
  • 网络Oil Crisis;oil shock;FUEL CRISIS
  1. 新闻部长正努力消除民众对一触即发的石油危机的恐惧。

    The Information Minister is trying to quell fears of a looming oil crisis .

  2. 那和1970年石油危机时的情形完全不同。

    That is in stark contrast to the situation during the 1970 oil crisis .

  3. 能源节约的理念产生于1973年的石油危机。

    Energy conservation as a philosophy was born out of the 1973 oil crisis .

  4. 该评论员批评了政府对石油危机的反应。

    The commentator criticized the government 's reaction to the oil crisis .

  5. 我们对过去75年多次严重经济危机的数据进行了分析;包括二战后15次严重危机、大萧条(GreatDepression)和1973年至1974年的石油危机。

    We have analysed data on numerous severe economic dislocations over the past three-quarters of a century ; a record of misfortune including 15 severe post-second world war crises , the Great Depression and the 1973-74 oil shock .

  6. 自从第一次石油危机以来,美国国内生产总值(gdp)的能源密度(每创造一单位财富所使用的石油量)已降低近60%。

    Since the first oil shock , the energy intensity of the US gross domestic product ( the amount of oil used per a unit of wealth created ) has declined by almost 60 per cent .

  7. 联合国欧洲经济委员会林产品市场专家EdPepke称,去年,该地区林产品消费总量减少了8.5%,自1973年首次石油危机以来最大的下滑。

    UNECE Forest Products Marketing Specialist Ed Pepke says total consumption of forest products in the region fell by 8.5 percent last year , the sharpest since the first oil shock of 1973 .

  8. 此举在IEA的历史上只是第三次。该机构是在阿拉伯石油危机后于1974年成立的,目的是抗衡欧佩克。

    The move is only the third time in the history of the IEA , established in 1974 as a counterbalance to Opec after the Arab oil crisis .

  9. Aurora生物燃料公司的魏斯曼自从上个世纪70年代的石油危机以来一直在研究种植海藻作为燃油的可能性。

    Joseph Weissman of Aurora Biofuels has been researching the potential of growing algae as a potential source of fuel oil since the oil crisis of the late 1970s .

  10. 随着纽约商交所(nymex)的原油期货价格达到每桶142美元,当前的石油危机与坏运气和地质学两者同样相关。

    The current oil shock , with NYMEX crude touching $ 142 , has as much to do with bad luck as geology .

  11. 至于石油危机,参与ITPOES的公司担心,全球石油供应量最迟到2015年会出现不可逆的下降,如果产油国届时缩减开采,全球能源危机就可能突然演变成一些石油消费国的能源荒。

    As for the oil crunch , the ITPOES companies fear an irrecoverable fall in global oil supply by 2015 at the latest and that if oil producers then husband resources , a global energy crisis could abruptly morph into energy famine for some oil-consuming nations .

  12. 如何提高原油采收率,缓解日益迫近的石油危机,是世界各国石油工程界急需解决的问题。

    Improved Oil Recovery is the key to reprieve the predicament .

  13. 几次石油危机的爆发,带来了对国家经济发展的冲击。

    Several oil crises have shocked the development of national economy .

  14. 70年代石油危机后美国的石油消费政策及其实施效果

    US 's Oil Consumption Policies and their Effects following the 1970s-Oil-Crises

  15. 服务员:你应该知道石油危机。

    Attendant : You should have known about the oil crisis .

  16. 但也许另一次或两次石油危机会改变他们的这种想法。

    But perhaps another oil shock or two will change that .

  17. 这是头两次石油危机之后所发生的情况。

    This is what happened after the first two oil shocks .

  18. 这位教授简练地总结了这场石油危机的经过。

    The professor neatly summarized the history of the oil crisis .

  19. 由于国际石油危机致使我们的销售情况很糟糕。

    Volume was going to hell due to the international oil crisis .

  20. 石油危机下我国汽车动力发展分析

    Analysis of China 's automobile dynamic development under oil crisis

  21. 石油危机后船用低速二冲程柴油机的进展和趋向

    Progress and Trend in Marine Low-Speed Two-Stroke Diesel Engines after Oil Crisis

  22. 对石油危机引起中国经济发展若干问题的探讨

    Discuss several problems from oil crisis to China 's economic development simply

  23. 各报又在大肆渲染石油危机了。

    The papers are playing up the oil crises again .

  24. 汽油机技术如何面对世界石油危机

    How the Technology of Gasoline Engine Confronts the World Wide Oil Crisis

  25. 从石油危机想到建筑节能

    Considerations from Oil Crisis to Energy Saving of Construction

  26. 你是怎么看待这次石油危机的?

    What 's your take on the oil crisis ?

  27. 20世纪的两次石油危机对世界经济造成了巨大的负面影响。

    In 20th century two oil crises caused great loss to the world .

  28. 石油危机成了20世纪70年代初西方国家关注的焦点。

    The oil crisis became the focus of Western concern in the early1970s .

  29. 水危机是继石油危机之后的人类所面临的又一大世界性问题。

    The water crisis is another world problem for human after oil crisis .

  30. 自石油危机以来,节能问题便成为国内外研究的热点。

    Since the oil crisis , the energy issue has been a hot research .