- science fiction

The idea of cloning extinct life forms still belongs to science fiction .
This novel is not science fiction , nor is it Gothic horror .
The border between science fact and science fiction gets a bit fuzzy .
She attended a series of lectures about science fiction writing .
Having your personal satellite launched into orbit might sound like an idea straight out of science fiction .
But this is science fiction , so we can be optimistic !
Arthur C Clarke is the doyen of science-fiction writers .
This may sound like science fiction , yet a new technique for making gelatin from human DNA is attracting increasing interest from research and industrial circles .
The Chinese writer Liu Cixin has won the 2015 Hugo Award for best science-fiction novel .
Cyclops , one of the leaders of the X-Men , shoots a powerful beam of energy from his eyes . This sounds like pure science fiction .
These seemed the most attractive options for a kid in 1970s Britain who adored sci-fi , Superman and Doctor Who .
At Oculus , a leading virtual reality company , a copy of the popular sci-fi novel " Ready Player One " is handed out to new hires .
The novel was published in April by Sphere in the UK - the same imprint as her first fiction novel after Harry Potter , The Casual Vacancy .
But the NASA rovers , Spirit and Opportunity , are the closest things we have to the space robots of science fiction .
The company takes its name from a 1966 Harry Harrison science-fiction novel Make Room ! Make Room ! , which explores the impact massive population growth could have on world resources .
Microsoft has its first Xbox one halo game coming in 2014 and Steven Spielberg is developing a live action halo TV series for Xbox Live based on the sci-fi franchise .
Science was forever changed in 1984 , and the groundbreaking moment had nothing to do with George Orwell 's famous sci-fi dystopia .
Now , most popular views of AI , of course , come from science fiction and the movies , and I 'm personally a big Star Wars fan .
It is a classic science-fiction story in the style of the British master Arthur C. Clarke , whose work Mr. Liu says he grew up reading .
We 're always talking about space , he said recently at a meeting of the Explorers Club in New York , and I loved sci-fi and I thought space was it too .
For most people , the words " time travel " bring to mind science fiction : H.G.Wells , Star Trek , and a certain famous DeLorean automobile .
First theorized in 1967 by the Russian physicist Victor Veselago and invented in 1999 by a group led by the physicist David R. Smith , the new design approach was first seen as a curiosity that hinted at science fiction applications like invisibility cloaks .
There are comparisons to be made between Dr Arkin 's work and the famous laws of robotics drawn up by Isaac Asimov , a science-fiction writer , to govern robot behaviour .
Other escapist literature also has done well : Although most book sales were flat or down in February 2009 from the year before , a spokesperson for the Borders book chain says that science fiction and fantasy were up - as were humor titles . 4 .
In an interview with the BBC , Stephenson said he got this idea from president of Arizona State University ( ASU ) Michael Crow , who said at a conference on futurology that science fiction needed to supply ideas that scientists and engineers could actually implement .
Translated by Ken Liu , an award-winning science-fiction writer in his own right who is based in the United States ( the men are not related ) , it is one of the few Chinese science-fiction novels to be translated into English . It will be released in the United States on Tuesday by Tor Books .
The first chapter traces back the origin of science fiction .
Science Fiction : A New Reading in and against Science Age
Technology of schema matching The Rights and Wrongs of Science Fiction
Oh , yes , science fiction is also largely read .