
  • 网络qin culture
  1. 秦文化精神经历了春秋和战国至帝国时代两个历史发展阶段。

    The spirit of Qin culture had undergo the The Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period and the empire age .

  2. 相对而言,长安城郊中小型西汉早期墓葬中的秦文化因素浓郁,楚文化因素较少。

    Relatively speaking , the medium and small-sized Western Han tombs in the suburbs of Chang ' an city , has more Qin culture factors than those of large tombs .

  3. 萌生于频繁征战的秦文化先天具有军事性。

    There is a military character in Qin s culture which is born in multifarious wars .