
  1. 结论:EPBD取石可替代部分EST取石,亦可联合EST取石。

    Conclusions : EPBD can replace part of EST and can combine EST .

  2. 硅碱钙石可加工微晶玻璃的析晶动力学研究

    The crystallization dynamics study about the canasite Machinable glass-ceramics

  3. 一块平石可作桌子。

    A flat stone served as a table .

  4. 结果表明,改性后的硅灰石可显著改善不饱和聚酯的性能。

    The results showed that the properties of wollastonite / unsaturate polyester resins composite were improved obviously .

  5. 亲油活化重晶石可改善油基解卡液的动力稳定性与流变性

    Lipophilic chemical modification activated barite improved the settling stability and rheological property of oil base releasing stuck agent

  6. 活化重晶石可改善重泥浆的流动性和动力稳定性

    Chemical modification activated barite improved the fluidity and settling stability of weighted mud CHAPTER 5 MARINE SEDIMENTATION Section 4 Heavy Mineral

  7. 磨拉石可定义为以碎屑沉积为特征的、在隆起的山体前缘快速堆积为沉积组合。

    Molasse is a sedimentary assemblage which is characteristic of clastic sediments and rapid accumulation on the front of mountain mass .

  8. 硅灰石是一种新开发的天然矿物纤维,实验表明硅灰石可诱发SHE细胞明显转化。

    A transformation system Ufilizing SHE cells was used to study the carcinogenic effects of Chinese wollastonite , a new mineral fiber .

  9. 结果表明:唐山矿煤矸石可用于作造纸涂料级高岭土,白度可达92。

    The results showed that the coal gangue of Tangshan Coal Mine could be used to produce paper making filler grade kaolin , its whiteness could reach 92 .

  10. 联合饲喂霉变玉米/活化坡缕石可使肉鸡生长性能、内脏器官相对重量、血清生化指标和免疫指标均恢复至对照组水平。

    Chicks fed the combination moldy corn / MP diet had similar performance , organ weights , serum chemistry values and immune function was similar to that of control chicks .

  11. 本文通过石可钻性与岩性、地质年代、孔隙度、埋深以及地震层速度之间的关系,从定性和定量两个方面,研究地震层速度与地层可钻性之间的相关关系。

    The paper investigates the correlative relationship between earthquake wave rate and formation drillability through the relation between rock drillability and geologic time 、 hole angle 、 burying depth and earthquake wave rate .

  12. 试验表明,凹凸棒石对Cd2+有很好的吸附作用,在镉污染土壤中添加少量的凹凸棒石可使玉米的镉中毒程度降低,促进玉米生长。

    The results show that attapulgite has a high affinity for cadmium ions , and can prevent the toxication of maize and enhance the growth of maize by adding a little of attapulgite in cadmium contaminated soil .