
  1. 基于BSC及模糊评价的企业知识管理绩效评价研究

    Enterprise Knowledge Management Performance Evaluation Based On Balanced Scorecard and Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation

  2. 基于IC-OFFICE的知识管理绩效评价

    Knowledge Management Performance Evaluation Based on IC-OFFICE

  3. 一种基于语言变量的企业知识管理绩效评价方法

    An Evaluation Method for Enterprise Knowledge Management Performance Based on Linguistic Variables

  4. 基于可拓方法的企业隐性知识管理绩效评价研究

    Study on Enterprise Tacit Knowledge Management Performance Assessment Based on Extension Method

  5. 企业知识管理绩效评价研究

    Research on the Performance Evalution of Enterprise Knowledge Management

  6. 企业战略框架下的知识管理绩效评价研究

    Study on the Performance Evaluation of knowledge management under the Enterprise Strategic Frame

  7. 基于成熟度视角的知识管理绩效评价研究

    Performance Evaluation of Knowledge Management Based on Maturity Model

  8. 高校教师个体知识管理绩效评价体系及方法

    Method and Index System of Individual Knowledge Management Performance Evaluation of College Teachers

  9. 层次分析法在企业知识管理绩效评价中的应用

    Application of the analytic hierarchy process to the performance evaluation of knowledge management

  10. 企业创新项目R&D中的知识管理绩效评价研究

    Research on Knowledge Management Performance of the R & D of Enterprise Innovative Project

  11. 基于证据推理的企业知识管理绩效评价方法

    An evaluation method for the performance of enterprises knowledge management based on evidence reasoning

  12. 虚拟企业知识管理绩效评价系统设计研究

    Research on the Design of Performance Evaluation System for Knowledge Management in Virtual Enterprises

  13. 本文所构建的知识管理绩效评价指标通过基于一级指标与二级指标的指标评价模型评价知识管理绩效。

    The constructed knowledge management performance evaluation index in this paper was based on primary index and secondary indexes , to evaluating model of knowledge management performance .

  14. 在总结了国内外研究现状的基础上,给出了医院知识管理绩效评价指标体系,并建立了模糊综合评价模型及算法。

    On the basis of summarizing , the studies in the domestics and overseas , the performance evaluation indicator system of hospital knowledge management is given and the fuzzy synthesis evaluation model and algorithm are built up .

  15. 本章构建企业知识管理绩效评价指标体系,并采用模糊综合评价法对企业知识管理绩效进行评价。(6)第六章是案例分析。

    This chapter builds the enterprise knowledge management performance evaluation index system and uses the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method that can evaluates the enterprise knowledge management performance . ( 6 ) The sixth chapter is a case study .

  16. 知识管理绩效评价作为知识管理不可或缺的一个环节,对知识管理的实施过程和效果进行评价,找出知识管理实施的薄弱环节,从而提出改进措施,对知识管理的顺利开展具有重要的指导意义。

    Knowledge management performance evaluation as an integral part of knowledge management is to appraise the effect of the implementation process of knowledge management to identify the weaknesses of knowledge management and recommend measures to solve the problems .

  17. 此方法运用模糊集理论对某一考核系统进行综合评价,能够综合多种复杂因素从量上得到评价结果,比较客观,适合于企业进行知识管理绩效评价的分析。

    These methods which can combie complex factors use fuzzy set theory to general evaluate a assessment system and have evaluation results . It is an objective method and fit for corporate to evaluate enterprise knowledge management performance .

  18. 算例分析表明,利用D-S证据推理方法对企业知识管理绩效进行评价具有一定的有效性和应用价值。

    The case analysis shows that the evidence reasoning method is efficient and practical for the KM performance evaluation .

  19. 知识管理财务绩效评价实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Performance Evaluation of Knowledge Management Finance

  20. 对于企业知识管理的绩效评价问题,本研究的具体内容带有探索性质。

    The key problem of this study put on performance evaluation of corporation knowledge management .

  21. 对企业知识管理进行绩效评价,主要面对的问题就是企业知识管理的效果经常是无法量化评价的。

    The main problem of the enterprise knowledge management evaluation is the effect of the enterprise knowledge management can not be quantified .

  22. 为了给企业更加清晰的认识,本文构建了知识产权管理绩效评价模型,希望通过这个评价模型使我国企业能准确认识到自身知识产权能力的不足,并从中得到对企业发展有益的帮助。

    In order to form clear realization for companies , the article establishes a model to valuate the IPR management performance , hopes that the model would help companies find the defects of IPR ability and assist companies ' developments .

  23. 企业知识管理绩效的模糊评价模型与分析矩阵

    Fuzzy Evaluation Model and Analysis Matrix of Knowledge Management Performance in Enterprises

  24. 知识管理绩效的模糊评价

    Fuzzy Evaluation of Knowledge Management Performance

  25. 科技成果转化知识管理绩效的模糊积分评价微分学与积分学的发展及其历史评价

    Knowledge Management Performance Appraisal of Science and Technology Achievement Transformation Based on Fuzzy Integral

  26. 企业知识资本管理机理及其绩效评价研究

    Research on Corporate Managerial Mechanism of Knowledge Capital as Well as Its Performance Evaluation

  27. 在基于知识链的知识管理绩效评价中,主要包括:知识获取、知识共享、知识整合与创新、知识应用。

    The performance evaluation of knowledge management that based on knowledge chain mainly include : knowledge acquisition , knowledge sharing , knowledge integration and innovation , knowledge applications .

  28. 本文试图通过对国内外近五年来相关研究成果的梳理,理清企业知识管理的脉络,并将研究重点放在企业知识管理及其绩效评价的基础理论与方法上。

    The article attempts to clean up the studies in and out of China in the past five years , to find out the venation of knowledge management in the enterprises , and focuses on the theories and methods of knowledge management in the enterprises and its evaluation of effects .

  29. 随着知识管理在企业中的应用,如何科学合理地对知识管理的绩效进行评价成为企业家最为关心的问题之一。

    With the application of knowledge management in enterprises , it turns into a key problem of enterprise that is how to evaluate performance rationally and scientifically .

  30. 本章从企业组织结构设计、组织文化培育、知识产权保护三个方面分析了企业知识管理的保障机制。(5)第五章是企业知识管理绩效评价研究。

    The chapter analyzes this mechanism from the three aspects of the design of enterprise organizational structure , organizational culture nurturing , intellectual property rights protect . ( 5 ) The fifth chapter is the research of the enterprise knowledge management performance evaluation .