
In the caves you will see splendid stalactites , stalagmites , stone curtains and flowers .
Can be seen in the deep hole anomaly scene of the stalactite , stone pillars and stone flowers , stone curtains , stalagmites , and hear the river rushing water sound cloudy .
The early ductile shearing ( DF_1 ), which is associated with regional D_2 deformation , is accompanied by the growth of synkinematic blueschist-facies minerals including glaucophane , garnet , epidote and phengite etc. with the development of a transposition foliation .
The blueschist is characterized by the coexistence of sodic amphibole and epidote and occurs as bands or remnants in the extensive greenschist of belt A.
The mineral assemblages in the main stage are garnet + phengite + quartz + magnetite ± paragonite ± epidote / zoisite in the mica schist ;