
xī zhōu
  • gruel;water gruel;thin porridge
  1. 犯人们每日三餐靠一碗稀粥度日。

    The prisoners subsisted on one mug of the worst quality porridge three times a day

  2. 他靠稀粥度日。

    He exists on porridge .

  3. 一个月过去他逐渐消瘦萎靡,吃的不过是稀粥,他只想速死。但这时有人要他去画领袖像:红色高棉的领袖波尔布特(PolPot)。

    But after withering away for a month , fed so sparely on rice gruel that he felt an urge to consume the flesh of the dead , he was asked to paint portraits of the regime 's leader , Pol Pot .

  4. 当芜菁甘蓝也没有了,你吃稀粥。

    When the turnips are gone , you eat gruel .

  5. 稀粥里的营养少得可怜,算是很低的要求了。

    Congee is a thin gruel , containing little nourishment .

  6. 吃的食物非常简单,老师一天三顿喝小米稀粥。

    The food was very simple-teachers ate millet gruel three times a day .

  7. 不喜欢你的稀粥吗,小子?

    On 't like your gruel , boy ?

  8. 哦,在军队里喝了这么多年的稀粥,我现在很容易就满足了。

    After so many years of soldier 's porridge , I am easily sated .

  9. 我父母喜欢吃稀粥。

    My parents like eating gruel .

  10. 我吃一些稀粥。

    I had some congee .

  11. 一个月过去他逐渐消瘦萎靡,吃的不过是稀粥,他只想速速求死。

    When he first saw the wasted prisoners in S-21 , he thought it was all over for him .

  12. 她就欣然默认,索性躺上床,喝稀粥,图个心里安静。

    She was glad to acquiesce , and even to go to bed , and drink water-gruel , in order that she might possess her soul in quiet .

  13. 当一段感情已成过去了,那个男人只会似一锅淡而无味的隔夜稀粥,懵懵的女人才会省悟。

    When section of sentiments have become , that man only can resemble a pot insipidly overnight the thin rice gruel , the ignorant woman only then can realize .

  14. 这一碗稀粥他实在吃得没有甚么味道,所以他的一双脚就在袋子上踩,踩得那张马皮发出叽叽嘎嘎的声音来。

    Now Little Claus did not relish the porridge at all , so he trod with his foot on the sack under the table , and the dry skin squeaked quite loud .

  15. 含贝壳、矿石类的中成药,因难以消化吸收,最好选用稀粥送服,以减轻药物对胃肠道的刺激。

    With shells , minerals like medicine , digestion and absorption because of the difficulty , the best selection of gruel delivery service , to reduce the drugs on the gastrointestinal tract irritation .

  16. “咳,里面是一个魔法师,”小克劳斯回答说。“他说我们不必再吃稀粥了,他已经变出一灶子烤肉、鱼和点心来了。”

    " Oh , it is a conjuror ," said Little Claus ;" and he says we need not eat porridge , for he has conjured the oven full of roast meat , fish , and pie . "

  17. 吃完了这顿早中饭后,吝啬鬼又说:“既然我们还在桌子边,让我们连晚饭也吃了吧。”这次上桌的有排骨、薄饼和两碗稀粥。于是两个人又吃起来。

    When they finished the brunches , the cheap farmer said , " While we 're still at the table , let 's have supper too . " They were now served steak , pancakes , two bowls of gruel and they ate once more .