
  • 网络scion
  1. 2008年7、8月先后进行了70余种处理,共计扦插穗条7000余株。

    The study had conducted more than 70 treatments , a total of more than 7000 strains of cutting scion on July and August 2008 .

  2. 以随机区组设计,综合分析了不同砧木状态、不同年龄接穗、穗条不同处理、不同嫁接人员、气候条件等因素对杨梅大树高接成活率和接穗生长情况的影响。

    The factors effecting survival rate in adult Myrica rubra high-grafting and growth of scions were analysed comprehensively by random block design with different stock kinds , different scion ages and treatments , different grafting workers and environments etc.

  3. 半木质化、未木质化、木质化穗条出现愈伤组织的时间分别为36d、37.3d和41.7d,平均生根率分别为44.33%、25.75%和60.33%;

    The callus induction time is 36 d 、 37.3 d 、 41.7 d respectively and rooting percentage is 44.33 % 、 25.75 % 、 60.33 % respectively using semi - lignification 、 non - lignification and lignification cutting ;

  4. 圃地留植苗嫁接比移栽苗嫁接的成活率高,大树高接能明显提高花叶复叶槭穗条生长量,扩大繁殖系数。

    Top grafting could increase scion growth thus enlarge propagation index .

  5. 云南红豆杉短穗条扦插育苗试验

    Test of Seedling-raising by Short Cuttings of Taxus yunnanensis

  6. 扦插极性对穗条萌芽有显著影响。

    The best effect was the polar cutting .

  7. 核桃穗条产量预测预报方法初步研究

    Techniques for Predicting Yield of Walnut Scions

  8. 半木质化穗条的成苗效果好于尚未木质化的;

    The plant establishment effect of half lignified cuttings is better than that of unlignified cuttings ;

  9. 1年生母株的穗条水培的出根率达90%以上;

    The hydroponics rooting of scions cutted from the 1-year-old maternal plant is up to 90 % .

  10. 从南、北2个方向采集的穗条在生根率、平均生根数和平均根长之间差异均不显著;

    There were no differences in rooting ratio between south and north cutting orientation in the ortets .

  11. 3~5年生幼林可做为穗条来源。

    And the young forest at the age of 3 to 5 may be as the cutting source .

  12. 四类穗条扦插均可获得较高生根率,根系和抽梢生长快。

    Four sorts of cuttings had high rooting rate and very good the growth of rooted cuttings in the experiment .

  13. 不同扦插时试验中,9月18日的穗条生根率最高,为71.9%。

    In the research of different rooting time , the rooting rate was highest on September 18th , for 71.9 % .

  14. 一般扦插生根成活率可达80%,如采用带顶芽嫩枝穗条扦插高达91.4%。

    The cuttage with twigs having the top and buds could reach 91.4 % in survival rate in comparison with 80 % of the conventional cuttage .

  15. 本文描述了红松穗条类型和着生部位、采条时期、插条粗细和长度、母树年龄等与生根率的关系。

    This paper describes cuttings type , cuttings Position of growth , period of collection cuttings , diameter and length of cuttings in relationship with root growth rate .

  16. 不同扦插基质其扦插生根率有显著差异,以黄心土和泥炭加珍珠岩为佳。穗条带顶芽或带1-2片叶可显著提高穗条生根率。

    Rooting rate had remarkable variation in different cutting medium , the best medium was yellow soil and peat plus perlite , scions with bud or with 1-2 leaf .

  17. 采用此套技术,培育砧苗出苗率高,生长健壮,经采用优株穗条嫁接,嫁接成活率高,嫁接苗生长也健壮。达到了培育果梅良种优质壮苗的目的。

    This set of techniques had the merits of high emergence rate of rootstock , healthy and strong growth , high survival rate of grafting , strong growth of grafted plant .

  18. 为研究金银花扦插育苗技术,选择了不同类型的金银花穗条并对穗条进行了不同激素和不同浸枝时间处理。

    A cuttage experiment was carried out in order to study the technology of cuttage and propagation of Japanese honeysuckle ( Lonicera japonica ) by chose different cutting woods and soaked them with hormone .

  19. 无性繁殖以秋季扦插效果较好,野生穗条短枝成活率达43.7%,分别比春季、夏季扦插高13.7%和38.7%;

    As the asexual breed , the effect of cuttage in autumn is better and the survival rate of short branches of wild spikes reaches 43.7 % being 13.7 % and 38.7 % higher than those in spring and summer ;

  20. 该突变体的茎、叶、穗出现条斑。水稻披叶不育系选育

    The mutant showed white stripe on stem , leaf and spikelet . BREEDING MALE STERILE LINE WITH DROOPY LEAVES IN RICE

  21. 其研究结果如下:1突变体表型特征:该突变体的茎、叶、穗出现条斑。

    The results were as follows : 1 The phenotype characters of mutant : The mutant showed white stripe on stem , leaf and spikelet .

  22. 在穗部性状及条锈病的抗性方面,都需要加以改造。

    Its spike traits and stripe resistance have to be improved .

  23. 研究了丽江云杉植株个体、激素、采穗母株年龄、枝条类型、穗条长度和穗条着生方位等对穗条生根的影响。

    The purpose of the study was to investigate the rooting ability of individual plant , plant hormones , ortet ages , cutting types , cutting positions , cutting lengths and cutting orientations .

  24. 试验采用随机区组设计,对采穗母树设遮光和喷施叶面肥处理,穗条选取未木质化、半木质化、木质化三种,长度分为3~5cm,5~8cm,15cm以上。

    Using block randomization design , we select three kinds of cuttings for non-lignification 、 semi-lignification and lignification , and the length is 3 ~ 5cm 、 5 ~ 8cm and over 15cm respectively by shading and spraying foliar fertilizer with stock maternal tree ;