
  • 网络Duke Mu of Qin;Mu of Qin;Vojvoda Mu od Qina
  1. 秦穆公派人去取马,没想到是一匹黑色的雄马。

    The king sent people to get the yellow mare , but found it a black colt .

  2. 秦穆公牵来一看,却是一匹栗色的雄马,不禁大失所望。

    King of Mu pull to have a look , it is a chestnut stallion , can not help but disappointed .

  3. 在春秋战国时期,秦穆公吞并十二个国家,极大地扩大了自己的领土,使其成为一代霸主。

    During the Spring and Autumn Period , Qin Mugong annexed twelve states , largely expanding his territory , making himself an overlord .

  4. 秦晋之间的强强联合,以秦穆公为主线的婚姻关系中,双方平分秋色,具有阶段性特点。

    Qin Jin combination , the Qin mu Gong is the main line , the two sides were evenly divided , with the stage characteristics .