
  1. 略论我国知识产权刑事保护的完善

    Perfecting the System of Criminal Protection of Intellectual Property in China

  2. 基于侦查视角的知识产权刑事保护对策选择

    Legal Protection of Intellectual Property : Some Ways in a Perspective of Criminal Investigation

  3. 我国知识产权刑事保护面临国际与国内双重压力,形势严峻。

    Criminal protection of intellectual property ( IP ) in China is confronted with dual pressure : domestic and international .

  4. 与此同时,以美国为首的西方发达国家不断就知识产权刑事保护问题向我国施加压力。

    At the same time , Western developed countries led by US exert pressure to China about the intellectual property protection .

  5. 知识产权刑事法律保护的核心在于价值趋向界定的科学与合理。

    The core of the protection of intellectual property from the criminal law relies on the scientific and rational definition of values .

  6. 就我国知识产权刑事法律保护的价值选择而言,首先从利益平衡分析,应在维护创作者合法垄断利益原则的前提下,兼之以公共利益协调;

    As far as the values choice of protection from the criminal law in our country is concerned , firstly , considering the benefit balance , legal monopoly rights of authors should be protected and meanwhile the public interest should be considered .

  7. 就中国知识产权刑事法律保护的价值选择来看,首先,在保护边界的划分上,应立足于保护主义的立场,同时济之以自由主义的补充;

    As to the value choice of the criminal law protection on intellectual property rights of China , in the first place , the protection borderline shall be decided by taking the stand on protectionism , and being assisted with the supplementation of liberalism .

  8. 网络知识产权的刑事法保护

    The Criminal Law Protection on Network Intellectual Property Rights

  9. 第二部分是我国侵犯知识产权犯罪及刑事法律保护。

    Chapter one is the summarization of the intellectual property protection by law .

  10. 包括完善知识产权保护刑事立法体系,加强知识产权执法以及完善知识产权刑事法律保护的诉讼程序。

    Criminal legislation , including improved intellectual property protection system , strengthening enforcement of intellectual property rights and improve the legal protection of intellectual property rights in criminal proceedings .