
  • 网络neurite;neurites;neuritic
  1. 胞内cAMP对髓鞘膜蛋白抑制神经突起生长的影响

    Intracellular cAMP affecting the inhibition of neurite growth by myelin membrane proteins in CNS

  2. 结果免疫荧光细胞化学结果提示,NRF能促进背根神经节神经突起的生长,浓度为2.0mg/L时生长状况最佳;

    Results NRF can promote the neurite growth of DRGs in vitro .

  3. 银杏内酯B组分化细胞的神经突起数目增多、长度增长、胞体面积增大。

    Ginkgolide B increases neurites number and length and cell body area .

  4. BDNF主要位于大脑皮质各层、海马各区、脑干以及小脑的神经元胞体及神经突起;

    BDNF located in endochylema of neuron in cerebral cortex , hippocampus brain stem and brain stem .

  5. 以倒置相差显微镜观察PC12细胞神经突起的变化;

    The morphology of PC12 cells was observed by phase-contrast microscopy .

  6. 结果NFP密集分布在细胞质中、神经突起内,延伸至生长锥体部的C区内;

    Result NFP is intensely distributed in the cytoplasma , nerve process , and elongated to C domain of nerve growth cone body .

  7. 神经突起(neurite)自胞体发出,汇集成束或交织成网。

    The processes ( neurite ) from the neurons formed extensive meshworks and bundles .

  8. 这表明,吗啡具有进一步增强去初级传入纤维支配的脊髓后角组织提取液促进培养的DRG神经突起生长的效应。

    The result indicates that morphine might enhance the neurite-promoting effect of the tissue extract of deafferented spinal dorsal horn on DRG .

  9. 基于分维数的NRF促大鼠DRGs神经突起生长显微图像分析

    Microscopic image analysis of NRF on the neurite growth of rat DRGs based on fractal dimension

  10. 体外培养备用根组和抗GDNF抗体组神经突起的平均长度比针刺组的短(P0.05);

    On the 7 ~ th day , the neurite length of the spared DRG group and anti-GDNF antibody group were shorter than that of the acupuncture group ( P0.05 );

  11. 结论:预先间接和直接升高神经元胞内cAMP水平,均可有效抵消髓鞘膜蛋白抑制神经突起生长的作用。

    Conclusion : The raise of intracellular cAMP levels of cerebella granule neurons indirectly and directly induced by chorea toxin and dibutyryl cAMP can block the inhibitory effects of neurite growth by myelin membrane proteins .

  12. 腺苷酸环化酶激活剂Forskolin促背根节神经突起生长作用的研究

    The Study for Effect of an Activator of Adenylyl Cyclase Forskolin on Neurite Outgrowth of Dorsal Root Ganglion

  13. OMgp不同结构域在抑制神经突起生长中的作用

    Distinct Effects of OMgp Domains in Neurite Outgrowth Inhibition

  14. 而实验组(DRG与手术侧背核植块联合培养组)神经突起多且长,从DRG迁移出的细胞少;

    As compared with the control and the reference groups , DRG of the experimental group displayed much more and longer neurites with less cells migrated out .

  15. 于培养24与48小时测定各DRG神经突起的长度,以同一批培养各组平均长度与参照组平均长度的比值衡量各组提取液对DRG神经突起生长的影响。

    Average neurite length of each DRG was measured at 24 and 48 hrs . in vitro , and the mean length for each group was calculated .

  16. 而针刺组神经突起的平均长度与抗NT-4抗体组间无差异(P>0.05);

    While that of anti-NT-4 antibody group was not shorter than that of the acupuncture group ;

  17. 神经突起导向因子netrin-4功能鉴定与受体研究

    Functional Identification of the Axon Guidance Factor Netrin-4 and the Receptor Study

  18. 结果发现,Nogo-66受体密集分布在细胞质和胞膜、神经突起内,延伸至生长锥体部C区和P区内,P区密度更高。

    The results showed that Nogo-66 receptor was intensely distributed in the cytoplasma , membrane , nerve process , and elongated to C domain and P domain of nerve growth cone body , the distribution intensity in P domain was higher than others .

  19. 目的研究Huntington舞蹈病的组织病理改变特点,观察泛素阳性营养不良性神经突起和神经细胞核内包涵体在大脑不同部位的分布规律,探讨痴呆和精神异常的病理基础。

    Objective To examine the distribution of ubiquitin positive structures in brain of Chorea Huntington and pathological basis of cognitive and psychiatric symptoms in a large Northern Chinese kindred .

  20. 然而在该研究中,作者观察了一些已经发生分化的PC12细胞,这些细胞长有很长的神经突起,在形态上属于神经元样细胞。

    However , in this study , we not only detected DNA synthesis but also observed cell division in some morphologically differentiated neuronal PC12 cells bearing long neurites .

  21. 结果:NT-3cDNA/CHO细胞培养48h后的无血清条件培养基1∶24稀释后即能促进DRG神经突起的生长;

    RESULTS : After culturing of NT-3cDNA / CHO cells for 48h , the no FCS CM was collected . The CM in 1 ∶ 24 dilution could stimulate the fiber outgrowth of DRG .

  22. 方法:体外培养8日龄鸡胚背根神经节(DRG),加入条件培养基,测量背根节神经突起生长的长度。

    METHOD : Dorsal root ganglia ( DRG ) of 8 day chicken embryo were cultured in vitro . The length of fiber outgrowth of DRG stimulated by the rNT-3 in the conditioned medium ( CM ) was measured .

  23. 为探讨Forskolin对感觉神经元神经突起生长的影响,采用悬浮培养法,对鸡胚背根节进行体外培养。

    For exploration the effect of forskolin on neurite outgrowth of sensory neuron , the hanging-drop culture method was used to culture chicken embryonic dorsal root ganglion ( DRG ) in vitro .

  24. 目前多种促神经突起生长的生物活性分子都应用于神经损伤后再生的研究,FN6-8有关研究尚未见报道。

    Results FN6-8 can significantly promote the activity and neurite length of the gas-deprived neuron of the spinal cord .

  25. 艾灸血清对背根神经节神经突起影响的体外观察

    Effects of Moxibustion-Serum on Synapse of Dorsal Root Neuroganglions in Vitro

  26. 雪旺细胞在聚酯纤维上的迁移及对神经突起的引导作用

    Schwann cell migration on the polyester fiber and its effect on neurites

  27. 听着,浪漫不过是荷尔蒙和脑神经突起。

    Listenhon , romance ain 't more than hormones and brain synapses .

  28. 组织外植块对培养的鸡胚背根节神经突起生长的影响

    Tissue Explants Affecting Neurite Outgrowth of Chick Embryonic Dorsal Root Ganglia in Culture

  29. 备用根手术对背角组织促神经突起生长活性的影响

    The Effect of Spared Root Operation on Promoting Neurite-Outgrowth Activity of Spinal Dorsal Horn

  30. 电针刺激增强备用背根猫背核组织提取液的促神经突起生长效应

    Electro-acupuncture stimulation enhances the neurite outgrowth promoting effect of tissue extract from clarke 's nucleus of spared root in cat