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  • phrasal verb
  1. Bring作为短语动词

    Bring as a Phrasal Verb

  2. “短语动词,像getup,catchupwith等都是很有用的。”

    " Phrasal verb , such as get up , catch up with , etc. Is most useful . "

  3. 学生们学会查字典。(lookup是短语动词。)

    Students should learn to look up new words in dictionaries .

  4. 带back短语动词的认知语义研究

    A Cognitive Semantic Study of Phrasal Verbs with Back

  5. 英语短语动词的三要素&以away组成的含gradually之义的短语动词为例

    Three Elements in Studying English Phrasal Verbs

  6. 第一个isused是定语从句的谓语动词,但是该定语从句省略了引导词。定语从句中三个并列的不定式短语动词toachieveprivacy,tobuildhomesortodesigncities共同作为isused的目的状语。

    The way space is used to enable the individual to achieve privacy , to build homes or to design cities is culturally influenced .

  7. 自从Lakoff提出认知隐喻理论以来,关于英语短语动词的研究就转向了语义或语义与句法结合的研究。

    Since the cognitive metaphor theory is proposed by Lakoff , the studies on PVs have turned to the analysis of semantics or combining semantics and structure .

  8. 英语的一个突出特点是短语动词的运用比较广泛(Bolinger,1971),在日常的交际中,人们经常使用短语动词,可见其再在日常交际中发挥着重要作用。

    Phrasal verbs are quite common in English , which is a prominent characteristic of the English language ( Bolinger , 1971 ) . The frequently use of phrasal verbs plays an essential role in daily communication .

  9. 那么有哪些是较为常用的短语动词表达呢?

    What are some of the most commonly used phrasal verbs ?

  10. 他们强调短语动词应以小品词为纲。

    They emphasize that particles should be integral to phrasal verbs .

  11. 我们必须搞懂每个短语动词的含义。

    We must beat out the sense of every phrasal verb .

  12. 布朗太太每天都反复向我们灌输短语动词。

    Mrs Brown is dinning phrasal verbs into our heads every day .

  13. 英语短语动词结构比较复杂;

    The structures of English phrasal verbs are much complicated .

  14. 在英语口语中,短语动词被广泛的使用。

    Phrasal verbs are widely used in oral English by native speakers .

  15. 短语动词由一个动词和至少一个介词组成。

    The set consists of a verb and at least one preposition .

  16. 短语动词等地道的英语表达在质和量上都不太尽如人意。

    The idiomatic expressions such as phrasal verbs are not sufficiently used .

  17. 英语中短语动词与动词短语是不相同的两个概念。

    English phrasal verb and English verb phrase are two different notions .

  18. 词汇研究中的逆向思维&以表取得进展的四组短语动词为例

    The Converse Thought in the Research of English Vocabulary

  19. 跟我们分享一些你所熟悉的英文短语动词吧!

    Share with us some phrasal verbs you know !

  20. 从认知角度对英语短语动词的语义研究

    A Cognitive Approach to the Semantics of Particle Verbs

  21. 我不得不为明天的测验努力温习短语动词。

    I have to swot up on phrasal verbs for a test tomorrow .

  22. 带down英语短语动词的认知分析

    The Cognitive Analysis of English Phrasal Verbs with Down

  23. 第二章回顾了短语动词的传统研究和认知研究。

    The traditional studies and cognitive researches of phrasal verbs have been reviewed .

  24. 短语动词是词汇的重要组成部分,所以,短语动词的学习至关重要。

    Therefore , the learning of English phrasal verbs is significant to language learning .

  25. 对英语短语动词的分类与使用的探讨

    On the Categories and Usages of Phrasal Verbs

  26. 所有这些短语动词真叫我伤脑筋!

    All these phrasal verbs get me down !

  27. 英语短语动词分类研究科技英语中短语动词初探

    Classification of English Phrasal verbs APPROACHING AN INITIAL SUBJECT OF PHRASAL VERBS IN EST

  28. 对英语学习者而言,在学习短语动词的时候,可以借助语料库的帮助。

    For English learners , they could learn phrasal verbs with the help of corpus .

  29. 浅论英语名词化短语动词

    On the Nominalized Phrasal Verb in English

  30. 英语中短语动词数目繁多,结构极为复杂。

    There are a great number of phrasal verbs and their structures are very complicated .