
zhī jǐ
  • confidant;bosom;bosom friend;intimate;soulmate;understanding;intimate friend;alter ego;the best of friends;know oneself
知己 [zhī jǐ]
  • (1) [know oneself]∶了解、赏识自己

  • (2) [intimate friend; bosom friend]∶亲密的朋友

  • 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。--唐. 王勃《杜少府之任蜀州》

  • 莫愁前路无知己。--唐. 高适《别董大》

  • (3) [bosom]∶彼此相互了解而关系密切的

  • 知己话

知己[zhī jǐ]
  1. 酒逢知己千杯少,话不投机半句多。

    If you drink with a bosom friend , a thousand cups are too few . If you argue with a man , half a sentence is too much .

  2. 得一知己乃人生一大乐事。

    Having a bosom friend is one of the niceties of life .

  3. 有一位心腹知己很重要。

    It is important to have someone you can confide in .

  4. 她把我当成知己,把她面临的种种难题都向我和盘托出。

    She took me into her confidence and told me about the problems she was facing .

  5. 我和史蒂夫成了知己,几乎时刻相伴。

    Steve and I became soul mates , near-constant companions .

  6. 她首先是丈夫的知己。

    She is , first and foremost , her husband 's alter ego .

  7. 你是她最亲密的朋友和知己。

    You are her closest friend and confidante .

  8. 他是我的知己。

    He is my confidant .

  9. 他不愿把我当作知己。

    He wouldn 't take me into his confidence .

  10. 你是我的伴侣、知己、爱人和生命。

    You are my companion , confidante , love and life .

  11. 他是我的知己,安慰者和倾听者

    He is my confident , a great soother and listener .

  12. 成语“高山流水”,比喻知己或知音,也比喻音乐优美。

    From this story , people havederived the set phrase " high mountain and running water " to refer to understanding and appreciative friends . This set phrase is also used to refer to melodious music .

  13. n.密友;知己我只有一个可以诉说秘密的知己。

    confidant I have only one confidant to whom I can tell my secrets .

  14. 保罗·西蒙在其单曲《FiftyWaystoLeaveYourLover》中提到50种离开爱人的方法,而要另寻知己,科学家们提出了六个可行之道。

    According to the song by Paul Simon , there are 50 ways to leave your lover . Having achieved that , helpful scientists say , there are six ways to find another one .

  15. 可是当苹果公司1980年上市的时候,他却没有给DanielKottke任何股票期权,这位DanielKottke可是从乔布斯大学时代起的支持者和知己。

    But when Apple wentpublic in 1980 , he refused to give any stock options to Daniel Kottke , alongtime supporter and soul mate from college .

  16. 去年4月份我访问格鲁吉亚时,发现格总统米哈伊尔萨卡什维利(mikheilsaakashvili)视麦凯恩为最亲密的知己与盟友之一。

    When I visited Georgia last April I discovered that President Mikheil Saakashvili counted Mr McCain as one of his closest friends and allies .

  17. 结果,就像经济学家贝特西·史蒂文森(BetseyStevenson)和贾斯汀·沃夫斯(JustinWolfers)讨论的那样,配偶承担起了同伴和知己的角色,特别是那些经济状况稳定的人。

    As a result , spouses have taken on roles as companions and confidants , particularly those who are financially stable , as the economists Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers have discussed .

  18. 豪斯上校是威尔逊总统的朋友和知己。

    Colonel house was a friend and confidant of President wilson .

  19. 他跟警察是知己,两人彼此热情地拥抱。

    The latter he was intimate with , and affectionately embraced .

  20. 要保护好“只有心腹知己”才能知道的真正地址。

    The real " confidantes only " address is kept protected .

  21. 而知己却设法帮你解决问题。

    A real friend seeks to help you with your problems .

  22. 红粉知己一个可以对其倾吐秘密或私事的女友。

    A woman to whom secrets or private matters are disclosed .

  23. 丹尼尔邀请了他的新知己

    Daniel 's off with his new best friend Natalie and ...

  24. 横行徇知己负羽远从戎&浅谈初、盛唐侠义诗的繁荣

    The flourishing of the chivalrous poems in the early prosperous Tang Dynasty

  25. 他是我的知己&彼此形影不离。

    He 's my alter ego we go everywhere together .

  26. “士为知己者死”辨

    On " the scholar dies for his bosom friend "

  27. 戴克跟他很熟,是他的知己。

    Dyke and he were well acquainted and the best of friends .

  28. 你们两个太幸运了,能彼此作为知己。

    You guys are * are really lucky to have each other .

  29. 他老说自己跟总统很知己。

    He keeps talking about being a good friend of the president .

  30. 古人云:人生得一知己足矣。

    The ancients said : life is a bosom friend .