
niǎn pán
  • a millstone upon which a stone roller is used
碾盘 [niǎn pán]
  • [hirst;base of a roller] 用来承托碾磙子碾去谷壳的石底盘

  1. 外壳中间在下层碾盘的下方一侧有一个出料口。

    One side of the middle part of the outer shell below the milling disc of the layer is provided with a discharge port .

  2. 研究了内蒙古东胜罕台川、碾盘梁沟和柳沟3个剖面中侏罗世孢子花粉化石34属63种,包括2个新种。

    The Middle Jurassic palynomorphs from the Yan'an Formation in Dongsheng region of Nei Monggol , consist of 63 species of fossil spores and pollen grains belonging to 34 genera , of which two species were described as new .