
  • 网络powder content
  1. 研究结果表明:随着外掺石粉含量的增加,碾压混凝土的VC值相应增加,含气量相应降低;

    The research results are summarized as follows : The value VC increases and air content decreases with the increase of the mixed stone powder content .

  2. 碎石中石粉含量对混凝土力学性能的影响

    Influence of stone powder content on mechanical properties of concrete

  3. 其中,石粉含量模型是借助于石粉中结晶水的光谱信息建立的,而K含量是根据重量归一法计算的,精度较低,其SEP值为1.5。

    The information on which stone powder content model is built is the spectrum of crystal water existed in stone powder . K content was calculated using other ingredient contents by normalization principle with a SEP value of 1.5 .

  4. 结果表明:硅烷偶联剂对Talc的湿法表面处理较好,3000目滑石粉含量为5%,EOC加入量为2%时,复合材料的综合性能较好。

    The results indicated that the property of talc wet treated with silane coupling agent was obvious . When the content of 3000 mesh talc was 5 % and EOC was 2 % , the composites reached better comprehensive properties .

  5. 人工砂石粉含量对混凝土性能影响的研究与应用

    Research on Effects of Artificial Rock Ash Content on Concrete Properties

  6. 石粉含量对预拌砂浆性能影响的试验研究

    Research on the Effect of Stone Power on the Performance of Pre-mixed Mortar

  7. 机制砂中石粉含量对混凝土抗渗性能的影响

    Effects of micro-fines on impermeability of manufactured-sand concrete

  8. 因此选用合适的石粉含量是提高混凝土施工质量、降低工程造价的一项不可忽视的重要措施。

    Therefore , selecting proper rock ash content is an important measure to improve concrete quality and lower project cost .

  9. 测试了不同石粉含量对机制砂混凝土拌合物泌水率的影响。

    It was investigated that the effects of the different content micro-fines on the bleeding rate in manufactured-sand fresh concrete .

  10. 提高混凝上的均质性、密实性、抗渗性及断裂韧性等,适当的石粉含量可提高人工砂产量,降低成本,提高综合经济技术效益。

    Proper rock ash content can increase production of artificial aggregate materials , reduce cost , and promote comprehensive economic and technical benefits .

  11. 建议在配制低强度机制砂混凝土时,将机制砂中的石粉含量放宽到10%~15%,以改善混凝土的工作性、强度和抗渗等性能。

    To improve workability , strength , impervious performances of concrete it is suggested that contents of MFA should be between 10 and 15 percent .

  12. 然而,机制砂的石粉含量高、颗粒尖锐多棱角、级配不良的问题制约了其在自密实混凝土中的应用。

    However , the high content of stone fine , the poor grain and the bad gradation for MFA have restricted its application in SCC .

  13. 通过选择加工设备和制造工艺并合理控制石粉含量,即可用人工砂配制高性能混凝土。

    If pro cessing equip ment can be properly selected and sand quantity properly controlled , high performance concrete may be prepared with manufactured sand .

  14. 研究发现,受机制砂级配与石粉含量的影响,常规测试机制砂粗糙度的试验方法不能准确反映出机制砂的颗粒形貌特征。

    It was found that the routine test method of the sand roughness could not reflect the particle shape of MS accurately influenced by its graduation and stone dust content .

  15. 机制砂中的石粉含量超过10%时对混凝土抗冻性能产生了一定的不利影响,但机制砂中的石粉含量的增加对混凝土的抗硫酸盐侵蚀没有不利影响。

    Contents of AMF with more than 10 % have bad influences on frost-resistant performance , but it doesnot have bad influences on sulfate corrosion with increment of AMF content .

  16. 人工砂中的石粉含量过多或过少都不利,不能简单地将人工砂中的石粉视为有利或有害物质。

    Too much or too less stone powder is unfavorable to the sand , while the stone powder in the artificial sand should not be simply regarded as favorable or harmful material .

  17. 现行标准对机制砂石粉含量的限值存在争议,同时也制约了机制砂的应用和石粉的合理利用。

    The limits of micro fines content in manufactured fine aggregate ( MFA ) stipulated in current standard are still disputed and restrict application of MFA and rational utilization of micro fines .

  18. 该工程采用灰岩轧制的人工砂石骨料,将石粉含量控制在13%~17%,改善了碾压混凝土的性能。

    In the artificial aggregates made of limestone , the content of stone dust was limited in the range of 13 % - 17 % to improve the properties of the RCC .

  19. 石粉含量为5%~10%时,掺入石屑能提高混凝土的工作性,降低混凝土的干缩,提高混凝土的抗压强度、抗渗性和抗冻性能。

    The stone power content between 5 % and 10 % can improve the workability , the drying shrinkage , the compressive strength , impermeability and frost resistance of rock chips concrete .

  20. 结果表明,石粉含量在24%范围内,其含量越高,混凝土强度越高,抗冻、抗渗性越好;

    The results showed that the higher the stone powder content within the limit less than 24 % , the higher of the concrete strength and the better of frost resistance and impermeability ;

  21. 用于混凝土和砂浆的人工砂应当同天然砂一样,除了要有规范规定的良好级配外,尚应对其合格石粉含量加以限制。

    Just as it is for the natural sand , artificial sand used in concrete and mortar should also have a good grading as per the specification and its qualified stone powder content should be restricted .

  22. 研究石屑中石粉及其含量对混凝土性能影响,并通过XRD、TG、SEM技术分析了其作用机理。

    The effect of stone powder contained in artificial sand on the concrete performance was studied in this paper .

  23. 利用微观测试手段,在相同配合比条件下比较了不同粉尘掺量的统砂石混凝土及普通混凝土的形貌,结果表明,石粉尘含量在5%时,统砂石混凝土致密程度要好于普通混凝土。

    In the same proportion the sand stone concrete with several content of dust and ordinary concrete are compared in micro morphology . The results show that the degree of compaction of sand stone concrete is higher than that of ordinary concrete when the content of dust is 5 % .

  24. 所有撒施石灰石粉处理的N含量增加,Ca含量有增有减,变化规律不明显。

    N contents of all limestone powder treatments increased . However , Ca contents of all limestone powder treatments showed no regular change .

  25. 所以,在富胶凝材料碾压混凝土中可以用石粉取代部分粉煤灰,但人工砂中的石粉含量不宜超过20%。

    A part of fly ash might be replaced with stone powder in high-paste RCC , but the content of stone powder in crushed sand should be not more than 20 % .

  26. 机制砂中一定量的石粉对混凝土强度和工作性有促进作用,在7%石粉含量情况下,C80机制砂混凝土强度和工作性均达到最佳。

    Some amount of stone powder in the machine-made sand can improve the workability and strength of concrete , and it 's found that the workability and strength of concrete were optimal when the content of stone powder is 7 % .

  27. 石粉对聚羧酸减水剂的吸附量与水泥相当,说明配制混凝土时石粉含量过高会影响混凝土的工作性,但适量的石粉有益于混凝土的结构密实。

    The adsorption capacity of PCE of silver stone is as much as that of cement , which showed that overhigh silver stone content affects concrete workability , however , proper silver stone can improve the compactness of concrete .