
  1. 多级蒸汽喷射器在真空干燥设备中的应用

    The multistage steam jet used in the equipment of vacuum drying

  2. 塔形连续式真空干燥设备节能方向的分析

    Analysis of Saving Energy Direction of the Tower Type Continuous Vacuum Dryers

  3. 串级控制在电容器真空干燥设备中的应用

    The Application of Series Control for Capacitors Vaccum Dry System

  4. 小径桉木真空干燥设备及干燥特性的研究

    Study on the Equipment and the Characteristics of Eucalyptus Path in Vacuum Drying

  5. 大型粮食真空干燥设备的研究开发及应用

    Research and Application for Large Grain Vacuum Drying Equipment

  6. 微波低温真空干燥设备的技术分析及研究

    The Analysis and Research on the Technology of the Microwave Vacuum Drying Equipment

  7. 电加热式木材真空干燥设备

    Wood Vacuum Drying Equipment with Electric Heating

  8. 连续式微波真空干燥设备的研究

    Study on Continuous Microwave Vacuum Drying Equipment

  9. 一种改进的变压法真空干燥设备

    A Improved Pressure-Changing Vacuum Drying Machine

  10. 微波真空干燥设备的研制。

    MVD equipment was developed .

  11. 综述了各种真空干燥设备的结构特点、应用范围,预测今后的发展方向。

    In this paper , the construction features , applied range of vacuum drying plants are summarized and the developing direction is calculated .

  12. 由于真空干燥设备复杂,干燥成本高,建议推广采用汽蒸高温脱脂干燥&常规干燥方法干燥落叶松板材。

    Because equipment of vacuum drying is very complicated and drying cost is expensive , the conventional method is suited for popularization and utilization .

  13. 本文简介ZG-2200型木材真空干燥设备的主要结构、特点及工艺试验。

    In this paper , the structure , characteristic and trialled technology of the vacuum wood drying device , model ZG-2200 will be introduced .

  14. 实验研究了用微波真空干燥设备干燥酶解后的澄清型香蕉汁,制作速溶香蕉粉的工艺,并比较热风干燥与微波真空干燥的效果。

    The experiment study on the process of drying resolvable banana powder by using microwave vacuum equipment . And the dry effects between microwave vacuum and air dry are compared .

  15. 介绍了冷冻真空干燥设备的种类、规格、用途和选型方法,供使用冻干机的用户采购设备时参考。

    This paper presents the types , models , technological specifications , and the scope of application of freeze vacuum drying equipment , especially how to select proper dryer by using these introductions .

  16. 阐述连续式微波真空干燥设备的工作原理、结构特点和设计要点,分析并确定微波真空干燥室、微波系统及进出料系统的结构和相关参数。

    The principle of continuous microwave vacuum drying equipment , its structural characteristics and major technical difficulties were introduced . The structure and the optimum parameters of microwave vacuum drying chamber , microwave system and material inlet and outlet system were studied and confirmed .

  17. 真空热风干燥设备(VDH)的新进展

    New Development of Vacuum Drying Equipment with Hot Air , VDH

  18. ZDG-160食品真空冷冻干燥设备

    Zdg-160 vacuum freeze drying equipment for food

  19. 本文以VDH型真空热风干燥设备为核心。着重论述了该设备的结构特点、主要技术性能、干燥机理以及用户评价。

    On the center of vacuum drying equipment with hot air , VDH , the structure , main technical specification , drying mechanism of the equipment and the customer value are emphatically described in the paper .

  20. 微波真空干燥试验设备自动化监测系统的研究

    Research on Experimental Equipment of Microwave Vacuum Drying and Its Auto-monitoring System

  21. 喷射式真空冷冻干燥设备的单片机控制

    Steam jetting vacuum freeze drying equipment and its computer control

  22. 关于《食品真空冷冻干燥设备》标准的探讨

    Discussion of criterion onthe vacuum freeze-drying equipment for food

  23. 真空冷冻干燥设备的真空测量

    Vacuum Measurement of Vacuum Plant for Freeze Drying

  24. 真空冷冻干燥设备的先进控制系统

    Advanced Control System of Vacuum Freeze Drying Equipment

  25. 真空冷冻干燥设备中变频真空机组的节能分析

    Analysis of energy conservation on vacuum unit using inverter used in the freeze-drying equipment

  26. 介绍了ZDG-160食品真空冷冻干燥设备及其自动控制系统。

    This paper introduced ZDG-160 vacuum freeze drying equipment for food and its automatic control system .

  27. 真空冷冻干燥设备的分析和黄瓜真空冷冻干燥工艺的实验研究

    Analyze the Equipment of Vacuum Freeze-drying and Research Vacuum Freeze-drying Technics of the Cucumber by the Experiment

  28. 用高压静电干燥设备与真空冷冻干燥设备对特异性免疫初乳乳清及其浓缩物进行了同步干燥实验。

    Colostrum and concentrated colostrum whey of specific immune milk dried by high voltage electrostatic dryer and vacuum freeze dryer .

  29. 连续式冻干设备近年来,国内外开始探索和使用连续式真空冷冻干燥设备。

    The continuous freeze-drying equipment at home and abroad in recent years , begin to explore and use of continuous vacuum freeze drying equipment .

  30. 主要介绍了真空冷冻干燥设备能耗的概况及主要耗能系统,探讨了在设备能耗上可改进的领域和方法。

    This paper mainly presented the energy consumption and the consumption system of freezing dryer and found some ways to improve the consume condition for the equipment .