
  • 网络Social Motivation;social motive;social motives
  1. 社会动机、任务结构、交流媒介对多边谈判策略及其结果的影响

    The Effects of Social Motivation , Task Structure and Communication Media on Multilateral Negotiation

  2. 社会动机、任务结构及交流媒介对整合策略和分配策略具有三向交互作用。而任务结构和社会动机对谈判规则的满意度具有二向交互影响。

    The findings were found as following : 1 . Social motivation , task structure and communication media had three-way interaction effects for distributive and integrative negotiation strategy , and task structure , social motivation had two-way interaction effects for negotiation satisfaction of the decision rules .

  3. 权力差异和社会动机是影响谈判整合性结果的两个重要因素。

    Power imbalance and social motives are very important variables that influence integrative negotiations .

  4. 当亲社会动机者占大多数时,小组倾向于选择全体一致通过的决策规则。

    When the prosocial members were in a majority , they are willing to choose the unanimity rule .

  5. 与利己动机下的谈判者相比,亲社会动机下的谈判者容易对谈判的结果和过程产生满意感;

    Comparing with egoistic motivation , negotiators under prosocial motivation showed more satisfaction towards the outcomes and process .

  6. 他们还指出宽恕并不是动机,而是一个亲社会动机的变化过程。

    They also pointed out that forgiveness is not a motive , but a process of change of pro-social motivation .

  7. 而迁移行动是一种富于社会动机的行为,受迁移者个人意识的控制。

    Behavior of migration is one rich in social motive and is determined by the personal consciousness of the migrators .

  8. 在小组之间,所有成员都是亲社会动机的小组所获得的联合收益比有一个或者多个利己动机个体的小组要高,但是差异并没有达到显著水平。

    Joint outcomes are higher in groups where all members are prosocial than groups that have one or more egoistic members , but not significant .

  9. 所有成员都是亲社会动机的小组知觉到的过程的公平性要比有一个或者多个利己动机的小组要高。

    Members of groups with only prosocial members perceived more procedural fairness than did members of groups that had one or more egoistic members . 6 .

  10. 实验结果如下:1.在小组内部,利己动机的被试获得的个人收益高于亲社会动机被试,但是差异不显著。

    Results showed that : 1 . Within the group , egoistic members exploited prosocial members and got higher individual outcomes , but not significant . 2 .

  11. 此外,村庄权力的价值目标是一种以经济动机为主,渗透着社会动机的目的导向。

    This article also considers that the worth target of the power of village is a kind of regarding the benefits motive as the principle , permeating the purpose direction of the social motive .

  12. 调查结果表明,大学生的学习动机由强到弱依次为内部动机、成就动机、社会动机和外部动机;

    The results show that : In motive of studying , the first is intrinsic motivation , the second is achievement motivation , the third is society motivation , and the fourth is extrinsic motivation .

  13. 另一种观点认为刻板印象的自动激活是有条件的,比如会受到社会动机、认知资源和加工方式等因素的影响;

    Another opinion is that stereotype is automatically activated , but the automaticity is conditional , it is affected by many factors , for example social motive 、 cognitive resources and method of working , etc.

  14. 通过对南京市六所高校女生参加健美操俱乐部锻炼动机的调查,结果发现高校女生参加健美操俱乐部锻炼的社会动机主要有审美动机、交往动机、能力显示三大类,对此分别作详细分析。

    A survey is conducted on the motivations of the female participants in an aerobics club from six universities in Nanjing . The result indicates that the main exercise motivations are beauty-appreciating , communication , and competence displaying .

  15. 本文认为国有企业政治行为的动机可以分为三类,即社会动机、政治动机和市场动机,并分别对三种动机的表现形式和内容进行了讨论。

    This paper suggested that the motives of state-owned enterprises can be divided into three categories : namely social motives , political motives and market motives , and discussed the behavior and contents of the three motives separately .

  16. 其中,自我意识-内驱力-社会动机维度中的辩证性思维、心理健康和人格魅力是先天维度的,其他胜任力特征都被认为是可以通过后天培养加强。

    Among them , Dialectical thinking , Mental health and Charisma in Self-awareness-Inside driving force-Social motivation level were proved to be innate , while all the others were considered ones which can be acquired and strengthened through training and learning .

  17. 本研究结合权力产生抽象认知表征的假设和动机推动的信息加工模型两种理论观点,认为权力差异和社会动机共同影响谈判的行为和结果。

    On the basis of " The Abstract Hypothesis " of power and " A Motivated Information-processing Model " of negotiation , the authors suggest that it is important to consider the interactive effects of power difference and social motive on negotiation processes and outcomes .

  18. 成就动机作为一种主要的社会动机,是推动个人在达成目标的过程中所产生的一种内部推力,它影响着研发人员的潜能和努力程度,因而它必将直接或者间接影响创新绩效。

    Achievement motivation as a major social motivation is an internal thrust to promote the individual to achieve their goals , which affects the potential and level of effort of the R & D personnel , because it is bound directly or indirectly to affect innovative performance .

  19. 研究采用2×2×2的实验设计,实验变量包括:自变量:社会动机、任务结构、交流媒介;因变量:谈判耗时、谈判策略及谈判的结果。

    Social motivation , task structure , communication media were designed as independent variables and negotiation profits , negotiation quality , negotiation time , negotiation strategy included integrative and distribute strategy , negotiation satisfaction were designed as dependent variables in these 2 × 2 × 2 experiments .

  20. 宽恕(forgiveness)是在一个人遭受了侵犯之后发生的一系列亲社会的动机变化。

    Forgiveness is a series of prosocial motivational changes that occurs after a person has incurred a transgression .

  21. 本文回顾了关于动机在教学和第二外语学习方面的理论,包括有:Gardner的语言学习社会教育动机理论,行为动机理论,认知动机理论等。

    The paper reviews motivation theories including : Gardner 's Socio-educational Models , Behavioral Theories , Cognitive Theories and so on .

  22. 社会压力动机与结构型和教师支配型活动正相关。行为动机与结构型活动正相关。

    Social pressure motivation has positive correlation with structural activities and teacher-dominated activities .

  23. 称呼语语码转换的社会心理动机研究

    Socio-psychological Motivations for Code Switching of Address Forms

  24. 浅析大学生的社会交往动机

    On University Students ' Social Communication Motivations

  25. 语码转换的社会政治动机

    Social and Political Motivations for Code-switching

  26. 初中生亲社会行为动机中主导型动机在不同年级(年龄)、性别、学校、成绩、关系远近以及事情紧急程度上方面表现出一定的变化。

    The dominant type of prosocial behavior motivation differs in grade , gender , situation and district .

  27. 在此基础上编制了中学生亲社会行为动机现状调查问卷。

    On this basis , the prosocial behavior motivation type questionnaire for junior middle school students is proposed .

  28. 成就动机理论一直是学习心理学家和语言学家重点研究的课题之一,他们认为成就动机是一种较高级的社会性动机,是学生课堂学习中的一种主要动机。

    Achievement motivation as one of relatively advanced social motivations has still been studying by psychologists and linguists .

  29. 成就动机作为一种较高级的社会性动机,对个人发展和社会进步都具有重要意义。

    As one of relatively advanced social motivations , achievement motivation has great significance for personal development and social progress .

  30. 新生代农民工的创业动机共包含三个维度,即经济性动机、社会性动机和成就性动机。

    The entrepreneurial motivation of new generation migrant workers contains three dimensions : economic motivation , social motivation and achievement motivation .