .

  24. 如果你死了,别期待会有一场端庄的葬礼!

    If you die , don 't expect a decent burial !

  25. 我希望你也是位孝顺,端庄的女孩。

    I hope you are also is filial , dignified girl .

  26. 祝你这位秀丽、颖和端庄的美人生日快乐!

    Happy birthday to an attractive , intellectual and sophisticated person .

  27. 一个衣着端庄的年轻妇女朝汽车跑去。

    A primly dressed young woman ran up to the car .

  28. 女王身上的每个部分都给人以端庄的感觉。

    The queen expressed stability in every part of her body .

  29. 但我为什么要给人一些严厉,一些端庄呢?

    Why should I have treated him with such sharp aloofness ?

  30. 她很美,端庄典雅。

    She 's a beautiful girl and she 's very elegant .