
  1. 本文从用世之心、自由精神、美学理想三方面较为深刻地论述了老庄思想对李白立身行事及艺术创作的影响。

    This paper deeply discusses the influence of Zhuancius thought to Li Bais behaviour and artistic creation from three aspects : in-the-world thought , freedom spirit and aesthetics ideal .

  2. 《水浒传》所塑造之梁山商人群像,其社会成分构成极为复杂,分析他们的立身行事不难发现,这一群体有着共同的“恶”的性格特征。

    This paper makes a thorough thematic study on the American short story , The Lottery , through detailed analysis of its characters : group personalities , symbolic personalities and dynamic personalities .

  3. 循此思维之迹,我们发现:中国人的立身行事日常活动、文学乃至政治,无不透着隐的思维痕迹。

    According to this way of thinking , we found out : here was sign of implicit way of thinking which sustains the Chinese to act daily activities , literature and even politics .

  4. 在后现代语境下,强调文化差异性的主张开始出现并逐渐成为批评家和艺术家在多元时代立身行事的价值基础。

    It is common knowledge that the emphasis on cultural differences has already been regarded as the value foundation for the critics and artists to conduct themselves in this multi-dimensional times under the postmodern context ;

  5. 大至一个国家、一个民族的兴盛,小至我们芸芸众生如何立身行事,如何学会做人的一些起码准则,都可从中得到一些借鉴和启示。

    As large as a country , a nation of prosperity , how to conduct themselves as small as we are mortal beings to act , how to learn to some of the basic criteria , can get some reference and inspiration .

  6. 儒家作为中国文化的主干,对中国古代士人的影响至深至巨,其中儒家人格理想思想更是古代士人立身行事的准则。

    Confucianism is the main cultural stream of China , which exerts great influence on Chinese ancient man of service . Furthermore , the ideal thoughts of Confucian personality is the standard for Chinese ancient men of service to perfect their morality and their earthly life .