
  • 网络Research perspective;Study Perspective
  1. 在此基础上,进一步明确本文的研究角度和写作思路,以及各章的主要内容。

    On this basis , it further clears its study perspective and writing ideas .

  2. 为了研究角度和间距的相对权重,用CATGPS来进行两此分开的调整,每次只拥有一种观测类型。

    In order to investigate the relative weighting of the angles and the distances , two separate adjustments ar carried out with CATGPS , each having only one type of observation .

  3. 因而本文将首次尝试对ISCED(1997)的修订过程进行全面、系统的分析与理解;第二,研究角度。

    Thus the dissertation will attempt to study comprehensively and systematically the ISCED 1997 review progress for the first time ; Second , research perspective . The article compare the different revision , which bases on the " technical points " .

  4. 从严谨的历史研究角度看,这是根本不可能的。

    From the point of serious study , it was impossible .

  5. 第三,研究角度的平衡。

    The third , the balance of the research angle .

  6. 性别同一性的形成及研究角度发展

    The Form and Prospects of Change in the Research of Gender Identity

  7. 语用学的发展给翻译带来新的研究角度。

    The development of pragmatics brings a new angle to translation studies .

  8. 资产证券化融资对企业的财务影响是多方面的,本文选取的研究角度主要集中在以下四个方面。

    This paper focuses on the following four aspects .

  9. 通过夫妻交互影响这一较新的研究角度进行了深入探讨。

    The research investigated the crossover of job stress and strain between partners .

  10. 从影响研究角度论西部诗歌的后先锋现象

    On the post-pioneer phenomenon of western Chinese poetry in a perspective of influence

  11. 这是研究角度的创新。

    This is innovation of research perspective .

  12. 企业内部控制研究角度的转变

    Variation of Angle to Research Internal Control

  13. 一是研究角度新。

    It is a new research Angle .

  14. 从研究角度上分,分为区域性分析、学科性分析、机构性分析等,另外还有一些对研究热点的分析。

    From the research perspective , sub-divided into regional analysis , subject analysis , institutional analysis .

  15. 针对理论界关于此选题的研究角度各异的事实,笔者从研究方法选择差异上对这些文献进行评述。

    Because research perspectives on this topic vary , we talk about from the different study methods .

  16. 进而,确定了本文的研究角度和内容范畴。

    And it is determined the research perspective and the scope of the content in this paper .

  17. 从实验研究角度对近年来针灸治疗女性更年期综合征文献报道进行综述。

    To introduce the advances of experimental research on acupuncture and moxibustion for treatment of Womens Climacteric Syndrome .

  18. 目前关于企业财务管理目标的观点按照它们研究角度的不同,可以划分为利益主体与企业主体两个角度。

    At present , study on Financial Management Objective mainly from two different angle , Enterprise entity and shareholders .

  19. 这些文献试图从不同的研究角度阐释绅士化的机制、过程、影响等。

    These literatures attempt to analysis or explain the mechanism , process and impact from different gentrification research type .

  20. 笔者试图在以下几个方面做出突破和贡献:1、研究角度的创新。

    We try to break through and contribute in the several aspects below . 1 . Innovation of research perspective .

  21. 导论部分是对列斐伏尔的生平加以简单介绍并阐释本文的研究角度。

    In the preamble , it gives a general introduction about Lefebvre and discusses the research aspects of the thesis .

  22. 但也存在研究角度单一,研究程度不平衡等不足。

    Yet , there is still some lack in this investigation , such as single research angle and unbalanced research level .

  23. 第六部分总结了科学知识图谱中各种研究角度和方法对于新兴学科研究的意义。

    Part VI summarizes the research significance of various study angles and methods in Mapping Knowledge Domains for the emerging discipline .

  24. 劳动的视角是指将劳动视为企业主导要素,以劳动为中心来建构企业理论,维护劳动者利益的研究角度。

    In labor perspective the leading factor is labor , on which to build enterprise theories and protect the benefits of laborers .

  25. 第一部分按照不同的研究角度对国内外学者有关外汇储备的研究进行了梳理。

    The first part introduces the relevant research about foreign exchange reserve from different angles , including domestic research and foreign research .

  26. 摘要主要从风险传导机理的研究角度出发,总结和分析了风险在企业内部的动态传导规律。

    This paper starts with the transmitting mechanism of enterprise risks , and analyzes dynamic conducting rules of risks inside an enterprise .

  27. 绪论主要介绍本论文选题的缘起以及笔者将要对所选课题的研究角度。

    The introduction briefly introduces the origin of the thesis , and what I will be the subject of the selected angle .

  28. 新媒体公共关系的研究角度,涉及到社会生活的方方面面,并在危机事件中得到加强。

    Research angle on new media-public relationships research , has get involved in all aspects of social life and is strengthened in crisis issues .

  29. 对佐哈尔和图里的目标文化导向的研究角度的重新审视进一步证明了源文化同样可能对译者主体性造成影响。

    A revisit to Zohar and Toury 's target-oriented approach further proves the possible influence of the source culture over the translator 's subjectivity .

  30. 从两种理论的不同研究角度入手,可以发现两者在话语含意推导基础、话语交际研究焦点以及关于语境问题等方面存在的差异。

    This paper illustrates their differences in the respects of the basis of inference , the focus of research and the problems about context .