
jiāo hú
  • lagoon;Haff
礁湖[jiāo hú]
  1. 根据马尔代夫的传说,从前,一个名叫Koimalaa的僧伽罗王子和他的新娘-斯里兰卡国王的女儿-被搁浅在马尔代夫的一个礁湖,无奈他们只能留在那里,至此成为了那里的第一代君王。

    According to Maldivian legend , a Sinhalese prince named Koimalaa was stranded with his bride daughter of the king of Sri Lanka in a Maldivian lagoon and stayed on to rule as the first sultan .

  2. 他们说在靠近海岸的暗礁之间有一个礁湖。

    They say that inshore of the reef is a lagoon .

  3. 它沉淀于湖泊、河口和礁湖的低能量环境中,也可于沉淀于深海环境

    It is deposited in low-energy environments in lakes , estuaries and lagoons .

  4. 每个岛屿的四周是由礁石围成的浅礁湖。

    Each island is surrounded by a reef enclosing a shallow lagoon .

  5. 我掷过了,礁湖得胜了。

    I have tossed , and the lagoon has won .

  6. 一只宽吻海豚在夏威夷威玛纳诺礁湖上嘻戏着。

    A bottlenose dolphin plays in a lagoon in Waimanalo , Hawaii .

  7. 这张照片摄于夏威夷椰子岛上的礁湖。

    This photo was taken in the lagoon at Coconut Island , Hawaii .

  8. 伸入礁湖的还有那座平台。

    There , too , jutting into the lagoon , was the platform .

  9. 我知道但如果礁湖里真的没有鱼了

    I know ! But if there are no fish in the lagoon ...

  10. 内陆的池塘和沼泽或含盐的礁湖地域生活的长腿、三趾、黑白色的涉水鸟。

    Long-legged three-toed black-and-white wading bird of inland ponds and marshes or brackish lagoons .

  11. 清澈透明的海水与天共蓝的礁湖

    Crystal clear waters and azure blue lagoons

  12. 一环小岛围绕着礁湖。该湖四周柳树环绕。

    A girdle of islands enclosed the lagoon . The lake is ringed with willows .

  13. 一个礁湖中红树林的根部记下了水位变化的历史。

    In a lagoon , watermarks on mangrove roots inscribe a history of depth changes .

  14. 这是我们在东礁湖设的捕鱼篓

    Our traps in the east lagoon .

  15. 说明:礁湖星云中心上演着波澜壮阔的恒星形成大篇章。

    Explanation : The center of the Lagoon Nebula is a whirlwind of spectacular star formation .

  16. 想像一下被壮观石灰石峭壁环绕的红树林礁湖的幽静,我们将带您去的这是这样一个地方。

    Imagine a mangrove lagoon surrounded by spectacular karst scenery and we will take you there .

  17. 停靠在洪都拉斯海岸拉美尼亚新城的一个礁湖岸边的木质独木舟。

    Wooden dories rest on the shore of a lagoon in Nueva Armenia on the Honduran coast .

  18. 从礁湖出来的给阳光镀亮的水流在流过堤岸后就突然爆发倾泻过沙地而通往大海。

    Sun-burnished waters from a lagoon after its banks suddenly burst pour across sand flats toward the sea .

  19. 其中一部分人穿过礁湖来到政府军的所控区域;

    Some people have been able to escape across the waters of a lagoon to a government-controlled area .

  20. 据《奥兰多哨兵报》报道,县副治安官已派人冲洗七海礁湖,并布置警戒线对该区域进行隔离。

    The Orlando Sentinel reported that deputies were scouring the Seven Seas Lagoon and cordoned off the area .

  21. 蓝色礁湖距离冰岛首都雷克雅维克大概25英里。去冰岛不去蓝色礁湖是不完整的。

    No visit to Iceland can be complete without a dip in this well-named attraction about 25 miles outside Reykjavik .

  22. 笋壳鱼通常生长在河口、礁湖、盐沼及泰国沿海水域。

    Sand goby is a fish usually present in estuaries , lagoons , salt marshes and along coastal waters of Thailand .

  23. 最惊心动魄的一场婚礼是在澳大利亚的“白日梦岛”举行的。当时他们在一个礁湖上,黄貂鱼和鲨鱼在他们身边游来游去。

    One of the most heart-stopping was in a lagoon with stingrays and sharks swimming past them in Daydream Island , Australia .

  24. KenGen的许多工程师们在研究冰岛蓝色礁湖后仿照建成的大游泳池中水蕴含着丰富的矿产资源。

    It features a large pool with mineral-rich waters , modeled after the Blue Lagoon in Iceland where many KenGen engineers studied .

  25. 礁湖的海水清澈透明,小鲨鱼和偶然出没的魟鱼在管口鱼群中游来又游去;

    In the crystal clear waters of the lagoon , baby sharks and the occasional ray swim among shoals of trumpet fish ;

  26. 还有背风的那边浅礁沟渠整个礁湖我们都试过了

    And the leeward side . The shallows , the channel . We 've tried the whole lagoon ! They 're just ...

  27. 通过海水的颜色判断水深,通过天上云底的反光判断远方的礁湖。

    He could detect shallower water by colour , and see the light of invisible lagoons reflected in the undersides of clouds .

  28. 礁湖上的交锋的一个好结果,就是和印第安人交上了朋友。

    One important result of the brush ( with the pirates ) on the lagoon was that it made the redskins their friends .

  29. 这里生长着多彩的礁湖海洋生物,是很棒的潜水活动场所,同样也适合斯库巴潜水。

    Because of the abundance of colorful reef marine life , this is an excellent place to snorkel * as well as scuba .

  30. 或者我们也可以讲讲,在人鱼的礁湖里,彼得救了虎莲公主的命,因而和她结盟的故事。

    Or we might tell how Peter save Tiger Lily 's life in the Mermaids ' Lagoon , and so made her his ally .