
  • 网络qinling tunnel
  1. 秦岭隧道仰拱TBM浆体技术的研究

    Study on the Technology of TBM Casting Paste Under Invert in Qinling Tunnel

  2. 由于秦岭隧道部分地段地质方面的原因,使TBM在掘进中发生了偏离现象。

    The cause of deviation of driving with TBM in Qinling Tunnel is the difficult geological condition .

  3. GPS在秦岭隧道群控制网的布设和精度分析

    Precision Analysis and Building of GPS Controlling Net in Qinling Tunnels

  4. 秦岭隧道开敞式TBM施工的初期支护

    Initial Support for Qinling Railway Tunnel Constructed by Open TBM

  5. 秦岭隧道Ⅰ线进口段TBM施工组织管理

    Management of TBM Construction in the Entrance Section of Qinling No. 1 Tunnel

  6. 秦岭隧道出口段突涌水特征及对TBM施工的影响

    Character of Sudden Water Inflow in the South Section of Qinling Tunnel and Its Influence on TBM Construction

  7. 水平岩层隧道围岩坍方的初步分析本文主要介绍秦岭隧道掘进机(TBM)施工中围岩坍方及其处理的情况,并提出了掘进机通过坍方地段的对策。

    Primary Analysis of the Wall & rock Landslide of the Tunnels along Horizontal Layers This paper describes the collapse of surrounding rock during the construction with TBM in Qin-ling Tunnel and presents the countermeasure against it .

  8. TB880E掘进机是根据秦岭隧道的修建条件而从德国WIRTH公司订购的全断面硬岩掘进机。

    TB880E hard rock TBM was imported from WIRTH Company of Germany according to the construction condition of Qinling tunnel .

  9. 秦岭隧道钻孔实测应力分析与探讨

    Practical stress measuring results in boreholes at Qinling tunnel and discussions

  10. 通风速度和外界气温对秦岭隧道温度的影响

    Influence of Atmospheric Temperature and Airflow Speed on Temperature in Qinling Tunnel

  11. 秦岭隧道钢纤维喷混凝土衬砌质量控制

    Quality control of steel fiber shotcrete lining in Qinling tunnel

  12. 秦岭隧道应用掘进机技术的有关因素

    Factors concerned with application of tunnel boring machine technique for Qinling tunnels

  13. 膨胀橡胶在秦岭隧道的防水应用研究

    Study and Application of Hydro-expansive Rubber Used in Qinling Tunnel

  14. 秦岭隧道岩爆特征与施工处理

    Rock Burst Characteristics and Treatment Methods in Qinling tunnel

  15. 秦岭隧道全断面掘进机刀具磨损规律分析

    The Analysis of TBM Cutter Wear Characteristic in The Construction of Qinling Tunnel

  16. 秦岭隧道火灾模式下的通风组织试验方案研究

    A Study of Experiment on Ventilation Organization under Fire Mode in Qinling Tunnel

  17. 秦岭隧道洞外精密高程控制测量

    Precise Leveling of the Very Long QingLing Mountain Tunnel

  18. 秦岭隧道地下水水化学异常的形成机理

    Mechanism of hydrochemical anomaly of groundwater in Qinling Tunnel

  19. 东秦岭隧道进口段施工通风设计

    Ventilation design for the entrance of East Qinling tunnel

  20. 秦岭隧道水文地质的综合勘察与涌水量的预测计算

    Survey of Hydrogeology Condition and Calculation of Water Inflow in Qinling Railway Tunnelling

  21. 秦岭隧道抗爆炸荷载的分析研究

    Analysis of Resistant Blasting Cartridge Loads for Qinling Tunnel

  22. 数据库技术在秦岭隧道防灾工程设计中的应用

    Application of Database Technology in the Design of Qinling Tunnel Hazards Preventing Project

  23. 秦岭隧道施工对设计地质成果的验证分析

    Analyses by contrast and verification against design geologic achievements through construction of Qinling Tunnel

  24. 秦岭隧道施工地质信息计算机处理数据模型研究

    The Study of Computer Processing Data Model of Construction Geological Information of Qinling Tunnel

  25. 秦岭隧道建造关键技术

    The Key Technology in Constructing the Qinling Tunnel

  26. 湿喷混凝土在秦岭隧道的应用

    Application of wet shotcrete to Qinling Railway Tunnel

  27. 秦岭隧道区域地温场特征分析和隧道围岩岩温预测

    Analysis of Earth Temperature Field Character and Prediction of Rock Temperature at Qinling Railway Tunnel

  28. 西安安康铁路秦岭隧道进口工区施工技术及成果

    Construction techniques and achievements at entrance working section of Qinling Tunnel on XI'AN-ANKANG railway line

  29. 秦岭隧道Ⅱ线平导有轨运输施工技术

    Construction technique with rail transport for parallel drift of no. ⅱ line of Qinling Tunnel

  30. 解决西康线秦岭隧道通信联络的方法

    Solution of Wireless Communication of Qinling Tunnel