
  1. 王轶琼的秘境名字叫静园。

    The mystic territory of Wang Yiqiong is called Still Garden .

  2. 这个故事发生在丛林深处的秘境之中

    This story begins in a secret place hidden deep in a forest

  3. 2010年,我又踏上这片土地,重新感受那份秘境中的绚烂。

    I went to Xinjiang again in2010 to recapture the beauty of the wonderland .

  4. 浩劫后的世界里,有许多荒野秘境等你来探索。

    There 's still a lot more wasteland out there that has yet to be explored .

  5. 但是对我们其余的人而言,南岛是世界最棒的秘境。

    For the rest of us , though , South Island is the world 's best-kept secret .

  6. 神奇的自然秘境、传统文化和特色产业构成了日本四国德岛县的多元风貌。

    Amazing natural Fam , traditional culture and characteristics of industrial structure of Japan 's Shikoku Tokushima diverse style .

  7. 迄今为止,曾经穿越这片被称为死亡之海的秘境者为数寥寥,而12岁的小学五年级女生张韬讳则是这些穿越者中最年轻的一位。

    Up to now few people have successfully crossed this deadly desert , and the12-year-old fifth grade girl Zhang Taohui is the youngest among them .

  8. 逛旧书店时,设计精美的再版书、中欧名不见经传作家的新译著、精彩纷呈的散文集与短篇小说集以及秘境旅游指南可谓一应俱全。

    Walking around the old shop , you saw beautifully designed reissues , new translations of obscure central European authors , fascinating collections of essays and short stories , quirky travel guides .

  9. 不少衍生剧如《梅林传奇之魔法秘境》(2009)和《梅林和亚瑟的前世今生》(2009)因为原剧的原因而在中国观众中也享有很高的人气。

    The derivative videos , such as Merlin : Secrets & Magic ( 2009 ) and The Real Merlin and Arthur ( 2009 ) also enjoy high popularity due to people 's love of the original TV episodes .