
  • 网络nowcasting
  1. 并且探讨了阵风锋在短时预报中的应用。

    The application of gust front to nowcasting is also considered .

  2. 应用于天气预报的图象工作站其种类日益增多。IBMPc/(286386)的小型系统,特别适合于作短时预报使用。

    There are more and more kinds of operational image display stations used in weather forecasting , of which the IBM pC / ( 286,386 ) small-sized system is extremely useful for short-range forecasting .

  3. 宁夏短时预报业务平台系统结构与功能

    Structure and Functions of Ningxia Short - term Forecast Operational Platform System

  4. 基于稳定度和能量指标作强对流天气的短时预报指标分析

    Analysis on Short-Time Forecast of Severe Convection Weather Based on Stability and Energy Indexes

  5. 其规律对短期及短时预报有一定的指示意义。

    Analyzing their laws can afford some indication to short-term forecast and short-time forecast .

  6. 黄河三角洲地区冰雹分析及其短时预报

    Analysis and short term forecast of Hailin the Delta region of the Yellow River

  7. 利用卫星云图作广西强降水短时预报

    Making Short-Time Forecast For The Severe Rainstorm Of Guangxi By Means Of Satellite Cloud Images

  8. 用多普勒雷达对三次强对流天气的短时预报对比分析

    Comparative Analysis on Short-time Forecast of Three Strong Convection Weather Processes by Doppler Weather Radar

  9. 人机交互的短时预报流程

    Procedure for man-computer interactive very short-range forecasts

  10. 试报结果表明,这种方法对提高强降雨落区的短时预报准确率是可行的。

    The result indicates that , this method is feasible for improving the short-time forecast rate of accuracy on the severe rainstorm area .

  11. 他们研制了航空天气情报的自动传输系统,加强了自动制作航线天气预报和短时预报与航站预报的科研工作。

    They have developed automatic transmission sys - tems for aviation weather-data and enhanced their research into airline weather-prediction , short-term and terminal forecasting .

  12. 既实现了传统的初始化目标,又提高了模式对降水的短时预报效果。

    Not only has it achieved the goal of the traditional initialization , but also improved the model 's capability of the short-time prediction to precipitation .

  13. 因此,计算不平衡场和不均匀场及散度变化可以为暴雨等中尺度天气现象的短时预报提供线索。

    The low & level imbalance field ( U ) and nonhomogeneous field ( A ) that are calculated using mesoscale data coincide with the region of heavy rainfall .

  14. 这表明,通过对多普勒雷达速度图像特征进行分析,能够对雷暴天气闪电活动演变趋势作出预测,这对于闪电短时预报工作具有重要的指导价值。

    It shows that it will be useful for forecaster and the service to predict the tendency of lightning activity correctly according to the character of Doppler radar image .

  15. 利用新一代天气雷达产品、静止气象卫星红外云图并结合其它气象资料进行定点降水预报,通过自动气象站网降水实况资料进行订正,建立适合宁夏本地天气气候特点的短时预报监测模型。

    Based on new generation radar productions , geostationary meteorological satellite data , and corrected by rain gauges , the precipitation forecast models were developed both for grid points and stations .

  16. 利用乡镇自动雨量站数据,结合太行山新乡段的地质结构,分析历史地质灾害发生情况,建立了短期和短时预报模型,实现了地质灾害的定时、定点、定量的精细化预报。

    Making use of the data of township precipitation stations and the geological texture of Taihang Mountain , we realize the short-term and shorttime and quantitative fine forecast of the geological disaster .

  17. 在短时预报系统中对强对流天气的预报有一个时间量的要求,我们需要在这个时间量的前提下,对一定时间区间的边界层辐合线都需要进行自动识别。

    In the short-term forecasting system , there is time requirement for the strong convective weather forecast , under this amount of time , the convergence line need be automatically recognized in a certain time interval .

  18. 自主星历更新是导航星座自主导航的关键技术之一,包括卫星轨道精密确定和轨道短时预报两个方面的内容。

    The autonomous updating of the navigation ephemerides is one of the key techniques for the autonomous navigation of navigation constellation . It includes two studying aspects , the precise determination and short-time prediction of the navigation satellite orbits .

  19. 构造天气学意义明确的卫星云图状态函数模型,在对云层进行分类的基础上,定量提取卫星云图参数,通过与云图模板的相似运算寻找短时预报指标。

    This article makes a function model of satellite cloud image which has explicit synoptic meteorology significance , and draws quantitatively the satellite cloud chart parameter on the basis of the classified cloud layer , and seeks the short-time forecast target index with the similar operation of cloud chart template .

  20. 改进云的短时MOS预报的后处理技术

    The Postprocessing Technique of Improving MOS Short-Term Forecast of Cloud

  21. 七月份低槽型大&暴雨的短时MOS预报方法

    The MOS short time prediction method of trough type Heavy-hard rain in July

  22. 多普勒雷达以其高时空分辨率、实时准确的主动遥感探测能力成为灾害性天气监测和短时天气预报等方面极为有效的工具,国家正在建设中国新一代天气雷达CINRAD网。

    Doppler radar is the effective tool in disaster surveillance and weather forecast for its high space-time identification and powerful initiative remote sensing in real-time .

  23. 驻马店夏季短时暴雨预报业务系统

    Operational System of Short Time Heavy Rain Forecast in Summer in Zhumadian

  24. 冰雹天气的短时监测预报及消雹作业评估

    Short-Term Forecast of Hail and Evaluation of Hail Elimination Operation

  25. 宁夏短时天气预报业务工作平台系统开发策略与技术措施

    Develop Strategies and Technical Measures of Short-term Weather Forecast Operational Platform System in Ningxia

  26. 阵风锋在短时大风预报中的应用

    Application of Gust Front to Damage Wind Forecasting

  27. 短时雨量预报的人工神经网络模型

    Artificial Nerve Net Model of Short-term Raining Forecast

  28. 哈尔滨市短时临近预报业务系统

    The short-term weather forecast operation system of Harbin

  29. 多普勒天气雷达的径向速度产品是制作“雷打雪”天气短时临近预报的重要依据。

    Radial velocity products of Doppler weather radar are the important basis for short-term forecast .

  30. 气象卫星在暴雨和强对流天气系统监测和短时天气预报中的应用

    Applications of meteorological satellite in monitoring heavy rain and severe convective systems , and very & short range weather forecasting