
  1. 中国和拉丁美洲的科学技术交流与合作拉丁美洲的农业科研投资还是主要以公共部门为主;

    SINO-LATIN AMERICA EXCHANGES AND COOPERATION IN THE FIELD OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Agricultural research in the LAC region is still largely in the public sector .

  2. 烟草控制不仅是疾病控制问题,还涉及到贸易、科学技术交流、民间与国际合作、国内法与国际法等多方面的问题。

    Tobacco control deals with the problems not only about disease control , but also trade , science and technology exchange , nongovernmental and international cooperation and relation between home law and international law .

  3. 随着德中文化、教育、经济和科学技术交流的不断深入发展,它应该是在实践中不断得到解决的几个重要问题。

    With the further development of communication in culture , education , economy and science between German and Chinese , it should be one of the important issues to be solved in practice . The paper briefly discusses the criterion of translation between German and Chinese .

  4. 我认为,我们在贸易、技术、投资和科学管理技术交流这几个方面特别有望取得进展。

    I think progress in these is particularly promising , that is , trade , technology , investment and exchanges of scientific and managerial expertise .

  5. 这次展览会将对地震科学技术的交流和发展、开展横向联系和国际合作起到积极的促进作用。

    The exhibition will play a positive and promotive role in the exchange and development of seismological science and technology , and to promote crosswise connection and international cooperation .

  6. 1991年10月至1992年10月,作者应日本科学技术国际交流中心的邀请在日本邮政省通讯综合研究所工作,与高桥耕三教授共同探讨地震电磁辐射源的机理和信号的传播途径。

    From Oct. 1991 to Oct. 1992 , the author was invited by the Japan International Science and Technological Exchange Center to work at the Telecommunication Research Institute of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications , together with Prof.

  7. 科学技术政策情报交流系统

    Science and Technology Policy Information Exchange System-SPINES

  8. 中国和日本是近邻,有着两千多年的文化、科学技术、贸易交流的历史。

    China and Japan are adjacent countries which have a two-thousand-year exchange history on culture , science and trade .

  9. 加勒比信息网加强合作促进科学和技术信息交流区域方案(信息交流方案)

    Regional Programme for Strengthening Cooperation among Information Networks for the Exchange of Information in Science and Technology in the Caribbean [ CARSTIN ]

  10. 科技英语是为了满足科学技术发展与交流而逐渐形成的一种英语变体。

    EST ( English for Science and Technology ) is an English variety forming gradually in the development and communication of science and technology .

  11. 周谷城是享誉海内外的著名学者与历史学家。首届海内外中华青年学者材料科学技术研讨及交流会举行

    Zhou Gucheng was a well-know historian and scholar at home and abroad . The 1st Symposium of Materials Science and Technology of Chinese Young Scientists in China and Abroad Was Held

  12. 双方农业交流的成效显著,无论是农产品贸易还是农业科学技术与人员交流,都对各个不同历史阶段中俄两国经济和社会发展起到了积极的促进作用。

    Whether it carried out trade exchange or expert communication , it has make achievements and has played a positive role in promoting economic and social development in different historical stages between the two countries .

  13. 他们在华的传教事业基本上是失败的,或者说是收效甚微,但他们在中西文化(哲学、史学、经济、伦理、政治、语言文字、科学技术等)交流方面成绩斐然。

    Their missionary task was ultimately unsuccessful and they gained little . However , they achieved great successes in the cultural exchange , especially on the side of philosophy , historiography , economy , ethic , politics , language and technology between China and the West .

  14. 随着经济全球化,科技英语对于促进科学技术的传播和交流发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    With economic globalization deepened , the roles English for science and technology playing in the spread and communication of science and technology are increasingly important .

  15. 科学技术日益发展,交流活动也日益广泛,既超出了地区范围,更超出了国界。

    Science and technology development and the increase of exchanges have become increasingly widespread , is beyond the scope of the region , but also beyond the borders .

  16. 世界经济全球化有力地促进了全球政治、文化、科学与技术的信息交流,而这一切都是通过翻译才得以实现的。

    The globalization of the world economy has greatly promoted the exchange of information in the fields of politics , culture , science and technology , and this can only be made possible by means of translation .

  17. 人们的看法是发展旅游业将有助于促进中国人民和其他国家人民之间的相互了解和友谊,并将有利于文化、科学、技术方面的交流。

    The development of tourism , it is believed , will help promote mutual understanding and friendship between the peoples of China and other countries , and facilitate exchanges in the field of culture , science and technology .

  18. 此外,还要大力发展有益于人类社会可持续发展的科学技术,加强国际交流与合作;促进科学技术的创新与应用,为污染防治、生态改善提供技术支持。

    In addition , great efforts should be made to develop science and technology to solve the environment problem . strengthen international exchanges and cooperation to promote scientific and technological innovation and application , provide technical support to improve the ecological environment .

  19. 它属于科学技术研究领域的范畴,是科学家和专业技术人员为了满足科学技术交流的需求而形成的。

    It is a scientific and technological register formed by the scientists and technicians to meet the needs of scientific communication .