
lì gōng
  • render meritorious service;make contribution;win honour;do a meritorious deed;do a deed of merit
立功 [lì gōng]
  • [do a deed of merit;do a meritorious deed;make contribution;render meritorious service] 建功劳;做出贡献

  • 为国立功

立功[lì gōng]
  1. 立功制度的存在有其深刻的理论根源和实践需要,在司法适用过程中扮演着非常重要的角色。

    The existence of render meritorious service system has its far-reaching theoretical origins and practical need . It plays a very important role in judicial application process .

  2. 面对现行立功制度存在的立法和司法两方面的缺陷,也相应地提出了自己的完善建议。

    Facing the two defects of the existent render meritorious service system in legislative and judicial aspects , the author puts forward his own perfection suggestions accordingly .

  3. 立功者受奖。

    Those who perform deeds of merit shall be rewarded .

  4. 他在部队里多次立功。

    He repeatedly distinguished himself in the troops .

  5. 首恶必办,胁从不问,立功受奖。

    The chief criminals shall be punished without fail , those who are accomplices under duress shall go unpunished and those who perform deeds of merit shall be rewarded .

  6. 并以此对立功制度的价值取向进行了重新定位。

    And thus values of Meritorious Performance System have been re-positioning .

  7. 第二章介绍了我国立功制度的历史沿革,指出立功制度是我国独特的一项量刑制度。

    The history evolution of Meritorious Performance system in our country .

  8. 立功经历了从依附于自首到独立的过程。

    The Contribution System experiences from surrender process to independent system .

  9. 我国刑法规定的立功条件及一般处理原则

    Meritorious conditions and general principles set by China 's criminal law

  10. 每次我立功,我要让每个人都知道。

    When I do my job weii , I IET everybody know .

  11. 得过两枚立功奖章和两次奖状。

    Two meritorious service medals and two letters of commendation .

  12. 浅议单位犯罪的自首立功制度

    A Brief Talk On Voluntary Surrendering and Atoning for Crimes of Units

  13. 所以在立功的制度设计上尚需完善。

    So the designing of the system still needs improvement .

  14. 第一部分,立功制度的历史嬗变。

    Part I : The historical changes of the Meritorious Performance system .

  15. 我是让你有表现立功的机会。

    This is the performance of meritorious service you have the chance .

  16. 自首情节还可以与立功情节结合在一起。

    Voluntarily surrendered they can also be combined with the meritorious circumstances .

  17. 他在上次战役中未能立功。

    Military glory bad evaded him on his last campaign .

  18. 第四章着重探讨了重构之后立功成立的四个构成要件。

    Probe into four constitutive elements after rebuilding the Meritorious Performance system .

  19. 对我国刑法中立功制度的规范分析

    On the Constitution Analysis of our Criminal Meritorious Performance System

  20. 从实质上看,立功强调的是有用性。

    From the angle of nature , Meritorious Performance emphasizes on the usage .

  21. 第三章,立功制度的内涵和构成分析。

    II , the value of meritorious system analysis .

  22. 共犯自首与立功疑难问题探析

    Study on the Problems of Voluntary Surrender and Meritorious Service in Joint Crimes

  23. 第一章,中国立功制度的历史沿革。

    I , the history of China meritorious system .

  24. 罪、功、刑相适应&对犯罪后重大立功的认定与处罚问题的思考

    On Suiting Punishment and Meritorious Performance to Crime

  25. 立功制度的道德根基考察及其改造

    The Observation of Moral Foundation for Meritorious System & the Reform of this System

  26. 自首与立功的有关规定在司法实践中的理解与适用

    Understanding and Application of Regulations about Confession and Atonement for Crime in Judicial Practice

  27. 这是你立功补过的好机会。

    Here is a good chance for you to make amends for your mistake .

  28. 立功制度的价值构造

    Value formation of rendering meritorious service system

  29. 第三节自首和立功

    Section 3 voluntary surrender and meritorious performance

  30. 因此,对立功制度进行系统而深入的研究是理论与实践的双重需要。

    Therefore , systematic and further study on the system has double necessities for theory and practice .