
  • 网络neuropsychiatric symptoms;neuropsychic symptoms;abnormalities
  1. 目的对70例住院的慢性乙醇中毒患者的神经精神症状进行总结。

    [ Objective ] To sum up the neuropsychic symptoms of 70 cases of psychonosema caused by chronic alcoholism .

  2. 血液滤过在伴神经精神症状终末期尿毒症患者中应用价值的探讨

    Application value of hemofiltration on patients with neuropsychic symptoms in telophase of uraemia

  3. 报告8例甲旁机能减退症的神经精神症状和7例脑CT扫描表现。

    This report presents the neurological manifestations and brain CT scan findings in a series of patients with hypoparathyroidism .

  4. 结论对COPD患者实施护理干预可提高患者对COPD疾病的病因、治疗、诱发因素等的了解;是改善患者气短症状、神经精神症状、血气、肺功能等的有效措施。

    Conclusion Nursing interventions to COPD patients could improve symptoms of COPD such as short of breath , mental condition , blood gas and pulmonary function .

  5. 目的探讨护理干预组缓解期慢性阻塞性肺气肿(COPD)患者气短症状、神经精神症状、血气、肺功能等指标的影响。

    Objective To investigate the influence of nursing intervention on the symptoms such as short of breath , mental condition , blood gas and pulmonary function in COPD patients .

  6. 实验结果提示:(1)NOS的增多可能是过度训练的神经精神症状和神经内分泌症状病理特征之一;

    The results of the experiment prove that ( 1 ) The increase in NOS might well be the character of nerve-spiritual symptom and nerve-endocrine symptom while overtraining syndrome happens ;

  7. 中毒后4~5d,10例患者出现不同程度的出血、黄疸、神经精神症状;

    But , when 4 to 5 days post poisoning , 10 patients became to have jaundice , hemorrhage , nervous and mental abnormality .

  8. 血清IgG型ACL与系统性红斑狼疮的病情活动高度相关,IgG型ACL阳性系统性红斑狼疮患者易出现狼疮肾炎、高血压、神经精神症状,及并发血栓形成。

    Serum IgG-ACL is highly relevant with the SLE disease activity , IgG-type ACL - positive SLE patients easy to occur with lupus nephritis , hypertension , lupus brain disease , complicated by thrombosis .

  9. 最常见的神经精神症状是认知障碍(48%)、癫痫(43%)和头痛(29%)。单光子发射计算机断层成像(SPECT)的表现异常率达80%.86%的患者接受了甲泼尼龙治疗;

    The most common NP manifestations were cognitive dysfunction ( 48 % ), seizure disorder ( 43 % ) and headache ( 29 % ) . The abnormality percentage of SPECT was80 % . 86 % patients received MP pulses therapy .

  10. 两例19、20岁的男性患者手术后30~40min出现胸闷、憋气、心前区不适,且随之出现神经精神症状。

    Two young men aged 19 and 20 had chest distress , oppressed , precordial distress , even neuropsychic symptom after surgery ;

  11. 尼古丁还可使儿茶酚胺类和血清素类递质系统包括多巴胺(DA)、去甲肾上腺素(NE)和5-羟色胺(5-HT)等的合成、释放和代谢活性加强,可能与兴奋性神经精神症状的产生有关。

    Nicotine can also effect the neurotransmitter systems of Cate-cholamine and Serotonin by enhancing the synthesization release and catabolism of Dopamine ( DA ) Noradrenaline ( NE ) and 5 - Hydroxide Tryptamine ( 5 - HT ) , which may be related to the neurotic - psychiatric syndrome .

  12. 下丘脑CRH和AVP同时表现为上调趋势,提示CRH在AVP的协同下调节PTSD皮质醇激素水平,并且与PTSD的神经精神症状的临床表现相关。

    Hypothalamic CRH and AVP display at the same trend of increasing , suggesting that CRH in coordination with AVP regulate steroid hormone levels in PTSD , and they are related to the clinical symptoms about the spirit in PTSD . 7 .

  13. 使用常规剂量的抗菌药物1~6d出现神经精神症状,包括锥体外系症状、逐渐进展的定向力和意识障碍甚至昏迷,或者出现淡漠、易激惹、幻觉、性格改变等。

    After receiving intravenous injection daily for 1-6 days , patients presented with progressive neuropsychiatric symptoms , including extra-pyramidal system symptoms , disorientation , depressed consciousness , even coma , or apathy , agitation , hallucination , and personality changes .

