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  • Blank row;null;null string
空行[kòng háng]
  1. 没有要显示的记录时,gridview控件中将显示空行。

    The null row is displayed in a GridView control when there are no records to display .

  2. 当关闭重定向流时,会向事件处理程序发送一个空行。

    When the redirected stream is closed , a null line is sent to the event handler .

  3. 其中datafile是每行一个字段的LDAP目录输出和用空行分隔的记录。

    Where data_file is your LDAP directory output of one field per line and record separated by an empty line .

  4. 介绍了基于VISUALFOXPRO6.0环境下通过删除多余空行和移动备注块优化备注文件的算法。

    Introduces a optimization algorithm about memo files by deleting unnecessary blanks and moving memo blocks in Visual Foxpro 6.0 environment .

  5. HTML会给标题上下自动加上额外的空行。

    HTML automatically adds an extra blank line before and after a heading .

  6. 在Name头后面第一个空行之前的所有头都作用于在Name头中指定的文件或者包。

    Any headers following a Name header , without any intervening blank lines , apply to the file or package specified in the Name header .

  7. 还不要将行附加到Document,以免具有空行或null行。

    Don 't attach the rows to the Document yet , in case you have empty rows or null rows .

  8. 要在表格前插入一空行,请在表格左上角单元格中任意文本之前单击,然后按enter。

    To insert a blank line before a table , click before any text in the upper-left cell of the table , and then press enter .

  9. LDAP数据库中的每条个人记录都将由空行分隔。

    Each of the individual records from the LDAP database will be separated by a blank line .

  10. 可以使用NicholasChase的developerWorksTip(参见参考资料)中包含的技术或使用以下代码生成一些空行

    You can make blank lines appear using the techniques included in Nicholas Chase 's developerWorks Tip ( see Resources ) or with the following code

  11. 在上述例子中,因为Sealed头出现在Name头后并且中间没有空行,所以Sealed头将被解释为只应用到包com/samplePackage上。

    In the example above , because the Sealed header occurs after the Name header without intervening blank lines , the Sealed header will be interpreted as applying only to the package com / samplePackage .

  12. 这确实意味着lexer和解析器都必须明白,是一个空行将标题从主体中分离了出来。

    This does mean that the lexer and the parser both have to know that an empty line separates a header from a body .

  13. 每个顺序的小块是否用空行隔开。

    Are sequential blocks separated from each other by blank lines ?

  14. 则向文件输出一个空行。

    Output , a blank line is printed to the file .

  15. 确保该文件以一个空行结束。

    Make sure that the file ends by using a blank line .

  16. 谢谢弟子茶桶空行打好了这两篇新诗。

    Thanks to disciple Detong Dakini for typing the two new poems .

  17. 要确保最后一个条目后面没有空行。

    Make sure there are no empty lines after the last entry .

  18. 你应该在每组导入之间放置一个空行。

    You should put a blank line between each group of imports .

  19. 我想弟子茶桶空行已为我们上传过了此录音了。

    I think disciple Detong Dakini had posted this recording for us already .

  20. 单击空行并开始编码。

    Click on a blank line and begin coding .

  21. 注意该标准同样要求在域头之后要有个空行。

    Note that the standard requires an empty line after the headers too .

  22. 按两下回车键,留出一条空行。

    Press return twice to leave a blank line .

  23. 注意这种情况下需要一个单独的空行来结束注释。

    Note that a blank line ends a documentation block in this case .

  24. 清除此选项时,“剪切”命令将移除空行。

    When this option is cleared , the cut command removes blank lines .

  25. 不同的块使用一个空行分隔。

    Separate individual blocks with a blank line .

  26. 数据项分组之间的空行将丢失。

    Blank rows between item groups are lost .

  27. 选定此选项后,将复制或剪切空行。

    When this option is selected , the blank line is copied or cut .

  28. 输出两行结果之间不要有空行。

    There should be no blank lines printed between each pair of output lines .

  29. 输入一个空行,以结束操作。

    Enter a blank line to end .

  30. 消息包括一个标题、一个空行和一个主体。

    A message consists of a header , an empty line , and a body .