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  1. 离生的一心皮或多个心皮分别可以用雌蕊或复雌蕊表示。

    The term pistil or compound pistil is also used to mean one or many carpels respectively .

  2. 看护者是坐在病房里的成年人,离生病的婴儿还有3英尺远。

    The sitters were adults who sat in the room , more than three feet away from the infected baby .

  3. 大的叶通常相对于秆,在掌状安排,离生的横向脉,边缘具结实坏死在冬天内内。

    Leaves usually large relative to culm , in palmate arrangement , transverse veins distinct , margins with substantial necrosis in winter .

  4. 只有一个心皮的雌蕊称单心皮,具两个或更多分离的心皮称离生心皮。

    A gynoecium with only one carpel is called monocarpellary ; with two or more separate carpel , apocarpous ; and with fused carpels syncarpous .

  5. 离生他养他的星球那么遥远。每次想处理其中涉及的数学问题,他的脑袋都难免乱成一团。

    So far from the world which had given birth to him that his brain could not even process the sort of numbers involved without just going limp .

  6. 雌蕊的心皮为对折心皮,雌蕊发生时基部相连,在发育的过程中,因合生部分的不同生长而形成合生心皮或离生心皮。

    When the carpels are initiating , they connect together each other , and in the growing progress , the connected parts of carpels grow in different degree , so if the connected parts grew as fast as carpels , the pistil is syncarpous , otherwise apocarpous .