
yǎn nèi yā
  • intraocular pressure
  1. F6H8前房内存留对眼内压影响的实验研究

    Experimental study on the effects of F_6H_8 to intraocular pressure and trabecular cells of rabbit

  2. PPV辅助应用41例中,视力稳定和提高30例,4例发生眼内压升高,白内障进展2例。

    In all the 41 cases who have PPV therapy , 30 cases have stable or increased visual acuity , intraocular pressure increased in 4 cases , 2 case occured cataract .

  3. 小梁网(trabecularmeshwork,TM)是房水流出的重要部位,它的收缩和舒张直接影响眼内压。

    Trabecular meshwork ( TM ) is a significant site of the aqueous humor outflow , whose contraction and relaxation influence IOP directly .

  4. 结论:PRK及LASIK术后眼内压下降值与角膜厚度及角膜屈光力下降值呈线性相关;

    Conclusion : reduction in corneal thickness and corneal refractive power affect reduction in IOP readings markedly after PRK & LASIK .

  5. 目的:观察阶梯型颅内高压与眼内压(IOP)变化的关系,为临床应用IOP无创监测颅内压(ICP)提供实验依据。

    Aim : To probe into the relationship between ICP and IOP and the possibility of noninvasive ICP monitoring by IOP with stepladder like RICP experimental rabbits models .

  6. 方法采用KONAN非接触式角膜内皮镜测量中央角膜厚度,Goldmann压平眼压计测量眼内压(IOP)。

    Methods The CCT was determined by the KONAN non-contact specular microscope and the IOP was measured by Goldmann applanation tonometer .

  7. 采用升高眼内压(IOP)致视网膜血管断流造成视网膜缺血模型,然后给予再灌注3小时。

    The intraocular pressoure ( IOP ) was raised to interrupt the retinal blood flow so as to induce the formation of ischemia model , then reperfusion was given for 3 hours .

  8. 根据眼内压的高低,POAG可以被分为正常眼压性青光眼(NTG)和高眼压性青光眼(HTG)。

    According to the intraocular pressure ( IOP ), POAG can be grouped into high tension glaucoma ( HTG ) and normal tension glaucoma ( NTG ) .

  9. 结论急性眼内压升高可能主要对节细胞、内颗粒层(müller细胞)及色素上皮层细胞造成影响,而感光细胞可能不受影响。

    Conclusion Acute ocular hypertension maybe influence ganglion cells , pigment epitheliums and the cells in inner nuclear layer ( m ü ller cells ) mainly , but not influence rod and cone cells .

  10. 方法应用前房灌注液体升高眼内压的方法建立大鼠RIR模型并随机分为防护组和对照组。

    METHODS Increasing the intraocular pressure with anterior chambers infused liquid induced the models of Retinal ischemia reperfusion of rats , and they were random divided into defended group and control group .

  11. 探索不同剂量的粘弹剂(Viscoat)在前房内排出的规律,研究其在排出过程中引起的眼内压升高的相互关系。

    To explor the rule of excretion of the different dose of the viscoelastic substance Viscoat and study its interaction on the elevation of the intraocular pressure .

  12. 方法监测161例脑损伤病人的颅内压(ICP)、眼内压(IOP)、脑灌注压(CPP)、视觉诱发电位(VEP)和视力,分析它们与SBI后TS的关系。

    Methods The intracranial pressure ( ICP ), intraocular pressure ( IOP ), cerebral perfusion pressure ( CPP ), vision and visile evoked potential ( VEP ) of 161 SBI patients were monitored . The relationship between these indexes and Terson syndrome was prospectively studied .

  13. 方法:采用升高眼内压的方法诱导大鼠视网膜缺血60min,拔出输液针头,恢复视网膜血供,建立RIR模型。以升高眼压的方法造成瞬间性视网膜缺血重新灌注的模型。

    Methods : the model of retinal ischemia reperfusion was established in 60 adult SD rats by transient elevation of intraocular pressure with perfusion of normal saline into anterior chamber for 60 minutes , then their blood supply was resumed .

  14. 青光眼性视神经萎缩由异常的眼内压所致。

    Glaucomatous optic nerve atrophy results from the abnormal intraocular pressure .

  15. 急性眼内压升高对猫视网膜神经节细胞的影响

    Influence on cat retinal ganglion cells by acute intraocular pressure elevation

  16. 不同靶浓度瑞芬太尼复合异丙酚对病人麻醉诱导时眼内压的影响

    Effect of different plasma concentrations of remifentanil on intraocular pressure

  17. 利尿排钠激素对眼内压的药理作用

    Environmental Hormones Pharmacological effects of natriuretic peptides on intraocular pressure

  18. 近视眼中央角膜厚度与眼内压关系的探讨

    Discussion on the relationship between corneal thickness of myopia and intraocular pressure

  19. 降眼内压药消旋噻吗心安的药理研究

    Study of (±) timolol on the effects of lowering intraocular pressure in rabbits

  20. 影响近视眼眼内压的多因素分析

    Mutiple Factors Analysis of Intraocular Pressure of Myopia

  21. 在一些病例中,眼内压异常升高也能导致。

    In some cases , abnormally high pressure inside the eyeball also can result .

  22. 阅读强度与眼内压的关系

    The Impact of Reading Intensity on Intraocular Pressure

  23. 角膜中心是测量眼内压的最佳位置。

    The central part of cornea is the best site for measuring intraocular pressure .

  24. 本眼压仪仅允许通过眼睑测量眼内压。

    Measuring of intraocular pressure with the tonometer is permitted only through the eyelid .

  25. 2%HPMC对兔眼内压及角膜内皮影响的实验研究

    Experimental Study of 2 % HPMC Effect on Rabbit Intraocular Pressure and Corneal Endothelium

  26. 氟哌啶醇降眼内压药理研究

    Pharmacologic Study of Haloperidol on Lowering Intraocular Pressure

  27. 全身麻醉诱导用药对眼内压的影响

    The effects of general anesthetics on intraocular pressure during induction of anesthesia and endotracheal intubation

  28. 动态轮廓眼压测量法测量眼内压

    Dynamic contour tonometry for intraocular pressure measurement

  29. 眼内压随注水时间的拟合函数中部分拟和参数具有较明确的生理意义。

    Parameters of the fit function between IOP and injection time have definite physiological significance .

  30. 异丙酚对眼内压的影响

    The effect of propofol on intra-ocular pressure