  14. 首发为神经精神症状的细支气管肺泡癌11例临床分析

    Bronchiolo-alveolar carcinoma with neuro-encephalopathy as the initial symptom-analysis of 11 cases

  15. 终末期尿毒症神经精神症状分析及中西医结合治疗

    Analysis Integrated TCM WM Therapy for Neuropsychic Symptoms of Uraemia in Telophase

  16. 73例终末期肾衰竭并发神经精神症状的临床分析

    Mental and nervous symptom in end - stage renal failure

  17. 目的寻找终末期尿毒症并发神经精神症状的原因。

    Objective To study the correlative factors of mental disorders in maintenance dialysis .

  18. 慢性酒精中毒的神经精神症状及20例报告

    Nervo-psycology Symptom of Chronic Alcohol Toxicosis in 20 Cases

  19. 慢性肺心病伴有意识障碍及神经精神症状44例病因分析

    Analysis of the Pathogenesis of Chronic Cor Pulmonale Complicated by Mental Confusion and Nervous Mental Symptoms

  20. 方法回顾性分析56例出现神经精神症状的终末期尿毒症患者临床资料,将其分为尿毒症脑病组(A)组,共30例;

    Methods Clinical materials of neuropsychic symptom in 56 patients with end-stage uremia were retrospectively analyzed .

  21. 目的分析慢性肾衰竭并发神经精神症状的原因。

    Objective To investigate the main factors of mental and nervous symptom in chronic renal failure .

  22. 方法回顾性分析我院34例出现神经精神症状的慢性肾衰竭患者的资料。

    Methods The clinical data of mental and nervous symptom in34 patients with chronic renal failure were retrospectively analyzed .

  23. 汞危害的症状体征,以神经精神症状和口腔炎、齿龈炎为主。

    The symptoms and signs were mainly those of the nerve system and were expressed as gingivitis or stomatitis .

  24. 起病时的临床表现主要有:乏力,出血倾向,神经精神症状,高粘滞综合征等。

    The clinical manifestations included : fatigue , bleeding , neuropathy , psychiatric symptoms , hyperviscosity syndrome and so on .

  25. 结论:吡喹酮抗囊治疗对脑囊虫病患者的大多数神经精神症状有效,但可能有诱发或加重痴呆的可能。

    Conclusions : Praziquantel is effective for most psychiatric symptoms caused by cerebrocysticercosis , but dementia may be induced or aggravated .

  26. 目的研究社区老年人和轻中度痴呆患者神经精神症状的表现及其患病率。

    Objective To determine the prevalence of neuropsychiatric symptoms in dementia and normal elderly people living in the Chinese community of Beijing .

  27. 结果:发现老年精神分裂症合并肺炎患者与老年肺炎患者在神经精神症状和消化系统症状方面差异有显著性。

    Results : It was found that there was a significant difference in nerve mental symptom and gastrointestinal symptom between the former and the latter .

  28. 结果:治疗前神经精神症状以头痛、头晕和癫痫发作最为常见(分别占82.7%、45.1%和63.9%);

    Results : Before treatment most frequent symptoms were headache , dizziness and epileptic attack ( 82.7 % , 45.1 % and 63.9 % , respectively );

  29. 在莱姆病抗体阳性者中,均未发现有典型的慢性游走性红斑皮疹的患者,但一部分人有肌痛、关节炎、心功能异常、神经精神症状等与莱姆病相关的临床症状。

    None of the positive serum antibody against Lyme Disease patients have the typical erythema chronic migratory ( ECM ), but some of them have the myalgia , arthritis , abnormity of heart function .

  30. 分别观察治疗前后患者肝硬化患者的3项临床指标(腹水、神经精神症状和营养状态)及2项肝功能指标测定(血清胆红素和清蛋白),凝血酶原时间延长程度。

    Before and after treatment were observed in patients with cirrhosis of the 3 patients with clinical parameters ( ascites , neuropsychiatric symptoms and nutritional status ) and the determination of 2 liver function ( serum bilirubin and albumin ), prothrombin time prolongation .