
  • 网络ore recovery;ore recovery ratio
  1. 仿真结果表明大断面进路出矿对提高矿石回收率的正确性及有效性。

    Simulation result showed that the big section is correct and valid for enhancing the ore recovery rate .

  2. 针对北山区开采实践中存在着矿石回收率低,贫化损失率大,作业条件差等问题。

    There exist problems such as low ore recovery , big dilution loss and poor operation condition , etc.

  3. 提高石膏厚矿床矿石回收率与安全生产的途径

    A New Way to Enhance the Ore Recovery Rate and to Improve the Productive Safety for the Gypsum Strong Veins

  4. 为提高矿石回收率,降低贫化率,目前胶结充填工艺在我国各大矿山得到了广泛的应用。

    Cemented fill is widely used in big mines all over the country to enhance ore recovery and reduce dilution .

  5. 矿石回收率与贫化率关系的实验研究

    Study on the relationship between the rate of recovery and dilution of ore in the process of the heterogeneous loose body drawing

  6. 地质品位变化,采区矿石回收率相应有些变化,但波动不大,否则需加强放矿管理。

    The ore recovery has a little change with that of the ore grade , otherwise it is necessary to intensify ore drawing management .

  7. 多年来,东大山铁矿主要采用分段采矿法进行开采,矿石回收率一直在49.25%~55%之间、贫化率在29.92%~33.37%之间徘徊,难以突破。

    Sublevel stoping method is used to exploit ores , with its recovery rate ranging from 49.25 % to 55 % , and dilution 33.37 % to 29.92 % .

  8. 使矿山现行的无底柱分段崩落法作业习惯、管理操作经验和原有的机械设备能得到充分利用,提高了矿石回收率,增强了生产的安全性。

    As a result , the current sublevel caving operation practice , the management and operation experiences and the existing mechanical equipment have been fully utilized , the ore extraction ratio improved and the production safety increased .

  9. 提高含银铅铜金矿石金回收率的研究与生产实践

    Research on improving the recovery of the gold ore containing silver , lead and copper

  10. 选矿试验研究得出了最佳pH范围及合理的磨浮流程,提高了这类矿石铜的回收率。

    Based on beneficiation tests optimum pH range and sound grinding-flotation flowsheet are finally selected , which enables to improve copper recovery from such a type of ore.

  11. 提高某难选铜硫矿石铜的回收率

    Copper Recovery Improvement for a Refractory Copper Sulfur Ore

  12. 经试验发现应用一种化学肥料硫酸铵可以显著提高乌拉嘎金矿石的浮选回收率。

    A chemical fertilizer called ammonium sulfate is confirmed by tests to improve flotation recovery of gold from Wu-La-Ga gold ores .

  13. 水体的全程回收率达95.3%~97.7%,矿石样品的回收率为(97.8±1.3)%。

    The overall recovery of water samples are 95.3 % - 97.7 % and of ore samples are ( 97.8 + 1.3 ) % .

  14. 通过选矿试验研究,探索提高钼矿石粗选回收率的方法,为生产服务。

    By means of mineral processing experiment and study , the ways of improving roughing recovery efficiency of molybdenum was explored , and serviced for production .

  15. 试验表明,在最佳条件下,该矿石的金的回收率达95%以上。

    Through experiment , we have found out that the rate of recovery of gold ore could reach to 95.2 % under the favorite conditions .

  16. 本文对安徽省某金矿磁黄铁矿型高硫含铜金矿石提高金铜回收率的工艺进行试验研究。

    A process of increasing recovery of gold and copper of pyrrhotite type gold ores of high sulfur and copper content is investigated in a gold mine , Anhui Province .

  17. 根据放矿椭球体理论,对老矿山的废旧采场进行调研,选择有潜力的采场进行布设工程,充分运用采矿方法,使不同采矿方法融合使用,回收矿石,提高矿石回收率。

    Based on the ellipsoid theory of ore drawing , investigation was made on the discarded stopes in old mines . The stopes with potentiality were mined by the combination and fusion of several mining methods for recovering the ore at a higher rate .

  18. 优化了采场的结构参数,通过出矿前扩大回采进路的断面,保证了出矿进路靠近下盘布置,增加了崩落矿石的流动范围,减少了下盘残留,提高了矿石回收率。

    By enlarging the cross section of mining entrance before ore removal , the entrance of ore removal is enabled to be close to footwall arrangement , the scope of the flow of ore is made greater , footwall residual amount is reduced and the rate of withdrawal is raised .